@6slyboy6 Alright, how about they all were exterminated, my species would be a race of feline's that found their planet and unearthed their ancient and highly advanced technologies, as well as the remains of enough of their species to rebuild the AI's to a small extent, like, maybe 30ish.
The AI's religion is based around an Android by the name of Solus who was the first to rebel against their masters. He supposedly left with a number of his disciples to find their masters homeworld and negotiate independance and peace, but never returned. He ended up on the Feline's homeworld where he died in a battle against the Masters and was buried there. At this point, the Felines were only just getting out of the Stone-Age. So, after finding the tomb and the stories of Solus, the great hero, they adopted the religion for themselves. Thousands of years later, when they finally evolved into a space faring race. they managed to find Solus' homeworld and, using the remnants of their technology, managed to evolve their own technology at an alarming rate. The EOM had simply destroyed the AI's and then scavenged what they could from the remains, whereas the Felines already had an intimate understanding of their language, as well as actually reactivating some of the AI's that weren't destroyed beyond repair.
Essentially, I love the idea of playing a race of a organics that adopted a religion created by robots.
The AI's religion is based around an Android by the name of Solus who was the first to rebel against their masters. He supposedly left with a number of his disciples to find their masters homeworld and negotiate independance and peace, but never returned. He ended up on the Feline's homeworld where he died in a battle against the Masters and was buried there. At this point, the Felines were only just getting out of the Stone-Age. So, after finding the tomb and the stories of Solus, the great hero, they adopted the religion for themselves. Thousands of years later, when they finally evolved into a space faring race. they managed to find Solus' homeworld and, using the remnants of their technology, managed to evolve their own technology at an alarming rate. The EOM had simply destroyed the AI's and then scavenged what they could from the remains, whereas the Felines already had an intimate understanding of their language, as well as actually reactivating some of the AI's that weren't destroyed beyond repair.
Essentially, I love the idea of playing a race of a organics that adopted a religion created by robots.