@Crow Ultimately, the Madoka Magika has done to the Magical Girl genre what Batman has done to the Comic industry. The character archetype that served as the deviation from the mainstream has now become the mainstream and the characters that were the mainstream have now become the deviation. But, they stil treat this as though it's a deviation, regardless of the fact that it's over-saturating the market at the moment.
And honestly... I never really saw the appeal of Madoka Magika. Especially since, for as much people claim "It's a mold-breaking show that redefines the genre" It sure does love to stick to the tropes of anime. I mean, out of 12 episodes, only the last 2 were of any real note and the twist was kinda predictable.
I'm not saying that I don't think it's good and that people shouldn't like it, I just saw it as a mediocre show that everyone went absolutely ape-shit for.