Cordo watched as the Y-Wings closed in on the Arquitens-Cruisers. "Reserve power to the engines, if we punch it we can sti-" at that point, her scope started to beep as 4 X-Wings closed in. "Break formation!" she commanded as a hail of blaster-fire attempted to shred them. Luckily, Bigdog and Rainmaker managed to break and quickly turned to begin their counter-attack. Cordo, on the otherhand was going to try and make it to those Y-Wings, even if she was planning to defect, she needed to at least convince the commanders that she was still on their side, otherwise she risked becoming top-priority target of both sides.
It was then that she saw a hail of blaster-bolts stream down in front of her. "Dammit, can't intercept the Y-Wings, moving to eliminate the X-Wings." she grunted into her comm
*Negative, intercept the first wave of bombers* replied the comm. By this point, she had already brought the fighter around and was screaming headlong towards the X-Wing. She took several shots at it, clipping one of the blaster cannons and leaving the X-Wing with only 3. It proceeded to fire back, but with a swift roll and maneuver, she had avoided it.
"I will not be able to intercept the first wave before they drop their payload. The second wave I can intercept and without having to worry about being shot down if I can down these 4 in the next 83 seconds." she replied as she rolled the craft again to scare the pilot of the X-Wing by bringing the hexagonal wingtip within inches of his Astromech that poked out the top. The comm seemed silent for a moment, Cordo using this moment to gain distance. She then saw the beeping of her scope again, this time to indicate that another X-Wing had just got a target-lock on her.
*Proceed* came the reply. They had learned first-hand that when she told them what she was doing, then she'd do it and succeed with flying colours. Inside the cock-pit, the pilot of the X-Wing smirked as he bagged his first kill of the day... Or so he thought. Cordo, in the cockpit flicked a few switches to quickly shut off her port engine. With the amount of power her starboard engine was putting out to keep her at the immense speed she was at, the craft span turning it around like a top. She judged the spin of the craft and a single shot from the laser-cannon lanced out. The bewildered X-Wing pilot had no idea what was happening, until one of his engines was hit and exploded. He had had his Deflectors in his rear-arc to keep any of her wing-men off him and now that had cost him his ship's manoeuvrability. The pilot sent out a message as he saw her regain control of the TIE with relative ease.
"My Port-Ventral engine is dead. This crazy pilot just pulled a stunt I've never even thought of before... We're dealing with an Ace. Pulling out." The pilot knew that his R2 would only be able to keep his fuel from going to the damaged engine for so long, if that ignited he'd be done-for, and with only 3 working engines and an un-uniform thrust, he wasn't going to be any more use out here.
Cordo, on the otherhand couldn't help but laugh as she watched the Pilot limp off. "Better luck next time." she said, before beginning to make an attack run on the second wave of Y-Wings, since 1 X-Wing had bugged out, another was missing one of it's cannons and the other 2 were tied up by Bigdog and Rainmaker. "TP-319 moving to Intercept the second wave." she said, as her Fighter sceamed towards the next wave. She'd have to be careful, as slow as they were, their blasters were more than enough to turn her fighter into a lump of scrap in less than a second. Plus the Ion Turrets and their payload of torpedoes. She approached fast before dodging an incoming stream of Ion Cannon fire. Rolling, she set herself up for the next run at them.
In an instant, the ship burst from Attack speed into Full-Throttle, approaching the Y-Wings at over 1.5x the Y-Wings max-speed, the craft rolled so that it could approach the Y-Wing's ventrally, the TIE gave a burst of cannon-fire against the 3 of them. Not enough to penetrate their shields, but enough to give the pilots something to worry about. She then opened a comm-channel to the Rebels "Rebel Squadron, this is Lieutenant Cordo Monnassas of the 493rd TIE Fighter Company, Leader of Obsidian Squadron. Stand down and leniency shall be shown. Refuse and i'm going to have to do something that I have been wanting to do for quite some time." she said. Of course, with her nature, the commander back on the Gozanti knew (or thought they knew) that she meant stop toying with them and blow them out of the sky. She had no such plans in mind.