Name: Gideon Daemonslayer
Gender: Male
Homeworld: The Planet Falken, with a climate very similar to Terra's, though it's slightly colder on average. There's many forests, glens, highlands, lowlands, and grasslands, though very little in the way of heated deserts or tropical jungles.
It's home to a fair sized population of a few million humans living in a Feudal society, though it is also populated by Savage Orks, huge animals, and is often visited by Chaos incursions, summoned by 'witch cults' that are often formed in the dense forests.
Alignment: Loyalist
Fate: Basically what becomes of them. Do they die in the events of the heresy? Do they live on to see the rebuilding of the Imperium/start of the long war? Where and why do they fuck off to in the search of object X for reason Y that all primarchs seem to love to do. This is more of a "predetermined destiny" but it can still change so take it with a grain of salt.
What does your demigod look like? Describe them out of armor in text unless you can find a picture that fits. You may also describe their power armor and their regalia. Remember that no matter male or female, Primarchs are usually a solid 11 feet tall and muscular.
Wargear: Banisher: A Crucifix Powersword with an 8 foot blade that crackles with energy. It carves through Daemonflesh and Tank armor with equal ease.
Skills: Anything special about your Primarch in terms of abilities? Anything they really excel at or any mutations that might grant them some ability? This is also where you would write down you Primarch's psychic level; even if they have none just write "none". Again, these should remain reasonable.
Personality: Gideon Daemonslayer is uncompromising and unyielding. His powerful faith his only matched by his powerful form, and he takes oaths and creeds very seriously. Safeguarding the citizens of the Imperium is a must, and he is surprisingly gentle with the average citizen, preferring to teach them and speak to them as fellows rather than inferiors. However, he expects every marine under his vigil to be held to a standard. He is the bane of Daemons, the Slaughterer of Orks, and Protector of the Holy Imperium. He does not boast in combat, but he does enjoy battle cries. Oaths to be sworn in the middle of war. He sees the constant fighting of the Daemons and Xenos to be a never ending Crusade that can only be satiated through the blood of his enemies.
He dislikes disloyalty, cowardice, dishonesty, and deceit. The petty politician or corrupted citizenry can be just as much of a danger to the Imperium as the Ork WAAAGH! He shows no mercy to those who dare betray the values of the Imperium. While he tries to encourage the average trooper to fight harder, if he cannot sway them in the end, he will denounce them once he loses his patience and call them an infidel and traitor.
History: Gideon was found by a minor Noble whom had been recently Knighted, amid the center of a great battlefield. To save the child from the carrion birds and the monsters, he took him home and named the child Gideon, which meant 'Born of Battle' in the native Falken language.
The humans on Falken lived in various fractured human kingdoms that were only allied through trade and mutual benefit of survival against the monsters of the world.
Within four years, Gideon had not only begun to learn how to ride the horse and slay with the sword, but he had begun to weigh in on battle tactics, and had learned to make his own saddle.
He was not the son of his father's wife, that could not be disproved. So the 'bastard' son grew up among fighting men, as well as the peasantry. It was the way of the world. He did spend much time in the local Temple however, among the faith of the 'Light.' For it was the very foundation of what it meant to be a Knight.
At the age of 13, he rode into battle with his father against the largest Ork horde they had seen in a hundred years. Gideon's father was slain by the Warlord, and Gideon in turn slayed the Warlord.
Little did they know, the Ork incursion had been planned by the cultists that lived in the cursed woods on Falken, and the blood of the slain gave rise to a demon horde that scattered what remained of the human army.
Gideon personally re-united them by slaying the largest Demon that was summoned after receiving a vision of what he would later find out would be his true father, the Emperor. He hacked through the lesser Demons through sheer will and a glowing holy power none had seen, despite his many, many injuries.
The Humans drove off the remainder of the Demon horde, marveled by Gideon's splendor and prowess. Instead of accepting land and titles, Gideon helped take care of the injured soldiers and then began to pick up the shattered remains of his father's house.
Soon, he called a council of all of the Human Kings, and told them they needed to unite through all of the world if they were to survive the next catastrophe. When many refused based off of petty pride (and some, corruption), he set his army to conquering all that opposed the idea, uniting the world of Falken through various 'crusades' by the time Gideon was 27. His various accomplishments included giving him the title Kingslayer, Ogrebane, Orkblight, and even Dragonslayer. By the age of 28, he was the head of the Church of the Light.
Relations: Gideon Daemonslayer is devoted to his father, whom he reveres as bringing justice to all humanity, keeping it pure from Xenos and Chaos.