Character Name: Cordo Monnassas
Age: 29
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Rank: Lieutenant
Role: Pilot
Unit: Currently, 493rd TIE Fighter Company, Leader of Obsidian Squadron
Skills:Ace pilot (Though not as talented as someone like the great Baron Fel, Cordo is a pilot who surpasses 90% of the Empires pilots and is somewhat infamous among the pilots who passed out of the Imperial Academy on Corulag as one of the best and brightest. Able to make a TIE Fighter dance in ways most have never seen before, she is one of the few pilots to receive a perfect score on her final test.)
Speeder/Starfighterr Engineering (Working on the speeders at her fathers shop, she grew up with mechanics, learning how to build and fix engines and the like. In the Academy, she took a course in Starfighter Engineering. She knows how to maintain and repair most Starfighters and Speeders.)
Strong Bones (One thing that all pilots have to have in order to become truly great are strong bones. The rigours of Piloting are especially strong within an atmosphere where you have to worry about G-forces trying to turn you inside out. Cordo's bones have hardened to the point where she can perform intricate in-atmosphere maneuvers with a shuttle without having to worry about what it will do to her insides)
Weaknesses:Slow runner (When it comes to running, she is not the most spry person, considering that she has to spend most of her time in a sat-down position. Although her muscles are strong from the ridiculous amount of work and moving that she has to do, this doesn't translate to her ability to run)
Substandard field-experience. (Naturally, having gone through the Corulag Academy, she has learned how to fight from the Empire, including Stormtrooper target-practice. Unfortunately, it's been over 10 years since then and her ability to shoot was only just high enough when she passed.)
Ego (Cordo is the best. She was told to be the best, trained to be the best and for ages, it has been reinforced that she is the best. Following orders has always been a little difficult for her as she has always found that, indeed, she does know better than almost everyone giving those orders. When given an order to hit a specific target, if she thinks that there is a better target or a better way of hitting that target, you'd better believe that she will take it. Why do you think she never got into the big leagues in the Empire?)
Equipment:EC-17 BlasTech Scout PistolTIE Pilot SuitHistory: Born on Corulag, Corda was the daughter of a Mechanic who was notoriously good with speeders. After the outlawing of Podracing in the Empire, Speeder-racing became far more popular and expensive, many of the best teams on Corulag would hire him to fix or upgrade their vehicles. Corda's mother died early on and her father disappeared into his work, by the age of 5, she was helping him in the shop, because it was one of the few times of the day that she got to spend with him.
Soon, she was actually growing into quite a fine young mechanic, ok, she was just fetching him tools, but by the age of 7, she was able to name almost every tool in the shop and tell you what it was for. Sure, he'd let her fix the odd piece of machinery, generally superfluous things, but he finally gave her her first shot at the age of 13. Assembling an engine block on a little old ladies speeder that she just took to the shops and back. She proved that she could do it and soon, she was allowed to work with him on bigger and bigger projects. of course, when she was 16, she got tired of just fixing the speeders and started racing them. Sneaking out the ones that they had been payed to fix and racing them on the streets for credits. She was actually a natural born racer, able to make those speeders dance across the air like no mans business, it helped that she was in a proper race-car, but it took quite the pilot to be able to do that. When her father found out, he was furious and banned her from the garage.
It was at this time that she saw the call going out for pilots for the Empire. She filled out the application form and, after a long argument with her father about it, she joined the Academy. Her natural piloting abilities showed themselves quickly and by the end of training she was not only a fully certified Star Fighter Maintainance Technician, but also a pilot. Joining the 493rd TIE Fighter company, she quickly advanced advanced to leader of her squadron... And although there was some who argued her to be as good as the great Baron Fel (People who had never actually seen exactly how much better he was) she stayed where she was. Turned out that she had a problem with authority, turned out that an even bigger problem was that she was too good for the 493rd to reprimand in serious capacity without removing her from their ranks and she was making quite the name for them.
For the last 10 years, she has fought in a lot of major engagements with Rebels, although, only in the last 2 has she had to worry about the Alliance. One of her most notable battles was during the second Battle of Yavin, shortly after the Broadcast of Lothal shook the galaxy. A resistance cell on Kuan made themselves known, stealing a number of Imperial fighters and a Light Cruiser, attempting to make off with it. During the attack, Corda managed to shoot down 3 Rebels in TIE Fighters, their illegally modified Freighter as well as disabling the cruisers engines. In recent months, she has been relegated to patrol duty with the rest of her fleet. It was during this that she was forced by her superiors to destroy a civilian transport, as well as follow that transport back to the settlement and had to watch as her squadron burned it to the ground.
She was a pilot, a woman of honour. She would quite happily shoot down and destroy enemy combatants all day long, but never had she signed onto slaughtering civilians. Not only is she getting off this ride here, but she is going to fight to stop the Empire from doing further atrocities... And maybe, one day, get that match that she has always dreamed of, a dogfight with the great Baron Fel.
Supporting Cast: Since I was hoping that she would be able to join Mynock Squad, i'm not sure if i'm supposed to just add what's in the Mynock Squad box to here or what?