Avatar of mattmanganon


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Most Recent Posts

Currently waiting for @Sundered Echo to post as the Y-Wings before I post again. I'd hate to drop an attack on him without him getting the chance to post.
@Demon Shinobi If the position of Zordon is open, I would love to fill that.
@Sep Ok, so apparently I do have Discord, because I have a registered Email address and everything... That's really weird. Anyway, apparently, my username is same as it is on here so feel free to add me to whatever group system it uses. This is gonna take a while to get used to...
@Sep I think the obvious answer is no, as I don't even know what Discord is.
See, now i'm stuck in a quandry of which Fighter group i'd like to join:

A-Wings are unmanned at the moment and would give me the most freedom of character creation
X-Wings are the ones that she, in character, would most want to use. They are the perfect blend of speed and firepower.
Y-Wings are my personal favourites. Always loved them.

What to do?
Well, it was more a case of the A-Wings and X-Wings being launched first. I was going to add the Y-Wings being launched in the next post. Although, now that I think about it, it would make more sense to tack that onto the end of my current post.
Sorry. Didn't notice that part. It was a case of "I thought they said launch from hangar, but a Nebulon doesn't have enough hangar space to carry 3 squadrons of Fighters" I'll go edit that.
Cordo sat aboard one of the Gozanti's. She sighed as she rested her chin on her hand and her elbow on her knee. Jassie Morgana "Bigdog" and Temekra Yunasi "Rainmaker" were 2 of her squadron-mates, they sat across the room from her, playing Dejarik. Bigdog smiled as one of his pieces stomped across and smashed another ones head in, Rainmaker smiled as well "Exactly what I wanted." he smiled as another walked around and headbutted Bigdog's piece into oblivion.

"WHAT? DO-OVER!" he called.

"No takesies-backsies" Rainmaker laughed. Cordo looked over at her last pilot Jason "Fodder" Bulrigard was reading a book.

"Any good?" Cordo called to him. Fodder looked up.

"Oh yes, it's abou-" at that point, an alarm went off.

"TP-319, TP-527, to your fighters." a voice came "We have a cruiser in need of escort for the governor" Cordo and Fodder both sighed as he put his book down and set off at a run.

"Sucks to be you." Bigdog smiled. "Anyway, rematch. You cheated." ignoring the situation, he went back to chastising his wingman.

"Great, one of the Empire's foremost Fighter pilots and they have me playing nursemaid to some nutjob with a Clone-Wars fetish." She ran towards her fighter, grabbing her helmet on the way past. She ran over to a hatch that led down to the TIE Fighter. She clasped her helmet on and pressed several buttons, opening the hatch, before climbing into the small chute. It was about a 2 meters wide and 7 meters in length, heading down to the Fighters cockpit. As she reached the bottom, she pressed several buttons on the side of the chute. A few seconds later, there was a woosh sound as all of the oxygen was drained. TIE Fighters lacked life-support units, so her suit was the only thing that kept her breathing. Although she hated the mask over her eyes. Everyone knows you can survive in space, so long as you have air, a simple mouth-nose piece would do. She suspected it was something to make her look more intimidating, which made even less sense, since enemy pilots wouldn't get to see her, unless they were literally just about to crash... At which point, it didn't matter what she looked like, that pilot would be bricking his space-suit as they were both about to die horribly. The hatch then opened and she climbed down. Quickly performing the boot-up sequence, she was so used to it, that she didn't even know how to explain to someone how to do it, it was just instinctive. A second later, the craft jerked as it shot off through space. She gave the fighter a little twirl and formed up with Fodder.

"Maybe it's because you don't do as you are asked. I mean, that stunt back on Larrikar VIII-"

"I wasn't going to kill Civs. We're pilots, not murderers. I'll shoot down combatants all day, every day. Hell, i'll shoot you down if ordered. But i'm not going to just slaughter people who's only crime was living close to a traitor."

"I'd knock that off... Sounds like that Rebel propaganda. I mean, that nonsense from Lothal was just some punks looking for attention. I mean, all that "Look what the empire's done to your families" stuff. Empire's done wonders for me and my folks. And you are lucky they slapped you with guard duty." She heard over the comm.

"Well, they weren't going to execute me, i make my superiors look too good for that." she laughed.

"Cut the chatter" Came a message from the Gozanti. Cordo looked out of her window. An old Nebulon-B. Nice looking ships, nothing compared to the Imperial-Class she was used to serving on, but it was still a looker.

"Copy. Beginning Operation." she said. "Alright, Fodder, by the numbers." She watched as a second pair of fighters formed up with one of the LAAT's, whilst she and Fodder began to form up on the other. "LAAT, follow the flight path to the main hangar." she said. She then got the response of acknowledgement. She couldn't wait for this to be over. She was still trying to find a way to get in touch with the Rebellion and she couldn't do so in the ass-end of no-where. As they approached the hangar, Cordo and Fodder broke off their escort. "Operation complete, returning to mothership." she replied. They then began to return to the Gozanti. Just as they had arrived, is when the alarms started to go off.


"Well, looks like its time for me to show them just why they keep me around." Cordo laughed. Nebulon's had heavy shielding, but with no fighter support, they would quickly find themselves-

"Incoming enemy fighters, A-wing Interceptors and X-Wing Assault Fighters at 35194.1" Cordo looked out to see several fighter had just exitted from the hangar of the Nebulon and were moving to take defensive positions

"Now, that's more like it." she replied. "This is TP-319, moving to engage the Interceptors, Fodder, form up on me, Classic attack tunnel"

"Didn't training say that only work if there's at least 8 of us?" Fodder asked.

"Yeah, but the Rebels don't know that." she laughed. The Attack Tunnels was a move used by TIE Fighters, Performed by flying parallel to a fighters course, then, pulling up. It was a strategy that often claimed the lives of inexperienced pilots, when they instinctively pulled up to dodge out of the way of the coming attack, only to fly straight into a hail of blaster-fire. As they flew towards the A-Wings, they lined up for the maneuver. The A-Wings were small and fast, but they lacked any real shielding. Unlike something like an X-Wing that could take a few hits, the A-Wings that broke formation were more likely to be crippled. As they came to the point of passing, Cordo called "Break and open fire!" one of the A-Wings fell for it, breaking off in an attempt to dodge out of the TIE's way, for Cordo, this was an easy shot... But if she wanted to defect and join them, this was her opportunity. Time seemed to freeze as her mind sped at light-speed trying to come to a decision. She instinctively pulled the trigger, but managed to correct herself and pull to the left with her shot and fired, the green flashes sped right by the A-Wing and scorched the paintwork, but the rookie was otherwise unharmed.

Luckily, Fodder hadn't seen a thing. As Cordo came round for another pass, she saw 4 more TIE's joining as Mynock Squadron engaged her. "Pick your targets and open fire." she ordered. She saw the rookie from earlier and began pursuit of his A-Wing. At this point, her piloting skills were instinctively taking over as her conscious mind tried to wrestle with what she had to do. Plans quickly being formulated and even more quickly being rejected. This was her golden opportunity that she couldn't pass up, but at the same time, the longer she waited, the more likely she was to be spotted not actually engaging them with any real effort.

"All fighters, the frigate has now launched Y-Wing Figher-Bombers, keep them away from the Gozanti's and the Endurance, we must ensure the Governors escape."

Cordo let out a breath of relief. she fired 3 more shots to scrape more paint off the A-Wing and, hopefully scare him a little, before breaking off and making a run at the Bombers. Those Y-Wings were tricky, but they had the one fatal weakness of their unprotected underbellies. The TIE went into a nose-dive before heading towards the Y-Wings from low. "Fodder, take care of those A-Wings, i'll meet up with Bigdog and Rainmaker and take care of those Y-Wings."
@Sep It's a joke. not a COMPLETE idiot as some parts are not there for me to be complete. I'm an incomplete idiot
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