I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
Sorry about that, been super busy the last few days cleaning out the shop I work in. My days consisted of "Get up at 8am, go out the door, work all day, come home at 10pm, collapse into bed, redo from start" Anyway, I will get going on an opening post.
@ClocktowerEchos I was wondering, since I kinda wanted to have a mix of Male and Female Space Marines in my Legion, would it be ok to make Twin (not identical) Primarchs, like Alpharius and Omegon?
Homeworld: Maximilian's Hope Maximilians Hope is a planet that went through many names. Before the Age of Darkness, it was known as Maerani. After it was cut off from Terra by the warp storms, it became known as Dust. As soon as Maximilian took over, he renamed it once again to Maximilian's Hope.
Alignment: Loyalist. Very close to The Emperor, closer than many of the others. To begin with, he saw The Emperor as a means to an end, simply a big golden man that gave him an invincible army, but as time has gone on, his father is convinced that he can mold Maximilian into a poster-child of the Imperium.
Appearance: Like all of his brothers, Maximilian is almost 10 feet tall, he has shoulder-length brown hair and a stubble beard. His armour is a beige colour, to better suit the desert planet that he grew up on. His armour is adorned with trophies from his kills, each shoulder pad has a chain adorned with about 50 human finger-bones each.
Armour of Dust: A suit of Artificer Armour created by the Emperor's personal Artificiers. This suit was then customized by the Techmarines of the Storm Raiders to better suit Maximilian's fighting style. The suit is covered in small tricks and weapons. Including a Missile-pod on one shoulder (Containing 4 Krak missiles) and a bright pop-up lamp on the other (Can flash several, extremely bright colours, designed to blind enemies) Both hands have Digital Weapons built into them and his boots each conceal a Power Dagger, one wrist has a Volkite Charger built into it, whilst the other is where he keeps his Shield. Maximillian's "Make Everything A Weapon" philosophy is displayed well in this armour.
Spear of Hope: A Guandao, large enough to be weilded by even a Primarch, it was originally the spear held by his tribes leader, but it was shattered against The Emperor's armour, when he first arrived on Dust. The Spear was taken and reforged by the Techmarines of his legion, made longer, the head reforged with the assistance of the Storm-Witches, who carved protective runes into it. The spear is said to hold the breath of the Storm Witches and that, in Humanities darkest hour, it will light the way to victory. Even with as big as it is, he can still weild it 1-handed.
The Rockatan Sky: A Master-Crafted Power Sword. It was created when insane monks found the remainder of Maximillian's Pod and used the strange metals to forge "A Sword for a Warrior of Heaven's Road." The sword has the words "Via Bellator" carved into it.
Master Crafted Storm Shield.
Maximillian, like most of his brothers, possesses at least a minor Pysker potential, being a close clone of The Emperor. Although, his Psyker potential isn't enough to manifest itself as a weapon (Much to his Chagrin) he is able to sense when his brothers, sisters and father are nearby and able to more easily resist the Psyker Powers than the average human.
Personality: Maximilian, at the moment, is loud, brutish, unsubtle around his brothers/sisters and completely full of himself. Having been treated like a king for most of his early life, it's difficult for him to adapt to the fact that he not only has equals, but superiors. Maximilian believes in making every part of the battlefield a weapaon, a strategy that has served him well. His father has been trying to teach him humility, lessons which are being learned, albeit slowly. Maximilian also likes to take a trophy from every fight, his armour is adorned with the finger bones of all of the warlords who opposed him in his conquest of Dust and his throne-room on the planets capital is adorned by the skulls of the leaders of each Xenos race he has personally overseen the genocide of. He is quick to anger and often finds himself at odds with his brothers and sisters, but do not think him a fool. One does not become the ruler of a planet through brute strength alone and 2 of his brothers/sisters have already learned the hard way that the Primarchs and their legions are not invincible.
History: Like all of the Primarchs, he was conceived in The Emperor's secret lab in the Himalaya's. When the Dark Gods scattered the 20 children across the galaxy, he was thrown to a planet that they thought he would surely perish on. On Dust, his pod was discovered by one of the many women of the HandCutter tribe under the Warlord "Joseph "HandCutter" Jorrengar" When he was brought back to the tribe, Joseph took the baby and held him upside-down by the leg, staring into his eyes. He could see strength in the babies eyes... A strength he could use. He took the baby as his son, raising him as a warrior. By the time he was 5 years old, he was strong enough and skilled enough to kill a veteran warrior. When he was 10, he led his first raid on another village, slaughtering their warriors and taking their valuables and women as trophies for his father.
Whilst growing up, he had become close friends with a girl by the name of Kaiton Banel, she was taken away by the Storm-Witches when she was 10 and made to learn the ways of Geomancy and Tempesta. It was during this time that he was given a bodyguard, Marcos Lunain a stern man, but physically imposing and a tactical genius. However, by the time Maximilian was 17, he was far larger than Marcos, regardless, he still valued Marcos as a close friend. When he was 18, Maximilian was blessed with the birth of a sister.
Alia Jorrengar: Adopted Sister. Alia was born shortly before Maximilian killed their father for control of the tribe, ever since then, he has treated her as a younger sister. Even when she was young, she was a psyker, even if not a powerful one. Her powers manifest from the Telepathy disciplines and allow her to read minds and turn invisible at will. After the coming of The Emperor, she was thrust into the legion as Maximilian's personal attache and psyker. However, after several battles, she decided that warfare wasn't for her.
Legion Name: Storm Raiders
Legion Number: Legion XII
Legion Strength: 160,000 Space Marines (100,000,000 human auxilliaries in the Imperial Armies under their command)
Grand Stormwitch Kaiton Banel: Banel is the leader of the Storm Witches, born on Dust, she grew up with Maximilian. When she came of age, she was taken by the village elders and trained as a Stormwitch, taught to control the harsh weathers and perfect the contours of the ground to make attacks on their enemies easier. She was extraordinarily powerful and by the age of 16, was able to, quite literally, move mountains with her mind and tame the very weather itself. When Maximilian took control of the village, she and Marcos stood with him, ensuring the loyalty of the warriors under his command. When the Emperor came, she was one of the first of his warriors to undergo bionic enhancements to allow her to keep up with the harsh tasks required of members of the Legion. Having mastery of the Geomancy and Tempesta Disciplines, she is one of the deadliest warriors in the Storm Raiders, as well as agreed by many in the Legion, to be one of the deadliest warriors in the Imperium as a whole. In battle, she weilds a Force Staff and Force Sword, wearing Artificer Armour and riding into battle astride a Jetbike.
Grand Castellan Marcos Lunain: A human and formerly Maximilian's right-hand, during their days on the homeworld, before the Emperor's arrival. Back then, he served as one of Maximilian's Advisors, as well as his bodyguard. Marcos is an amazing combatant and a very skilled tactician. With the coming of the Emperor and the realization that Maximilian would need a First Captain, Marcos was the Primarch's first choice. Unfortunately, gene-testing proved that he was biologically incapable of being implanted with Gene-seed. Though he could not become a part of the Storm Raiders, Maximilian nonetheless granted him supreme command of all of the combined Imperial Armies under the legions command, as well as the command rights that a Company Captain of the Legion enjoys, though he very rarely flexes these rights. Over the years, he has lost many parts of his body to the cause, including an eye, both arms and legs. He is now mostly bionic, but continues to fight the good fight, as he has undergone extreme Genetic rejuvenation therapy, allowing him to keep fighting, long into his 200's. He is 6'2, has long flowing white hair and a long silver beard. In combat, he wears Power Armour, wields a giant Power Maul and a Tower-Shield. He may be old and only human, but he is still viciously loyal to the Primarch and still considers himself to be the Primarch's chief Bodyguard and protector, he would willingly throw himself at any danger that he believes could harm the Primarch.
Second Captain Barrion Matthew's: Matthew's is a Terran-born Space Marine and former First Captain of the Storm Raider's, being the leader off the entire Legion before they found their Primarch. One of the first to ship out with Legion XII when they began their quest to find their lost Primarch. Barrion quickly earned a name for himself as one of the most competant commanders in all 20 legions. It was his heroics at the Battle of Baten Canyon that earned him a special commendation from His Majesty, He charged across a clear mile of no-mans-land to get to an Anti-Aircraft gun emplacement to shoot down a craft that was attempting to flee the battle-zone and carry the enemy leaders with it. It was his actions that brought the matter to a speedy close. As time has worn on, his number of commendations has grown, whilst his number of in-tact body-parts has shrank to the point where he is missing his jaw, both of his eyes and one of his legs, all replaced with cybornetics. In combat, he utilizes a Jump Pack, Power Sword and Power Fist with inbuilt Volkite Pistol.
Grand Techmarine Jenusas Lieftig: Lieftig was born on Mars, raised by the Techpriests and, eventually, taken into Legion XII when one of their ships was picking up a contingent of Fellblade tanks. He is rather young, but his knowledge and affinity to the Machine Spirits cannot be matched by any else in the Legion. Jenasus has proven his ability to get the best out of the vehicles under his command on many battlefields, leading the successful Tank Campaign against the Yotramba species and personally overseeing their Genocide. He has also been one of the few Techmarines that has been allowed to assist in the repair of an Imperator-Class War-Titan
Tactics/Roles: Maximilian has taught his legion to fight the way he was taught to. Move fast, hit hard and always make sure that the battlefield has the more benefits for you than your opponent. Each battlegroup will always be accompanied by multiple psykers, usually a Stormwitch and a pair of Librarians. Stormwitches are unique beings, born only on Maximilain's Hope and only ever female (Although, there are female psykers that are born on the planet that aren't Stormwitches.) The Stormwitches are powerful Geomancers and Tempesta's, giving them amazing control over the battlefield, changing the shape and weather to suit their needs. Each Librarian will manifest a different psyker ability, usually Biomancy and Divination, in order to be able to predict enemy strategy and then overpower them enemy with sheer speed and brute force, whilst the Stormwitch focusses on bending and shaping the battlefield and the weather to best suit the Storm Raider's battle strategy.
As fast attack specialists, they make surprisingly little use of Land Speeders, as they deem them far too fragile for their battle tactics, they dislike any vehicle that will easily be destroyed in a hail of boltgun fire. They instead developed the "Hope-Pattern" Land Speeder that sacrifices some of its speed for much heavier armour plating. Their first wave of Motorbikes and fast moving tanks to smash through their enemies lines before delivering their deadly payload and get away. Then, before the enemy can regroup their forces, the second wave of heavier vehicles, Drop Pods, aircraft and Jetbikes descend upon them and destroy whatever remains.
Traits/Ideology: Wherever the Storm Raiders go, they are usually accompanied by their Imperial Armies. Each Army is headed by a Castellan, who is allowed to orginize their army in whichever way they see fit, although all must be approved by the Primarch before they are allowed into combat. The Storm Raiders are brutish and violent, but well organized. Any army acting out of place could put an entire battle in jeopardy and that is something that Maximilian will never stand for.
As with most every Legion, the Storm Raiders have a council of the Primarch's most trusted advisors. This is known as "The Drumhead" which is a council of the Grand commanders of the Legion and it's command structure. The seats on The Drumhead are each represented by a circle of the commanders within the Storm Raiders structure. These include the Praetorian Circle (Each Chapter's commander), Castellan Circle (Each Castellan), Admiralty Circle (The Fleet's admiralty), Titanicus Cicle (The Titan Legions), The Stormwitch Circle, The Librarius Cicle (The Librarians) and others. Each Circle has a Grand (Grand Castellan, Grand Admiral, Grand Praetor, etc.) who sits on the council and relays the decisions as agreed by each cicle, although, since each Drumhead meeting is held in secrecy, the Circles have no way of forcing the Grand to abide by the Circles decision and merely relay their own opinion. This is because each Grand is appointed by the Primarch as the one he has the most faith in to make the best decision.
Not done with Max yet, but this is the rough basis of the Legion itself. Just posting it up so I don't lose it.
As a question, who's going to be playing Big E himself? It's just that, I was hoping to develop my Primarch to closely interact with The Emperor. Essentially, I wanted him to start out as a brutish, kill-happy, rebel against authority. Typically, the kind of Primarch that would typically fall to Chaos in this situation.
Anyway, I like the idea of playing a brutish primarch that The Emperor decides that he is going to sculpt into a proper son that he can be proud of... And succeeds. I was planning on my Primarch eventually progressing to the point where he could be compared to the Rogal Dorn of this universe.
So very in for this. This time, I promise not to be a complete anus. I still have that sheet for the last Grimm Crusade (The Mad Max-style sheet, the one that didn't seem to bring everyone's piss to a boil.)
@Sep I am an actual fucking certifiable idiot... I apologize, I missed that part, but there it was, plain as day. I'm really sorry about this, i'll go edit it.