Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Of course. I already have future characters planned out already. If you want to post them, that might inspire others :)
@Ruby@Americore Waiting for you two. I'd rather not start without you. So, i'll give you till Sunday, then i'm afraid we'll have to start without you.
So, before we get going. I am going to ask which universes you would like us to head to during the course of the RP and which universe you'd like us to start off on?

For our first mission. I was thinking we keep it simple. Rather than an alternate universe, it's simply back in time along the 616 timeline. It's June 6th 1944, D-Day. Due to problems with the timeline, Steve Rogers is about to be killed, I thought this would be a nice one to start people on, especially @RumikoOhara since she gets to have Emily meet her Uncle and gives everyone the chance to beat up some Nazi's and who doesn't love that?

Well, some information on his home universe would be nice.
Something has happened.

Something has gone wrong or right when it wasn't supposed to.

Time is messed up.

But who are you gonna call? Because the Ghostbusters sure as hell can't help here.

When things like this happen, the universe finds a way.

My name is of no importance, so simply call me "Timebroker". You are here, because we need you. Because time itself needs you to help restore things that once went wrong. Now, i'm not going to lie to you. You will be helping to save universes, you will also be helping to destroy them, but it is all for the greater good, for what is creation, without destruction? The important thing is that you are going to perform wonders beyond your imagination... Or would you rather I try to send you back to that decaying timeline you came from? I doubt you, or your home would survive the attempt. You need to understand that you are all here for a very specific purpose. Until that purpose is completed, you have no way to go home. You have no home. You are Exiles from time. So, what do you say?


Welcome to Exiles, an RP based off the comic series of the same name. You will be playing a character from the Marvel universe, whether canon, reimagining or OC, who will be travelling across many different universes within the Marvel multiverse to put right something that has gone wrong within the universe, the only thing to guide you will be the Time Broker giving you information through a special piece of equipment called a Tallus, which is also the device that allows you to cross universal barriers, but not at will.

Also, much like with Exiles the comic, don't be afraid to come up with multiple characters. After all, people were joining and leaving the team constantly, so if you grow tired of your current character, don't be afraid to retire them in favour of a new one.
@TheUnknowable Alright, post made, feel free to engage at will. Probably best to meet them as they arrive back at their ship.

It's a Civilian version of the Consular-class.
Inuel and Renny sat in a cantina in CoCo Town, a district of commerce within Coruscant. Inuel was nursing a Juma, whilst Renny was tinkering with something on the table. Inuel stared at the loose wires and screws, whilst his young slave's nimble hands danced across it to try and get the device working. "Just give up, that hunk of junk will never work." Inuel grunted.

"Says you, beaky." Renny replied as he grabbed the back of the device and stuck it back together. "Done!" he said, before turning over the device to reveal a datapad. he pushed the power button and waited... And waited... Until he slammed it back on the table.

"If you want a datapad, I'll buy you one." Inuel said, staring at him.

"1) I am not going to buy when I have a perfectly good one right here if I can just get the PIECE OF POODOO TO WORK!!!" he slammed it against the table again.

"You're shouting, and you found it in the trash, how do you know it's going to work again?" But Renny took no notice.

"And 2) with what money? We've got enough to feed us for a few weeks, if we buy nothing but food. Hell, that Juma's costing us a day's food. We're going to need a crapton of creds soon or we and Sleepy are sunk." he slammed his own head on the table.

"What can I say, War is bad for business... Unless you're a war profiteer." Inuel downed the rest of the drink and wiped his beak. "We need to get away from Civilization. I bet Korrsh will have work for us." he said.

"You don't get it, we don't have the fuel to get to Nar Shaadaa, we barely have enough fuel to get us to the Mid-rim."

"Well, we'll have to do the unthinkable, won't we?" he asked, staring into the cup to see if there was any drops he was missing.

"Get an honest job?" asked Renny. "Well don't look at me, i'm to young to work."

"Damn child labour laws." grunted Inuel. "Well Sleepy has a good tractor beam on her, we'll have to do Tug work." Renny threw his head back.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, but that's boring. Can't we just rob someone?" At that point, Renny's head was engulfed by the entirety of Inuels large hand.

"Do you want the cops investigating us?" he growled before leaning in close "Remember, they don't recognize slave contracts and I have no other legal rights to you." he whispered. "So, unless you want to wind up in Coruscants shittiest orphanage, you'll remember not to annoy the filth." Renny nodded underneath the giant hand. Luckily, they were in CoCo Town and almost nobody spoke basic, being a mostly non-humanoid district. He got up and began walking out, having already paid for the drink. "Come on, we'll get back to Sleepy and send our credentials to the Docking Authorities."
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