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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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@Burning Kitty Just read your post and I can think of a number of things wrong with the plan

Firstly, just a note, Hacking in Star Wars is called Slicing. Not a big deal, but something to know.

Secondly, Naast just approached the single most heavily fortified and defended building in The Republic in full Mando Battle-armour. The Senate Guard would have, more likely than not, already either killed or stunned the fuck out of him. One thing you need to learn about Star Wars is that named guards are some of the most OP badasses in the universe. The Senate Guard and Jedi Temple Guardians are unadulterated badasses who WILL tear him and his buddies to pieces. Each of them will be trained just as well as him and his buddies, difference is that there's more of them. Also, he admitted fully to murdering known Terrorists, as well as making terrorist threats himself, they are not going to just let him walk away. He is so getting stunned and brought in for questioning.

Essentially, this is how it should have gone:

"I am Mand'alor the Naast, the rightful ruler of Mandalore. I am here because you seek to send an occupation force to Mandalore. I am here to inform you, any occupation force will be treated as an invading army and slaughtered without mercy then we will come for you and eliminate you. Satine Kryze the false Dutchess of Mandalore may have no right to lead but she at least has enough intelligence to oppose this idiotic plan. Mandalorians will take care of Mandalorian problems. I have already killed Death Watch's leader. They are in disarray and those loyal to me are currently at war with the rest. You can not afford to fight two wars. So heed my warnings and fight the Confederacy only." After shoving his way past a Senate Guard, several immediately raised their blasters and fired a volley of stun-rounds into his back. The captain quickly approached and slapped binders on his unconscious wrists

"Call for back-up, we have a suspected terrorist in the area." he looked over at one of the others "Find out what ship he came in on and have it impounded, if he has compatriots, we'll need to make sure they don't get off-planet." the guard nodded, before getting on his comm-link. The captain then started stripping the suspect of any weapons he could identify "Call a wagon and get this one to the closest holding facility and contact the Jedi to send someone to help interrogate him, he may have information on Mandolorian Terrorist groups that could prove useful."
Burning Kitty
Sorry about the last few days, internet has been shoddy in my area, just kept giving me the "Cannot find DNS server" whenever I tried connecting to the site. I'll get to work on a post now.
Sorry about the last few days, internet has been shoddy in my area, just kept giving me the "Cannot find DNS server" whenever I tried connecting to the site. I'll get to work on a post now.
@Princess of God Well, I tried to stick to your series of events as well as I could. Also, you made him look rather silly in your posts. Did you realise that he would have a blaster? XD
Kiana saw the look of uncertainty in her eyes. She walked over to the wall and grabbed on of the Training Lightsabers before walking back and handing it to Manu. Meanwhile, Canderous switched his weapons to stun. Kiana then walked behind Manu and knelt down, whispering in her ear. "Be careful of him, he may look like just another soldier, but I have seen him tear his way through a Force user before." She then smiled at him as she surpressed the thoughts of their throws of passion, as she had been told that this one liked to pry at peoples thoughts. Rude, but understandable. Canderous had no idea what Kiana had said, but suspected it was something at his expense. "Don't take any of his moves lightly, what may seem like something simple may just be him tricking you into a more favourable position. He has learned to expect anything, as should you. Forget about boundaries, forget about what you think someone can and cannot do. When it gets down to life and death, you may find the latter in store for you, should you underestimate an opponent." Kiana walked over to the side of the room and allowed the two to face down each other.

"Alright, ready, squirt?" Canderous called to Manu.

"She is ready, Commander. Do not speak ill of her in my presence." Kiana replied.

"Yes, Ma'am." he grunted. As Kiana dropped her hand to indicate the duel starting, Canderous gripped his DC-15S in his hands and slowly walked forwards as Manu adopted a defensive posture. He slowly crept forwards, the gun raised to point at her, but he didn't fire. Finally, he got close enough that it became a case of who struck first lose. Were she to go in for a swing, he'd be able to pull the trigger and she'd not be able to block. If he pulled the trigger, she'd probably deflect the attack, then go for the attack.

However, the part of his arm that attacked, wasn't his gun, but an attempt to quickly end it by quickly lunging forward to try and hit her in the head with his elbow for a quick knock-out. She managed to dodge and jump behind him. She then seemed to set up a defensive posture to think about her next move. Kiana smiled. "Remember, Striking with anger is swift and powerful, but striking with calm concise and methodical." After a minute of her not doing much. "However, attacking with calm shouldn't take so long. In a real fight, Canderous would have already figured out how to get a blaster-bolt past that blade." she called. Manu was fortunate that Stun-rounds didn't ricochet like Live-rounds did. Canderous didn't take his eye or his gunbarrel off of her. As soon as she jumped onto his shoulders, he instictively dropped the gun and grabbed her by the shoulders, throwing her, just as she force-pushed, sending her into the rafters. He used the momentum from her force-push to roll backwards onto his feet, before pushing off for a forward roll to grab his gun. As he tried to get to his feet again, she force-pushed him onto his back, before she started to make sure he couldn't get up. In response, he lay on his back, firing several shots Stun shots at her.
@Princess of God Kinda jumped the gun on me by just immediately starting the fight. I was hoping for Kiana to give her some advice beforehand. I'm gonna post the stuff anyway. If you want to edit or just carry on, i'm fine with either.
It's be anything goes. Kiana said, she had seen how Many deals with an equally minded Jedi, but wants to know how she'd deal with a hardened veteran, who has dealt with force users before. Gotta remember, there's more than one way to deal with a Jedi.
@Princess of God you good putting Many against Canderous?
Kiana bowed to the woman as she left, keeping an eye on her. She turned around to her Padawan and adopted her stoic attitude. "Thank you for your patience and cooperation in the test." she said, before looking at the answer. She had found a peaceful solution, but neither party was entirely happy. That was ok, because as she had said before, the test was specifically designed to have no perfect answer, just a look into the mindset of the Padawan. "Come, I have other things I wish to learn from you, as have you things you must learn from me." she said to the Padawan. They began walking towards a testing room, on the way, Kiana was holding up a datapad and looking at items on it, asking her Padawan to tell her what they were. "Remember, do not "Think" the answer "Know" the answer. As Master Yoda once told me, do or do not, there is no try." she said as they walked, with Manu guessing them all correctly, at one point telling her one before it even showed up on the screen.

As they arrived at the training room, Canderous was just about to set up his patrol when Kiana stopped him. "No, you'll be helping us." she said to him. "Manu here will have faced many Jedi in her time, i'm curious how she will fair against an opponent with such a vastly different form of fighting." she said. "If that is acceptable to you, Manu." They walked into the room to reveal a rather that it was rather large. "Commander, you are allowed to use any weapon on a stun-setting." she said to him.

"Y... Yes ma'am." he replied. "Are you sure you want me to fight her?" he asked "I mean, she's only a kid."

"Commander, may I remind you that you are the same age as her." Kiana stated. Canderous opened his mouth, then shut it again as she was correct. Although physically in was in his mid-20's, he was, in actuality, only 12 years old.
@Duthguy Awesome. Hope you enjoy your break, buddy.
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