Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Cain looked down at Logan as he drew his claws and claimed there was no way they were going to be friends in any universe. "Look, I don't think we have time to figure out who killed who in whatever universe it happened, there is a reason i'm wearing this." he motioned to the blue costume and the X-Men logo on his belt. "Now I don't remember my history lessons, but I was in the army, so I know that whilst we can hear explosions, we're fine, because that's Allied ships bombarding one of the beaches, if this is June 6th 1944. I don't know if we're at Omaha or Utah, but whilst they're bombarding, they're not going to be launching troops." He then walked over to Wallflower and inspected the Tallus. "Come on, say something else." he said, shaking it lightly. He then looked at Emily as she signed off on all of the information she knew. "Look, I don't work for Cyttorak, not at the moment. He just keeps feeding me power because I keep smashing things that try to hurt Chucky and his lot." he said, before starting to inspect the Tallus on his own wrist. He prodded it, hit it, then spoke into it "Tallus?" he asked. "Helloooooo..." He then frowned. "Damn thing's worthless."

He then saw Herman and Emily talk about her attire. "Look, either way, we're going to get shot at. Axis or Allies, personally, i'd say it's probably for the best she remains looking like that. Hell, with all of these crazy universe, for all we know, Captain America in this universe IS a woman, that could be useful. All we got to work with is a name. And Herman, I doubt the germans will be shouting anything other than Die, capitalist pigs." He said, putting on a fake german accent He stopped and listened... Then another round of explosions and he breathed easily. "Look, the moment those guns stop, it's go time. If we have to be a team, we need a leader. Last time I tried to lead a team, I ended up giving up command to Captain Britain, now, sadly, Brian isn't here right now. So, in the interest of fairness, I nominate Lady Liberty to be team leader, then we'll need a plan..."
@Princess of God Well, I meant, did you have any specific idea's that you maybe wanted to do at the moment between her and her master?
So, @Princess of God what do you want to do at the moment, whilst Inuel is talking with Unknowable?
Inuel and Renny were riding the lift up to the dock that housed Sleepy. Inuel was leaning against the wall of the lift whilst Renny was watching the numbers whizz by. Soon, the lift reached its destination and they exitted into a large hangar, housing a number of ships in their size-range. Other large transports and tugs. Inuel saw someone stood over by Sleepy, on the prow of the Consular-Class, was a large decal of a Rancor on its front, hugging a pillow, arted by one of Inuels former ship-mates.

The ship was rather large, but due to it being a civilian model of the more heavily armed military model, she was only equipped with a pai with a pair of Light-Turbo-laser located in the middle on both dorsal and ventral sides. Each of these main-batteries was also equipped with a smaller AA-gun. Although not entirely legal as they were registered as a merchant-vessel and any form of Turbo-Laser was barred on non-military vessels, exceptions had been made due to an agreement between the Hutts and the Republic to allow the GAR to use their hyperspace lanes in return for allowing their ships to go unmolested. As he was in service to Korrsh the Hutt, he was able to just slip people a couple of creds and make things ok.

"She may not look like much, but she's fast and she's comfortable, if you're looking for a private cruise." he said to them.

"Kai Shipping Co. at your service." Renny said, saluting. Inuel quickly patted him on the head in a Please ignore him, he's only a child fashion.
@RumikoOhara@SparkyCutie@Duthguy@Burning Kitty

The man looked out at the 5 of them as they had now all arrived. "Excellent, now that you are here, I can explain in proper." he clapped his hands together and, in a small flash of light, a strange golden device appeared on each of them, the golden pattern coiled around their wrist and down, almost halfway to their elbows, with a large, red orb right on the wrist. "This is a Tallus. This is your lifeline when in service to Time, this will allow you to travel between the broken universes, as well as it will tell you where you are and what has been broken." he explained.

"Alright, skip to the punchline." Cain demanded. "Where do we go, who do we beat up, what do we fix?" Timebroker looked almost annoyed at the brute.

"Very well, Mr Marko, if you insist, why don't I just give you all a hands-on lesson in what you will be doing." he said. The orb on their wrists started glowing before everything went white again. Then suddenly, everything faded back in, cloudy skies, a biting wind, the crunch of wet sand beneath their feet, the roar of the sea and the sounds of distant explosions. The sun was almost up, but due to the cloud coverage, it was difficult to determine exactly where it was in the sky. It took Cain a moment to get his barings, he looked around.

"Where in the hell are we?" he asked. He then remembered the Tallus. He looked down at it. "Oi, Tallus, what's going on?" he demanded. He shook his wrist and then walked over to the others, that had come with him. He looked around and saw them. A Captain America girl, another small girl, One that he could swear he'd seen in the Daily Planet before, probably one of Spider-Man's villains and... "Logan?" he asked, walking towards him. "They dragged you into this too, did they? Don't worry, we'll get back to Chuck soon." he asked. It was then that Amelia's Tallus spoke up

"Captain America, June 6th 1944" Cain turned around and looked at the girl in a confused manner. "Did... No..." he looked at the Captain America girl. "You... This isn't... Can it?" he pointed at her. "That fat little... He didn't, did he? I swear to god, if we are where I think we are, i'm going to break that little-" Cain's head was buzzing with the number of thoughts careering through it like he would through a mountain. He then looked out at Sea as the sounds of distant explosions could still be heard. He then grabbed the girls wrist and stared at the Tallus more. "What do you want with Captain America?" he asked. He then backed away. "Alright, we need to crunch fast. I need names, I need abilities." He walked over and stood next to Logan, he had a sneaking suspicion that Logan wasn't his Logan, didn't look right, but he doubted their was a universe where Logan wasn't a metal-clawed slicing machine. He pointed over to the rest of them "I'm Cain Marko, Juggernaut. I run fast, smash things and am damn near indestructible. What can you lot do?"

So... I'm waiting on you...
@Burning Kitty@Duthguy@RumikoOhara

Your opening post should include how they got scooped up by the Timebroker, then him quickly explaining to them what is happening, much like he does to Cain, then dumping them in the meadow with Cain.
Cain was just finishing off a rogue Sentinel, his fists pounding furiously at the hull of the broken machine, before it finally caved in and he stood up, panting a little. That was surely going to satisfy Cyttorak for the moment. After a moment, he looked back across the destroyed city street. It had been the sight of a Mutant pride parade. Not many of these around and such attacks were probably going to make them all the rarer. Sure, he and the other X-Men had managed to stop this attack, but New York were probably going to decline from others in future. He saw a red blast lance just past him as Cyclops blasted one that was trying to flee. Cain gave him the Thumbs up. He then stepped down off the Sentinel, but rather than hitting ground, like he was supposed to, he seemed to start falling forever, as everything turned white around him. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUU-" he yelled as he was unable to stop himself.

Everything seemed to happen at once, next. First, there was an almightly splash as he hit water, naturally, because of his immense density, swimming was pretty much a no-go. He desperately clawed at the water in an attempt to gain some form of buoyancy, but it didn't work... Well, at least he didn't need to breathe... But what if this place had cut him off from Cyttoraks power? Cain had the sneaking suspicion that this was going to end badly, a suspicion confirmed as he finally lost his battle and he saw the surface above him rushing away from him.

"Good day, Mr Marko. I suppose you are wondering what has just happened to you? One minute, fighting for the greater good, or to thwart the forces of good, or something else along those lines. I don't care too much which for. I am here because something has happened to time itself. Something that it will take a team of people with special talents such as yourself to solve." At that point, a man seemed to walk through the water towards Cain. He then touched Cain's helmet and in a second, they were in a large meadow filled with waist-high grass, with a small hill with grass on it. Cain looked around.

"Alright, what the hell is happening?" Cain asked.

"I just told you, you are going to help us to save time itself." Replied the man.

"And... And what if I say no?" Cain asked. The man sighed.

"Well, I hope you enjoy an eternity here. I can only give you a way out of this if you accept. Unless you do so, I am powerless to help you get home." Cain stared at him.

"Explain." he ordered, his fist clenching.

"Trust me, Mr Marko, your strength will do you no good here. Due to the circumstances of your travelling here, you are unable to return to your home dimension until enough of the timeline has been fixed so that you can." He said. "Wait... Ah, here come the rest of your team-mates now." he smiled.
@Americore Alrighty, thanks for letting me know and I hope you have fun in whatever you move on to do next :)

Anyway, I am currently making sunday dinner for my parents, I will be make an opening post as soon as everything is on.
Those are interesting. We will have to see how this goes. In the meantime, Ruby has informed me that she doesn't have the time to play and has dropped. As such, i'll be making an opening post tomorrow. @Americore if you want to be accepted, i'm afraid i'm gonna have to ask that you give me the information on his home universe.
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