Cain looked down at Logan as he drew his claws and claimed there was no way they were going to be friends in any universe. "Look, I don't think we have time to figure out who killed who in whatever universe it happened, there is a reason i'm wearing this." he motioned to the blue costume and the X-Men logo on his belt. "Now I don't remember my history lessons, but I was in the army, so I know that whilst we can hear explosions, we're fine, because that's Allied ships bombarding one of the beaches, if this is June 6th 1944. I don't know if we're at Omaha or Utah, but whilst they're bombarding, they're not going to be launching troops." He then walked over to Wallflower and inspected the Tallus. "Come on, say something else." he said, shaking it lightly. He then looked at Emily as she signed off on all of the information she knew. "Look, I don't work for Cyttorak, not at the moment. He just keeps feeding me power because I keep smashing things that try to hurt Chucky and his lot." he said, before starting to inspect the Tallus on his own wrist. He prodded it, hit it, then spoke into it "Tallus?" he asked. "Helloooooo..." He then frowned. "Damn thing's worthless."
He then saw Herman and Emily talk about her attire. "Look, either way, we're going to get shot at. Axis or Allies, personally, i'd say it's probably for the best she remains looking like that. Hell, with all of these crazy universe, for all we know, Captain America in this universe IS a woman, that could be useful. All we got to work with is a name. And Herman, I doubt the germans will be shouting anything other than Die, capitalist pigs." He said, putting on a fake german accent He stopped and listened... Then another round of explosions and he breathed easily. "Look, the moment those guns stop, it's go time. If we have to be a team, we need a leader. Last time I tried to lead a team, I ended up giving up command to Captain Britain, now, sadly, Brian isn't here right now. So, in the interest of fairness, I nominate Lady Liberty to be team leader, then we'll need a plan..."
He then saw Herman and Emily talk about her attire. "Look, either way, we're going to get shot at. Axis or Allies, personally, i'd say it's probably for the best she remains looking like that. Hell, with all of these crazy universe, for all we know, Captain America in this universe IS a woman, that could be useful. All we got to work with is a name. And Herman, I doubt the germans will be shouting anything other than Die, capitalist pigs." He said, putting on a fake german accent He stopped and listened... Then another round of explosions and he breathed easily. "Look, the moment those guns stop, it's go time. If we have to be a team, we need a leader. Last time I tried to lead a team, I ended up giving up command to Captain Britain, now, sadly, Brian isn't here right now. So, in the interest of fairness, I nominate Lady Liberty to be team leader, then we'll need a plan..."