They say, in the universe, there are 3 great powers. First is the Space Pirates. Cutthroats, assassins and brigands that will raid, steal and slaughter anyone in their never-ending search for wealth power, able to stay ahead of the competition with their mysterious Tao magic. Second are the Outlaws, those who work outside the law, who chart their own destinies, searching for treasure, fighting Pirates whenever possible and never, ever stopping in their ceaseless quest for adventure. Thirdly are the mighty Space Forces. Immense warships, ready to be deployed at a moments notice to quell the fighting and maintain a grasp on what little control the Earth Federation maintains over the frontier territories.
What many forget about is the 4th power. The Private Security forces. Over the many Centuries, Humanity's territory expanded rapidly and as many interstellar Colony's and States were formed, The Space Forces were founded to provide equal protection for all. However,
in the vastness of space, not all Colony's had access to its full protection and Resources. This gave birth to the Private Security forces, ran by private conglomerates and enterprises. Protecting developing worlds and valuable trade-routes that keeps the galaxy going. However, such protection is not cheap. The enormous costs of keeping their powerful Warships and Battle-Carriers going is too much for a large number of the lower income worlds, struggling to survive on the open frontier.
"We aren't cheap, but the Space Forces don't give a crap and we can take on anything the Pirates and Outlaws have to throw at us. You can bet your life, because it's safe with us."
What many forget about is the 4th power. The Private Security forces. Over the many Centuries, Humanity's territory expanded rapidly and as many interstellar Colony's and States were formed, The Space Forces were founded to provide equal protection for all. However,
in the vastness of space, not all Colony's had access to its full protection and Resources. This gave birth to the Private Security forces, ran by private conglomerates and enterprises. Protecting developing worlds and valuable trade-routes that keeps the galaxy going. However, such protection is not cheap. The enormous costs of keeping their powerful Warships and Battle-Carriers going is too much for a large number of the lower income worlds, struggling to survive on the open frontier.
"We aren't cheap, but the Space Forces don't give a crap and we can take on anything the Pirates and Outlaws have to throw at us. You can bet your life, because it's safe with us."