Name: To-Ma-To-Es
Age: 20
Universe of Origin: 1
Race: Saiyan
Gender: Male
Personality: Multiple.
To has a rather submissive personality, Although being the prime personality which the other 3 are an offshoot from, To is friendly enough, but his power is barely anything and resents this fact.
Ma manifests himself in Super Saiyan form. A confident, well-spoken being of many words and most of them about his own superiority. He allows To to keep control of their body for the most part, but sees himself as their protector, manifesting himself as some form of Ego.
Toe is the Id of the personalities, a brash, unfeeling, sociopathic montrosity that is desperate to get out at all times. Several times, people will see To beating himself up (literally) and wonder where this came from. This is Toe's desperate attempts to break free. He manifests himself in the form of a Legendary Super Saiyan and is somewhat of an unstopable murder machine. He cares not for people, planets or agenda's. Destruction is his only goal. A Saiyans tail is not only one of their greatest strengths but also their greatest weakness. Not so much with To. If one grabs either To or Ma's tail, then all of their mental focus will waver and shut down, allowing Toe to take over without hesitation.
Es, upon first glance seems like the most violent and brutish of them all, being that he manifests himself in the form of the Uzaru. But, people underestimate the actually gentle giant. Es is the Super-Ego and a being of piece, of self defence and with a great love of nature. Es spends his time, mostly, within the psyche, desperately trying to keep Toe under wraps.
Bio: Born on the planet Sadala, To was born with a Power Level of 13,000. He was quickly taken in by the royal army and put to good use, trained to become the personal bodyguard of King Sadala at only a day old. As he grew, the Royal Army noticed a distinct lack of focus and a total inability to channel that power. Eventually, they took to beating him vigorously, any other Saiyan warrior has this done to them to force compliance and usually grow into great warriors. To took to creating new friends to help him through the pain. Ma was the first. An escape for himself. Someone he could be like, he looked like the old legends of "Super Saiyans" Then came Es seemed to help him when he first looked at the full moon and took the form of the Great Ape... Then came Toe... One fateful day, the Army decided to train him to resist attacks on his tail. After whipping his tail hard, he heard a voice that told him that he could protect them. It wasn't Ma and it wasn't Es. To agree'd. Next thing To knew he felt... Power... Ungodly power. Power that nobody on Sadala had ever conceived. Such power was too much. With but a wave of his hand, he leveled a city. He slaughtered everything he could. Eventually, even the planet itself.
Nobody in Universe 1 ever knew of Saiyans. Their planet gone before any notoriety could be gained. Escaping to a nearby planet, Toe ran out of power and To was able to regain control. He wept for his people, but he also survived. This is when Ma first manifested himself. Ma was able to gain control of their body as he turned brilliant gold. Ma didn't stay in control long, he needed To to learn to survive. To quickly began learning to live off this new land, a jungle-world. During the nights, Es would reign king of this unforgiving place and in the day, Ma would help them to survive. Toe was kept under lock and key. That was when the Angel came. The angel found the one who killed the all-powerful Saiyan Race here, for it was one of their kind that had shown great power in the Tournament. Ma posed little challenge for the Angel and Es, although strong, lacked the finesse to properly show her the power either. It wasn't until Toe came out that she was shown TRUE power. The planet suffered much the same fate as Sadala in the ensuing battle. But, it wasn't Toe that the Angel saw promise in. It was the idea of if all 4 of them could work together, if they could truly work as 1 being, Could a God of Destruction face up to all that?
Aura Color: Green
Preferred Fighting Style: Ki Blasts
Signature Combat Techniques:
Judgement Rain (Ma fires a large ki ball straight upwards, which splits into hundreds of smaller beams that seek their target.)
Great Rage (Es blasts a large blue beam from his mouth.)
Knock-Knock. (Toe produces a ball of ki large powerful enough to kill a planet)
Approximate Combat Strength: To (Raditz) Ma (Namek Vegeta) Toe (Broly, Don't worry, i'll ask before letting him loose.) Es (Oozaru Vegeta)