Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
Interviewer: "Good day, Master. I'm glad you could take time out of your busy day to answer some questions for this interview."
Korrsh: "It's my pleasure. I hope you do not mind Talisha's presence."
Interviewer: "Not at all, i'm also surprised to hear you talking Basic."
Korrsh: "Yes, it is odd. In my peoples culture, it is seen as a great dishonour to speak in a language other than Huttese. But the Jedi are my people, I speak your language in order to show respect. Other Hutts refuse to speak your language in order to demand your respect. They see Huttese as "A language so beautiful, that to sully ones tongue with another language diminishes us." *Chuckles*
Interviewer: "Indeed... So, tell me about your early life."
Korrsh: "Well, what is there to tell? I was raised within these very walls. I lead a surprisingly unremarkable life as a Jedi, despite being the only one of my kind here, or at least, no more remarkable than any other long-lived species Jedi."
Interviewer: "So, how did you get brought here?"
Korrsh: "Father thought he was untouchable by the Cartell's. He was wrong. His right hand, a Devaronian by the name of Fimbalt brought me to Coruscant, to be raised by Father's old friend Galdradi, but before he could meet, he was stopped at customs and was brought for questioning. That is when Master Plots found me."
Interviewer: "Master Plots?"
Korrsh: "Yes, Ludo Plots, an Ugnaught. He sensed my latent potential and brought me to the Temple to be raised. Fimbalt was wanted for murder. Most of the Jedi, at the time, didn't want someone like me to be brought into the Jedi. Master Plots faught hard to get me instated as a Youngling"
Interviewer: "So, if it hadn't been for Plots, you may never have become a Jedi."
Korrsh: "Not at all. You need to remember that this is shortly after the end of the Civil War. The Jedi order was broken, fractured. It there was no option for bigotry."
Interviewer: "So, there's Bigotry within the order?"
Korrsh: "Do not twist my words. What i meant was that we all make judgements based on race. Not always bad judgements, but judgements nonetheless."
Interviewer: "My apologies."
Korrsh: "Anyway, i spent the next 10 years as a youngling, before finally being given my Padawanship. Master Plots was... A tough master. He had me perform many a... Demeaning task..."
Talisha: "Like when you get me to scrub the urinals?"
Korrsh: "I wish. Master Plots had me haul computer consoles from the bottom floor to the hangar, without use of the force or any technology." *He sighed, staring at his arms, before pulling the flaps of skin dangling from it.* "I actually became quite muscular at the time. 2 centuries have not been the kindest to me... Anyway, Master Plots trained me to be the man i am today. We fought some pirates, droids, gangsters and... Well, we parted ways. Master Plots had other padawans to train, i had my own Padawans to train."
Interviewer: "Yes, tell us about your Padawans. I have heard you pride yourself on your abilities as a teacher."
Korrsh: "Pride is a path to the Dark Side. But yes, i do feel proud of my Padawans. So, my very first Padawan was just after Master Plots had taken on a new Padawan of his own. I needed either a mind to mold me or a mind i could mold myself... Undrik was such a bright boy. He was always trying to tell me how the code worked. I swear he had the entire thing burned into the inside of his eyelids. I like to think of Brant as my success, but in all honesty, he pretty much taught himself. He was so driven. He became one of the most brilliant minds the Order had and one of the key reasons it was able to get back onto its feet after the Civil War. Vuka was next, by the force i swear i rarely understood a thing that boy said. I am fluent in Trade-Speak, but he was always talking so fast. I think half of the things i said to him in those first 6 years was "Wait, slow down and annunciate" Almost as bad as you are when we start talking about Starships." *He pets Talisha on the head*
Talisha: "I just want to make sure that i know everything. I plan to pursue a path as a Jedi Ace."
Korrsh: "Vuka grew into a fine knight who always had an interesting set of students. His first was a Wookiee, then a Karkarodon, a Lasat... He seemed to have a thing for students that would become big. Maybe he had a short-man's complex... Anyway, after Vuka was off on his own, i had Luke. He was a little older than i was used to, he was immensely powerful in the ways of the force. The order found him in the burned out wreckage of a crashed freighter. His connection to the force was... Too powerful. I trained him as best as i could and he was right on track to becoming a fine knight... Then the incident..."
Interviewer: "Would this be the Corellia Incident?"
Korrsh: "Yes..." *Korrsh's eyes frowned*
Interviewer: "If you do not wish to discuss it, we can-"
Korrsh: "No... I have come to terms with the Corellia Incident. It was shortly after Brant had been granted the rank of Master, after Vuka took on his first apprentice. I was reunited with Masters Plots and Brant for the first time in a while. We had received word of a Dark Force-user on Corellia and the 3 of us went to check it out. I brought Luke with me. I thought that, by showing him the dangers of the dark side of the force, he may be persuaded to never go there. It worked on me with Master Plots, it worked on Brant, it even worked on Jiktu... When we were confronted by the man... It wasn't a Dark Force User... It was a Sith Lord and a powerful one at that. Called himself "Darth Karanus" The three of us did what we could, even the Padawans tried to assist, ambushing him as we fought through the streets of Coronet. All that i remember about him was... That mask. That cold, dead mask. Like peering into a wound in the universe itself... Brant was the first to fall, lost his legs and an arm to that thing. He destroyed my mechanical legs and i was unable to keep up without them. Master Plots rushed off ahead as he, his padawan and Luke chased them. By the time i got there, all i found of Master Plots was his cloak, his padawan was dead, slumped over it and i saw Luke with his Lightsaber through the monster's throat. I tried to get in, but as the beast died, it brought the entire building down around us. I was barely able to get out."
Interviewer: "And Luke?"
Korrsh: "Luke was trapped in the rubble. It took us 3 days to dig him out. When we did... He was different. He was quiet. It was amazing, he had just killed a Sith Lord, i thought he would go on to do great things. I completely missed the thing that was growing inside of him. We never found Master Plots' body. But we burned his Padawan. After that, i went back to training Luke. We had a few more run-ins with pirates and the like, but he was far more brutal this time. I saw him... Almost torturing them... I could see he was enjoying it. I took him back to the temple, put him in the meditation chambers and went to the council. When we came back, he had escaped the temple. We decided that he needed to stand trial. I helped them to bring him in. We chased him through the underlevels of Coruscant... That's when we found him, he had constructed a crude version of that mask that Karanus had worn. He was powerful, far more powerful than any fallen Jedi i had ever fought, but he was no match for the Jedi Masters. He wouldn't be brought in alive."
Interviewer: "You killed him trying to capture him?"
Korrsh: "No, we successfully subdued him, but as we began to transport him back, he reached out with the force and willingly ended his own life. He looked at me with an insane fervor, the likes of which i have never seen, then with a flick of his tongue... He was gone. Autopsy says that his spinal-column was severed and his brains synapses had been... Popped for a better word. All of them at once..."
Interviewer: "That's..."
Korrsh: "My fault. I should have had him brought before the council before he had gone that far. The Council agreed. I spent the next 20 years cataloging the archives before i was allowed to train another student. Moktus was exactly what i needed. Young, bright and eager to please. He was a hugger... I had to ween him off of those slowly. Moktus grew into a hell of a Knight, so sure of himself. He was one of the best pilots in the order. And his way with words. I have NEVER heard a man able to sway so many with his words. I saw him bring many a foe to justice without even igniting his blade... It was a pity that he left the order just before he was due to be made a Master."
Interviewer: "He left?"
Korrsh: "Yes, he said that he appreciated the order and everything that it had done for him, but he decided to go into Politics. He became the representative for the Rodians in the Republic Forum. We remained good friends till 3 years ago when he finally passed away from his ripe old age. He was a true success."
Interviewer: "Are any of your former Padawans still alive?"
Korrsh: "Why, yes. Master Mina was a former student of mine... We, sadly, never got along that great. I took over her training after the death of Master Oprak and i don't think she ever adjusted to the change. He was VERY strict with her and she distrusted me greatly because my style was far more laid-back. She began to loosen up a little near the end, but it was a grueling 5 years training her into a Knight. She recently made it onto the Council."
Interviewer: "So, why aren't you a Master, surely you have so many success stories that you should be recognized as a master?"
Korrsh: "There are many... MANY reasons, but those are my secrets to keep."
Interviewer: "Very well. Any other Students?"
Korrsh: "Sadly, apart from Talisha here, the only other student of mine that still walks this plane is Kegresh. A Bothan, he is currently out on the frontier, helping the Republic forces in their war with the Empire, he has his first padawan in tow. I can't say anymore about him, though, for obvious reasons."
Interviewer: "I understand. You're other main mark on your career would be the Sacking of the Temple. It says that you abandoned your post."
Korrsh: "That was a... Misunderstanding on behalf of the council. I was on the planet at the time, following a lead on a case that i was working on, i saw the shuttle coming down at heading for the temple and saw the smoke, but by the time i returned, it was too late."
Interviewer: "So, why does it say that you abandoned your post?"
Korrsh: "I was supposed to be giving the younglings a training session, when the attack happened... I was also not supposed to be working on the case, as the Council had removed me from the investigation due to... Unfortunate circumstances. As such, they slapped me with a "Dereliction of Duty" charge."
Interviewer: "Very interesting. So, you are fresh off of your latest victory against Galdradi The Hutt?"
Korrsh: "Yes, Galdradi... It is a shame, in another life, he was to be my mentor. He first caught the attention of the Jedi Temple when they found me after an attempted assassination against me. When i became a Knight, i hunted down Galdradi, used him as a contact to get in touch with the Grand Hutt Council."
Interviewer: "The Jedi actually have communications with the Hutts?"
Korrsh: "Well, yes. They are one of the key powers of the outer rim. Although the Republic does not recognize them as an official government, they still hold all of the power in those regions. We have to keep contact with them in order to secure safe passage to the outer rim. For quite some time, The Exchange had a bounty on us. We needed to make a few concessions to keep the exchange off of our backs constantly.
Interviewer: "So, if he was so important to keeping relations between the Jedi and the Hutts open, then why did you bring him in?"
Korrsh: "This isn't going to be released until after the trial is over?"
Interviewer: "This isn't for public release. And, yes, we will not be publishing this until after the results of the trial are in."
Korrsh: "We never had any proof to bring in Galdradi... I can't go into the details of this, but we followed some leads to a freighter that was packed to the brim with Selkath slaves. We traced the freighter to him. Sadly, we know how the legal system on Coruscant knows and we knew that those charges wouldn't stick. So, we decided to dig a little deeper. We found some people willing to flip on him. That, combined with some help from my Padawan in chasing down his Lieutenant in a high-speed fighter chase and we marched straight into his club with the Coruscant Police. He gave us quite a show, but, now we have one of the most powerful crime-lords on Coruscant in custody and tossed his place to get enough forensic evidence to clone him and throw both of them in jail for the rest of their natural lives."
Interviewer: "So, your Padawan helped in this case?"
Korrsh: "Yes, very much so. I have no doubt that she will be a Master one day."
Talisha: "I KNOW that i will be a great master one day."
Interviewer: "Alright, that should be it. Thank you very much."