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I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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@ErsatzEmpress I don't know exactly what your plans for Senator Kelly are, but i was thinking of maybe Norman working with him behind the scenes. Alternatively, i'm good with Norman just playing to the masses in an attempt to garner votes and their Anti-Mutant rhetoric's being unrelated.

S P I D E R - M A N
S P I D E R - M A N
Location: Parker Industries HQ
Post #1: Just a Friendly Board Meeting

Peter sat at the head of the table wearing his business suit. It was a light grey Armani suit with black shirt and red tie, he personally hated frivolous spending on such an expensive suit when he still had a few of Uncle Ben's old ones that looked just as nice, but he remembered an old conversation with Harry where he mentioned about how your suit was your weapon in the business battlefield, it was a symbol of control and power. If you wanted to survive, you'd need the best weapon possible. "$1000 on a suit now, can potentially get you that extra $1,000,000 at the negotiating table." Well, as he sat here, waiting for the others to arrive, he hoped that Harry was right about that.

Alistair was the first to enter, he was clad in a suit that accomodated his shoulder talons. He sat down, there were a few polite words, pleasantries that Peter was expecting. Damn, he had faced every single man that was going to be in this room on the battlefield before, most of them at the same time, yet this time it was going to be different. This wasn't going to be a friendly "How's the wife and kids?" this was a "I'm gonna need you to put your lives on the line alongside your hated foe." and he wasn't sure he had any right to order them to do so. I mean, technically he did, it was part of their parole agreements that they agree to do "Community Service" but he knew that most of them assumed it was the science that they were doing for him.

Next to enter was Otto, he gave Peter a friendly smile. Otto and Michael were the only ones who would be at the meeting that knew he was Spider-Man. Then came Maxwell. That one looked rather shifty, but that was normal for Max. Peter just hoped that the money was enough to keep him onside. Next came Michael and finally Adrien in quick succession, not enough time for Peter to really mentally comment on them before they sat looking at him. Peter took a deep breath before tapping the side of his neck right under the edge of his Jaw. He had heard it was a calming technique.

"Gentlemen. I have called you in here today for something that you're not going to like." There were a few quiet murmurs among the group. He had confidence that Alistair and Otto would side with him, but the other 3 would be a problem. "Last year when i managed to get you paroled at my company, i said that there would be certain Community Services that the 5 of you would have to perform. New York is our home and it's not exactly the safest place on the planet. As such, i have taken some steps to bring our criminal population down. I have talked with the Police and they have agreed to allow me to trial something." He took out his Spyder Phone and tapped on it a few times, the television screen on the wall lit up and a picture of 5 of them stood there, cobbled together from various mugshots with the words "Superior 6" posted underneath them. "The police in this city have to deal with Super Powered individuals that they have no hope of dealing with, Rhino, Grizzly, Scorpion, but we can give them the edge that they need." There was already a chorus of discord in response to this from the 5 men.

"Ummm, Peter, dear boy. May i remind you how well that worked last time some of us came together to form a team?" Otto asked. "We ended up pretty much killing each other. Now, i appreciate what you ask, but are you sure that this is such a good idea?" Peter looked in Otto's eyes. He could tell that Otto wasn't actually opposed to the idea, but he was voicing the obvious response to this idea in the most civilized way anyone in the room would. Peter appreciated that.

"The thought crossed my mind a few times..." He replied sullenly.

"Hey, i'm good so long as there's moolah in it." Max responded. This caught Peter offguard. He wasn't expecting Max of all people to be the first to unquestioningly agree. He assumed he'd have to bribe the guy... But then again with his response, maybe Max was offering Peter a way to bribe him onto his side.

'Oh Max, never change.' Peter thought. He then tried to re-rail his train of thought in response to the blindside.

"In any case..." He paused to collect his thoughts and decide how to proceed now he had 1 of the 4. "We need to consider public image. Parker Industries is paying quite a sum to get you 5 onboard-"

"Which begs the question-" Toomes butted in "That says Superior "SIX" with an emphasis on the number SIX!" He sneered. "Who you brought in as number 6? Oh don't tell me it's Chameleon" There was a chorus of groans from Max and Alistair

"Oh not Chameleon, that jerk still owes me money."

"It's... It's not Chameleon..." Peter swallowed hard before pressing a button and a picture of Spider-Man appeared in the center of the 5 of them on the screen. Max and Adrien immediately let out a great pained groan as both buried their faces in their hands. Alistair didn't seem to move. Otto and Michael simply stared at Peter.

"You know what, count me out." Max replied. "Ain't no way i'm working with Web Head. That jerk has beat me up too many times. Ain't no amount of money in the world could make me want to work with him. Peter stiffled a snicker, knowing that Max was unwittingly already doing that.

"Peter, we all have history with the guy." Otto stepped in as the villain liason again. "You should no more ask us to work with him than we should ask you to work with Norman Osborn. Too much bad blood." Otto had a point, and yes it was pretty common knowledge in the business world that Norman was utterly pissed at Peter for taking his money and his grandson. "Now, i don't personally have a problem with Web Head, sure the guy beat me up a couple of times, but let's face facts, i had it coming." There was a few murmurs of agreement. Peter suspected it was more them agreeing that Otto needed to be beaten than of them agreeing that Spider-Man was justified. "But..." He guestured around to the others. "Face facts, we are NOT heroes." Again, even though Otto was fighting him, Peter knew that this was a necessary fight that was going to happen one way or another and Otto was just getting in front of it to keep it civil.

"Alright, Alistair, Michael, neither of you have said anything, let's get an idea of where the room stands." He motioned to the pair of them. Michael talked first.

"I do not have a problem working alongside Spider-Man..." Michael began "But i am still... A little unstable at the moment. I cannot guarentee that i will not start... Feasting... If the opportunity presented itself. I will need more time in the lab to stabilize my condition before i can agree to this." Michael had a VERY good point. Peter was trying to change the public perception of these people and a vampire ripping a guys throat out with a big "Parker Industries" Label on him was probably not the best advertisement in the world.

"And you, Alistair?" Peter asked. Alistair looked down at his hands in response.

"I recreated myself as a machine to destroy Spider-Man..." He muttered in his deep, gravelly, mildly electronic voice "The Spider-Slayer i called myself. I wanted nothing more than to feel his heart beat its last in my hands... But now... I feel nothing towards him. No animosity, no hatred..." He looked at Peter. "I am willing to give Spider-Man a chance. I... I owe him that much for what i have done." Peter could see the genuine regret in Alistairs eyes. The man had turned himself into a spider-killing machine in the name of revenge for his father on a man who had never had anything to do with it. Alistair had played directly into the Maggia's hands and he could tell that it was eating him inside.

"Where is the bug anyway?" Adrien asked. "If you are so onboard with bringing in the bug to lead this team, then where is our oh so fearless leader?" The old man grinned.

"Spider-Man has agreed to join Parker Industries on the proviso that you 5 are all onboard. Naturally, he's afraid of this being a trap. I mean, last time..." Peter stopped for a second. He was about to say the wrong thing... It pained him to say the words, but appearances needed to be kept. "When Harry Osborn brought you together last time, he called Spider-Man in a similar manner. Can't blame the guy for being cautious..." There was a shift in Adrien and Max's demeanor. They both shifted a little uncomfortably... They both knew Harry wasn't the REAL Green Goblin. "I want to make sure that everybody is onboard before i bring him into the company first. I will not have my company becoming the battle ground of a Sinister 6 Reunion show." A quiet descended upon the room. "Alright, let's put it to a vote. Because of the nature of this, i will abstain and only a unanimous vote will carry." There was nods around the room. "All in favour?" Alistair, Max and Otto raied their hands. Peter was surprised, but then again, Max was probably thinking about the money and how it might dry up if he doesn't suck up to the boss. "All opposed?" Only Adrien raised his hand. Michael seemed to abstain. "Motion fails. Very well, is there any other business that we need to discuss?" He looked around the room. "Alright, meeting over. Adrien, can i see you for a minute?" The rest of them left. Adrien sat, elbows on table, fingers tented and chin resting atop them. "Strictly off the record, what do i need to do to turn that no into a yes? I need six people because alliterative names are a hassle and 4 already has a good one taken."

"I don't want to work with him, simple as. Find another." Adrien growled. "Maybe get Mac or Herman... Scorpion or Shocker, but not that guy." As Peter opened his mouth, Adrien butted in again "I'm not saying this because I hate him... Well, i do, but that's not the main reason. It's because you are trying to mix oil with water. It won't work. It's always been him vs us. And i'm still on the side of us and he's still on the side of him. And there's another reason. Web-head has it pretty good... Maybe give one of the other rogue's of New York a chance at something better." Peter wanted to argue and disagree, but Adrien did have a point. Maybe he should work on some of the others... At that point, Mary Jane walked in through the door.

"Pete- Oh hi Adrien-" She said, waving to Vulture who simply nodded. "I need to-

"MJ, Adrien here has had a good idea, can we maybe put out the feelers and see if we can get in touch with either Scorpion or Shocker?" The colour drained from Mary-Janes face as he said that. "What's wrong?" Mary-Jane looked down at her phone and tapped a few times, before up on the TV screen, a video appeared. Norman Osborn stood on a podium alongside Scorpion who was in a large coat that fitted over his battlesuit with the words "Security Detail" written on it.

"- too long, this country has stagnated and acquiesced to the wishes of the superhuman whilst completely ignoring US. Studies show that as few as 10% of this nations people are Mutants and yet with their freaky powers, they are able to take our entire nation hostage. Well we need to put a stop to that. Democracy is a system that benefits the many, not the few and it's what separates us from the dictatorships like Latveria and Madripoor... Such weak leadership led to... The death of my only, beloved son... As such, i officially announce today Peter's heart went through the floor as he realized the word that were about to come colourfully marching out of Normans mouth. "That I, Norman Osborn, will be running for President of the United States of America in 2024, for a better and safer America. Where Homo-Sapien need not live in fear of these so called "Homo-Superior" that the terrorist Erik "Magneto" Lehnsherr would have you call them."

"Well... He ain't getting my vote." Adrien stated as Peter and MJ stood slack-jawed at each other, lost for words. The pair of them looked at him. "Convicted Felon." He shrugged.
"My name is Optimus Prime. You have been sent to this planet as advanced scouts for The Arc. Cybertrons last, best hope for survival. I cannot guarantee your safety, i cannot guarantee that what you find on this planets local wildlife to be accommodating, i cannot even guarantee that you will ever see our beloved Cybertron again, but what i can guarantee is that your mission is of utmost importance to all Cybertronians, a fighting chance at survival. Your mission will be to arrive, evaluate the locals and survey. You are not to message home, lest the Decepticons find the location of our new colony, you are to gather intelligence and await further orders until contacted. May Primus protect you."

For those of you unfamiliar with it, Essence20 is Renegade Systems' D20 RPG system that is all about rolling bigger dice, as opposed to rolling the same dice with bigger modifiers.

The crux of this is going to be a "Kids on Bikes" Style RP where you all play as a bunch of kids living in a small city in England that one day, stumble upon some Autobots that have come to Earth after escaping The War on Cybertron in order to build a new colony that the Autobots can use to live in peace. You befriend these Robots who then disguise themselves as vehicles around the town and work with the kids to defeat Decepticons and other threats to this little city. Of course, being that you have 2 characters, a kid and an Autobot, obviously, the 50 ton armour-plated warmachine is going to be better at most things than their human counterpart, but that doesn't mean your human is worthless.

Thanks very much, can't wait for it to start.

"With technology like that, you could cure Cancer!"
Spider-Man | Peter Parker
American | Human (Radioactive Spider-Blood | CEO of Parker Industries
Queens | New York | United States of America

This version of events is about an older Spider-Man who has been through all of the trauma trying to deal with the loss of his best friend, the sudden adoption of a new foster-son, the incorporation of a multi-billion dollar company. There will be a few major ongoing stories, including:
*Peter and Mary Jane trying to keep the spark in their romance alive while running said conglomerate
*May-Day and Normie trying to become Superheroes while not getting caught by Peter and MJ
*Peter pushing through the trauma of Harry's death right in front of him.
*The former Villains that work for Peter trying to get along when most of them really do not like each other
*Norman Osborn running for President of the United States of America in 2024.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
I want to explore the next phase of Spider-Man's story if his story was actually allowed to progress. Marvel has this idea in their minds that Spider-Man is only allowed to suffer and be an ignorant teenager. I want to show how he actually handles being a man with his own responisbilities and with a happy family, but obviously, Pete isn't done being lifes whipping boy just yet. His plight has just evolved and he has evolved with it.
This... This isn't happening...

Spider-Man stood, bloody, bruised, but... Victorious... If you could call what he saw a victory. Green Goblin's purple tunic quickly turning red as the blood poured from the blades piercing his body, he let out a laugh as he looked into Spider-Man's eyes. He then collapsed, falling backwards and landing with a loud thud on the metal on the stone atop one of the pillons of the Brooklyn Bridge. His Spider-Senses weren't flaring, this wasn't a trick, this wasn't a joke, this was... Real... He slowly stumbled over to Goblin's body.

"N... Norman..." He called. "Norman, speak to me..." He pulled his mask from his face, no quips, no energenic calls, no words of annoyance, Peter was as serious as anyone had ever heard him. "Norm... Don't..." He quickly rushed over and felt the pulse. He was Super-Powered, this might not kill him. "Norm, stay with me." He pulled the Goblins mask from his face and saw the Osborn family red and black striped hair... No... That hair wasn't red... And the face. "HARRY!!!!" Peter screamed. "HARRY WHY- WHAT- I DON'T- WHAT?!" Harry reached to a button on his wrist and pushed it, the gliders blades retreating and the glider fell atop him, the fins preventing it from crushing him at all, but now the blood flowed unimpeded "NO, HARRY, STOP, YOU'RE GONNA DIE!!!" He quickly pressed his hands across Harry's chest, but with 4 blades and only 2 hands, there was nothing he could do. "WHY!?!?!?!" He cried as tears streamed down his face. "HOW COULD YOU!?!?!"

"How could i not?" Harry smiled as he coughed up a tremendous amount of blood. "The goblin... I could feel it... It was taking over..."

"HOW COULD YOU? THINK OF NORMIE! THINK OF LIZ! THINK OF-" Harry grabbed Peter's collar with one hand and tried to push Peter's hands away, but he was so weak that he was completely unable to do so.

"Liz is gone... Cancer... Normie... Deserves better..."


"I couldn't save her, Pete... I couldn't save anyone... Anyone but..."

"Norman..." Peter came to the sudden realization. "This... ALL OF THIS... Was to save Norman?" He asked.

"Dad... Dad isn't evil... The Goblin is... But dad isn't... With this... The goblin dies... And i can be with Liz again..." At this point, he coughed hard as Peter punched his chest.

"SELFISH BASTARD!!! WHAT ABOUT NORMIE! HE'S ALL ALONE NOW! HE'S..." It was happening again. This was the third person he loved that was dying in his arms... And the second that was taken directly because of Norman Osborn. "You're leaving me and MJ..." He then laughed "Who's gonna be our Queen of Spain now?"

"Pete... I've only got minutes... Listen carefully..." He coughed as Peter crawled closer.

2 Days Later, Oscorp HQ, New York

The door opened to Normans office as Peter slowly walked in. The door closed behind him. Peter took out a small keyfob and pressed a button on it. "Don't worry, Gobby... This is a little mic scrambler. Means that nothing we say can leave this room." Norman didn't say anything, he simply stared daggers at Peter. "Norman, i know we have been at each others throats for 20 years now... But the one thing we both shared was that we loved Harry. You as a son and me as a Brother... And neither of us wanted it to end like this..." Norman continued to say nothing. Peters Spider-Senses were slowly ticking over. Norman was a snake that could strike at any second, but he wanted to believe he wouldn't. "Norman... Say something..."

"You killed my boy you wall crawling son of a bitch..." Norman spat.

"And you killed my first love you pumpkin slinging piece of trash-" Pete managed to squeeze between Normans words.

"And i will make you rue the day you did it."

"Harry killed himself... For you. That Goblin in his head was starting to take over. He didn't trust himself around Normie anymore. He couldn't save Liz, but he saw a way to save you. The cops have always been looking around you. You being the Goblin was the worst kept secret in the world. But Harry has given you an out. He has taken the full rap of everything the Goblin has ever done. He gave his life to save your soul."

"I don't want my soul, i want my SON!" He roared.

"AND I WANT HIM TOO!!!" Peter bit back. "But... We find ourselves in this situation... One where our wants and needs are not what we can get. Harry has made a sacrifice and I will NOT let it be in vain. The Goblin is dead... Let your sons last act on this planet be of your redemption. My uncle once said to me that with great power comes great responsibility. You have been given the greatest of powers. The power of a second chance and you have the responsibility to see that you use it to its fullest extent." The room sat quiet for a few minutes. Norman sniffed loudly, before getting up and looking out of his large window.

"Then the Goblin is dead... I will have to rededicate my life to... Raising my grandson." Peter slowly got up.

"That's not going to happen either..." Norman slowly turned to Peter and Peter could swear his Spider-Senses were trying to leap out through his skull and run away from just the sheer entropic power of Normans Glare. Peter reached into his suits breast pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "A copy of Harry's Last Will and Testiment. Signed and recognized by his lawyer the day before... It gives me custody of Normie."

"What could you possibly offer Normie? I have a 100 BILLION dollar company! I have summer homes in the Algarve, i can pay for his medical bills, his education and still not even remotely make a DENT in my ability to support him. You can barely make ends meet with your daughter. How can you even HOPE to support Normie, no i'm going to fight this, i'm going to hire the BEST lawyers in the land and when i'm done with you, you'll be lucky to have your web spinners-" Peter put his hand up to motion silence.

"Harry also left some things for us to take care of Normie with. Most notably... A controlling stake in Oscorp..." He put a piece of paper on the desk and slid it over. "Now, Oscorp is a publicly traded company and i can sell these shares to whoever i want, but i know you love Oscorp and i know Harry would never want me to jeopardize your company. As such, i'm offering the shares to you first. At current market value, his shares are equal to 34.82 Billion Dollars. That amount of clout guarantees you will control Oscorp for the rest of your natural life." Norman sneered with every word from Peter's lips

"And you'll... What, frittle it away on some-" Peter interrupted him.

"I plan to invest in a company of my own. And when Normie turns 18, he will be given an amount in that company equivalent to that. In shares or Money, whichever he requests. I will stay out of Oscorps way, no weapons or military contracts. No Pharmaceuticals in the same fields that Oscorp is working in. I would like very much to draw a line under our relationship and move forwards from here. In Harry's memory and for Normie's sake." Norman continued to stare daggers at him. But slowly reached over to his intercomm. "Felicia, I need the legal team to draft some papers on a stock purchase." He ordered.

8 Days Later, The Raft, New York

"It is good to see you, my dear boy." Otto said, greeting his old student in his strong German accent. "Allow me to once again give my condolences on Harry's passing, you and him were always so close."

"Thanks Otto." Peter replied, before patting him on the shoulder. Otto's 4 tentacles were completely inactive and dragging along the floor behind him as he walked over to the visitation desk. "Look, Otto, i have... Well, i have some clout now. A few friends in S.H.I.E.L.D. and some moolah to throw around in the pursuit of a dream i have."

"Money and a dream? Now that is a VERY dangerous combination for a young genius such as yourself." Otto laughed. "Tell me all about it."

"I can get you out of here and into the ground level of a project i am working on. With the right words here and there i can get your sentence commuted to Community Service in the most high-tech lab you have ever seen." Peter smiled.

"Say no more. The Doctor is in!" Otto laughed as he shook hands with Peter.

"Cue the montage" Peter smiled.

1 hour later, The Raft, New York

"And give me one good reason i should take you up on this, Parker? Maybe if you give me your buddy Spider-Man, i'll consider it." Toomes replied to Peter's offer.

"What is even your problem with him? It's not like you were innocent in the matter." Peter replied.

"Even so, i hold grudges." Toomes smiled.

"Well, is a grudge worth more to you than a leadership position with a brand new Aeronautics division at a multi-billion dollar conglomerate?" Pete snikered.

"Keep talkin'..." Toomes replied.

6 hours later, Hells Kitchen, New York.
"Neogenics is VERY dangerous." Morbius shook his head. "Look what it did to me."

Peter looked Michael up and down. "It saved your life, if nothing else. And i believe it can be used to save other lives too. We might be able to even change you back."

"A way out of the blood dependence... And a guarantee that my research will go EXACTLY where it needs to?" He asked.

"I mean, i'm not running a charity, but so long as we are saving lives and keeping our bottom line good, complete and total autonomy. So, is it Morbin' time?"

"I ALWAYS hated when you said that." Michael scowled, before grabbing Peter's hand and shaking it.

3 days later, Favela, Brazil
Peter slowly walked through a rudimentary hospital in the shanty town as people waited in line. "I have an appointment with Dr Smythe" He said to the receptionist, who showed him through to the office where the 6'7 spike-covered man stood inspecting a small child.

"-looking good, the swelling has gone down, just keep him on the antibiotics and i'll see him in a week." Alistair looked up and saw Peter walk in. "Excuse me, but you are?" Of course, Peter and Smythe had not really talked, he was more familiar with Spider-Man.

"Peter Parker, i'm friends with Spider-Man, i used to take pictures of him." Smythe seemed to pretend to recognize him, but Peter could tell otherwise.

"Ah yes, for the Bugle, well, what brings you to my part of the world?" He asked. Peter smiled, before handing him a business card.

"I represent Parker Industries and i need a Neogenics expert." Smythe looked at it.

"No thanks, i am wanted by FAR too many agencies in the US." He handed Peter back the card. Peter presented the card again.

"I have some clout and so long as you are willing to work on the level and maybe play give some super-powered help to the Feds and we can definitely get you back into the country as a free man. I can even provide money to hire on some more doctors for this little clinic of yours?" Peter threw in. Smythe looked at the rusted walls of the shanty hospital, before reaching a hand over to Peter. Peter shook it.

1 day later, Brooklyn, New York

"So what you're saying is that if i give myself up to the cops, then you'll pay for me a load of money?" Electro asked. Peter sighed with a palm on his face.

"I will give you the opportunity to redeem yourself in the eyes of the public. To make Electro not just some two-bit criminal with a penchant for stealing, but a respected member of the New York elite." He watched Electro think for a second.

"Yeah, that's nice and all, but there is money in it?" Electro reiterated. Peter handed him a piece of paper. Electro's eyes widened as his pupils started to glow with electricity "Is... Is that after Tax?" Peter laughed. This is why he knew that Max was definitely not beyond redemption. A simple man motivated by simple means such as large piles of cash.

"Sure, buddy. But you gotta stay on the level." Peter slapped him on the back.

"Oh definitely, you've got absolutely NOTHING to worry about." Peter felt a twinge from his Spider-Senses. Mex was lying... Maybe it was a mistake, but was it better to leave him as a definite threat, or maybe he could sway him over to the good side.

1 year later, Brooklyn, New York

"When i was young, my uncle Ben used to tell me that with great power comes great responsibility. Well, i say that with great power comes a greater speed, storage and battery life." Peter smiled to the press circus in front of him. "Parker Industries is proud to announce the new Spyder Phone. Unbeatable performance, a crisp and clear display and all at a price that leaves some of our..." He laughed a little "Competitors... in the dust." He then picked up a small wrist-mounted device and attached it. "It also comes with something very near and dear to my heart. You see, my Aunt May suffered from a Heart Attack which killed her. If emergency services were able to get to her, she could have been saved. As such, this vitals monitor will come as standard with every device. You can set it to monitor vitals and it will automatically call emergency services in case it picks up irregularities. So far, it recognizes Heart Attacks, Strokes and Aerythmia's with regular updates that will add more monitors. And of course, if you're the picture of perfect health and don't want it? Simply bring it to your local Spyder provider to trade in for store credit. Parker Industries has come onto the scene for one reason and one reason alone. To provide quality products and life-changing technologies at a competative price. With this being the first in our Spyder products, we hope to provide you with more as we go forward."

@ErsatzEmpress Right, done with my Spider-Man sheet.

And yes, i'm making no reference to Kingpin in this, in case someone wants him for Daredevil. But pretty much, a Spider-Man who is trying to raise a company and a family at the same time as he's grieving for the loss of his best friend. All the while, Norman is being his usual prick self.

Looks like fun. Writing up a Spider-Man concept now.
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