Robert Linden
Finally seemed to be making some progress. Nobody seemed to be about. Simultaneously relieving and annoying. He stopped for a 20ish seconds in order to reabsorbed the X-Men suit and de-absorbed his normal clothes, putting them back on the outside. He was no-where near where that explosion had happened, the only thing that suit would do right now is get him beaten up by angry brotherhood mutants. As he panted heavily and walked around a few steps with hands on hips. Running took it out of him, especially while trying to concentrate on keeping his spine intact. He let out a long sigh "Feck it" He let out from under his breath. No specific reason to be running now, he would conserve his energy by switching back to the wheelchair... Or at least, that's what he was going to do, when he suddenly saw an explosion of orange light from out of one of the open doors. "What in the power of Greyskull..." He mumbled, before slowly sneaking over and looking into one of the computer rooms to see a kid sat at a computer with 2 girls and another guy in there. Didn't recognize them. Could be with the other X-Men, but could also be some of Magneto's new worshippers. Best play it safe and act dumb. He poked his head through the door "Ummm, hello?" He asked. "New recruits for the construction team? Maintainance? Tech-Support? Robert Linden, chief architect for the Asteroid." He slowly sidled around the outside of the room, trying to act naturally, but also being wary in case they decided to just laser him to death (Brotherhood mutants were prone to trying that one) "Sorry, just need to get to this computer..." He strategically chose a computer that would allow him to keep an eye on the 4 in front of him while also checking. "Just need to check some of the internal sensors. There was a big explosion a few minutes ago and just need to make sure that we're not all about to be turned inside out in a violent explosive decompression." He laughed in order to hide his true feelings which was utter terror.
If these guys were some of Magneto's worshippers, they may be about to head off and start a fight in his Asteroid that could rip the station apart and if they were X-Men... Well, much of the same, frankly. Point is, that he had FINALLY figured out how to get Magneto out of Earths problem box without killing him and now that solution was falling apart because Erik just HAD to go and grab an X-Man for his station. And then there was Jasmine. If he was turned into People-Patte here and now, who would look after her? He breathed a sigh of relief as none of the internal sensors seemed to be registering any decompression. "Well, the good news is we are going to live right now, but the main question is how i can help our brave, intrepid explorers to the stars?" He asked with a big friendly smile that hid his preparations to defend himself if he should be attacked.