Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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So, that's 1 person interested in everything except the Kaiju one.
Sorry for very short post, computer is giving me the old "You must restart, you have 5 minutes to save everything" so i just posted it. Will continue it later though.

The Lanterns

30,000ft above the Pacific Ocean

Hal, Sinestro, May and Dex sat on the plane as it flew over the Pacific towards Sapporo. Hal stared at Dex as he sat licking himself. "Ok. I'm gonna be the one to say this." Hal said, guesticulating wildly at Dex. "IT'S A CAT!!!" Dex stopped licking himself and looked at Hal.

"It is human who smells of Steak Sauce." He replied. "Dex-Starr can state obvious too." Hal felt like he was living in a coo-coo-clock.

"Sinestro, i'm being damn serious right now, how the HELL is a cat the Champion of Rage? This raises so many questions. Are there SERIOUSLY not angrier people out there? I mean, i caught a documentary the other day of the CEO of Wayne Enterprises. That guy saw both his parents gunned down in front of him. You are telling me this cat was able to comprehend more rage than him?" Hal asked. Dex's eyes narrowed.

"Dex-Starr's rage is currently aimed at Green Steak-Sauce-Human." He growled as his ring glowed a darker red.

"AND WHY DOES IT TALK?!?!?" Hal yelled at Sinestro. "I can get around the secret agent who knows how to kill me in 200,000,000 different ways with just her big toe, I can just wrap my head around an alien man from space that came baring magic rings that turned us into the god-damned Power Rangers, but a talking cat joining the team? That's it, i'm drawing the line and demanding answers!" He looked at May for validation. May was just as curious, but she was trained to be restrained and not act out irrationally, unlike Jordan, who, despite his Air Force training, the stress was clearly getting to him. Sinestro looked at May.

"Are all of your military personelle as irrational as this one?" Sinestro asked. He then looked at Hal. "To answer your quesion, Green Lantern, the rings are not simply drawn to those who have felt the most of their emotion in their lives. When they are on the hunt, they are looking for the correct kinds of it. Dex-Starr is the one full of the most righteous anger at this very moment and it was enough to convince the ring to choose him. His speech is due to the rings translation matrix allowing you to understand what he's saying.

"Wait. The ring has a translation matrix?" He asked. He looked at May. "Say something in... German, i dunno." May rolled her eyes.

"You're an idiot." She said.

"No i'm not, this is a valid experiment." Hal reasoned.

"Well, then it works." May replied.

"No, you need to say something in German for me to tell." Hal said. May looked at Sinestro.

"So it turns everything i say into something he understands." She replied. "Not surprising, considering we don't speak Korugarian."

"What's..." Hal stopped himself, realizing that question was most definitely in the briefing that Sinestro had written. "So, what happens if you say something in Spanish?" Hal asked. "I'm a Cali boy, i speak Spanish." He replied.

"Creo que sonaría exactamente lo mismo." May replied.

"Ah, that came through as Spanish because i understand it." Hal pointed at her.

"Alright, so that was a fair experiment." She replied.

"But, back to the cat?" Hal asked.

"He is not the first non-sapient animal that has been made into the Champion." Sinestro put his ring out and began creating constructs of several other creatures. A squirrel, a dog, a space-whale looking thing, an entire planet.

"A planet became a Lantern?" Hal asked.

"Mogo, one of the strongest of our order. He was Green just as you are." He said.

"Well, Mogo never got to meet Hal Jordan. And that's a shame for him, because i'm gonna be better than him. Hal replied with an arm-pump. Sinestro looked at Hal.

"For all our sakes, i hope you are right." Sinestro replied.
@Sep That's actually an excellent point. I'm going on Holiday next week (2nd - 6th September) into rural Wales, where the Internet is not the best. So, i may go rather quiet that week.
So, i made a character sheet to give you a better idea of what i'm asking to play.

Finally doing something.
@deegee So, any thoughts about my question?

Weird question: Would it be possible to play an Imperial who's chasing the gang? Not necessarily an evil bastard, just the old "Law is the law and the Emperor is the guy signing the cheques. I mean, I'm happy to lose all the time, I just kinda have a hankering for that kind of character.
<Snipped quote by AndyC>

Yeah sure. Nicky Fury can be the Assistant Director under Nick Fury that's no problem with me. I was thinking Nichola Fury but hey, whatever works.

"Michael Bolton, welcome to your first day at S.H.I.E.L.D. H.Q., Michael Bolton this is Nick Fury, Michael Bolton, this is Nick Fury, Michael Bolton, this is Nick Fury, Michael Bolton, this is Nick Fury, Michael Bolton, this is Nick Fury, Michael Bolton, this is Nick Fury."

"Wait, is your name not Nick Fury?"

"No, it's Michael."

"Well, that's gonna cause some confusion... Mind if we call you Nick Fury?"
@Sep Well, i've introduced "Director Fury" without making any illusions to any facts about him, other than keeping the MCU thing where he likes cats. Also, the image is supposed to be David Hasselhoff in the 1998 masterpiece "Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D."

The Lanterns

Blyniville Airforce Base, Coast City

Having been unwilling to take the furious cat further than necessary, currently, S.H.I.E.L.D. had coopted one of the buildings of Blyniville Airforce Base to use as temporary HQ while they figured out what to do with the cat. Dexter was currently being examined by the boys in the lab. May finally made her appearance."Gentlemen, we have a special guest with us today." May said, pressing a button on a remote and the TV turned on. Sat in the shadows was a figure with a cat on his lap. The cat in question specifically being Dexter. Hal looked visibly concerned as the man on the TV stroked the cat with seemingly no concern towards the fluffy ball of genocidal rage sat there.

"Pleasure to meet you." The voice was distorted, clearly this man was trying to keep his identity a secret. "Call me Director Fury. I think it's time that we had this talk face to face."

"Or face to lack of face." Hal replied. Fury didn't respond.

"So far, we have had multiple reports of ring activities from across the globe." A picture of the world came up.

The crew looked at the map. Obviously, the attacks on Coast City and Yonkers from the Red Ring were marked. "Looks like the Orange Ring has been busy on the border. Probably latching onto the drug cartels. Then it's made it's way over to the middle-east, probably latching onto the Oil Barons, then over to China doing... Who knows what? But the Blue Ring is also active in those areas."

"The Blue ring seems to have found a host, but they are being ellusive." Fury replied.

"The Blue ring is the absolute least of our worries." Sinestro replied. "Blue is the colour of Hope, the most incorruptible force in this universe. Even if the Blue Ring's current host is not the true champion, it will mostly act in the best interests of hopes and dreams of the world around it. I suggest we leave the Blue ring for the moment and redouble our efforts on the more dangerous rings."

"Orange seems to be the one i'd label most dangerous. Love is pretty incorruptible as is Compassion." Sinestro looked over at Hal with a more serious look than usual.

"NEVER... Underestimate the powers of Love and Compassion." Sinestro growled. "They have lead some of the most upstanding and noble of heroes down the darkest paths. You have no idea what people will do in the name of feeling the love of another or easing others perceived suffering." Sinestro gave that thousand yard stare that Hal had seen on the faces of other pilots after sorties. The same look he had seen on another pilot who had accidentally initiated an airstrike on friendlies due to them giving him bad coordinates. That stuff messed up a man and it looked like Sinestro had gotten a first-hand look at what those rings had done before.

"Sinestro..." Hal said, legitimate concern on his face. "If you need to talk-"

"What i need, Hal Jordan, is to save your planet." Sinestro replied coldly.

"There will be plenty of time for shrinks later." May replied. "The Indigo ring seems most active in Africa. Primarily along the Gold Coast, our best estimates put the slave trade along there at 1/200 people are in some form of indentured servitude. Mostly in the sex and fishing industries."

"Yeah, they could use some compassion over there." Hal sighed.

"That combined with the current famines in central Africa, no wonder it's chosen there as its stomping ground." May continued "Looks like its attempts to push east are being quashed by the Blue ring and its user."

"Meanwhile the Pink ring-" Hal began.

"Star Sapphire." Sinestro corrected.

"Seems to be hitting all the romantic destinations. London, Paris, Madrid, Honolulu... No surprise being that it's the Love ring." He continued looking at the map. "Alright, which was the latest hit?" The photo zoomed in on a Japan.

"Sapporo, the Star Sapphire ring took over a pair of kids who had run away from home due to their parents forbidding their love." May replied

"A pair of kids?" Hal asked. "How did 1 ring take control of 2 people?" Sinestro and May both looked at Hal. "What?"

"Did you not read the dossier i wrote on the rings and their powers?" Sinestro asked. May looked angrilly at Hal as Hal slowly rubbed the back of is head in nervousness.

"I... I don't think it was delivered to me. You know, maybe someone from accounting screwed up?" Mays look of disapproval and Sinestro's continued questioning of Hal's intelligence was NOT abated by this excuse. Sinestro sighed.

"Although each ring has the power to create energy constructs, grant flight, rapid rejuvination and environmental control, each of the rings has unique powers, specifically not shared by the others. Star Sapphire has the power to split itself into 2, sharing itself with the hosts true love." Sinestro stated.

"And the Green rings unique ability is...?" Hal asked. Sinestro smiled that cruel smile that made the hairs on the back of Hals neck stand up.

"In the dossier." He replied.

"Ok, i deserved that. So, Sapporo is our next destination. Wheels up in 30?" Hal asked, getting up from the table.

"Before that, i am handing down some executive decisions for you." Fury replied. "Number 1. You are now going to be based out of Blyniville Air Base." Hal looked confused.

"I mean, i'm glad for the opportunity to be based out of my hometown, but why specifically?" Hal asked.

"Your comfort is only a by-product of the decision. In order to secure the assistance of our Champion of Rage, i have made some concessions to him." Fury replied.

"Mrrow..." Dexter's meow was also distorted by the voice filter as well.

"Most notably, he is to remain close to his owner, who is in critical care at St Martin's." Fury continued. "The bullets used by those bastards were only .22, which is why she wasn't killed by that bullet through her eye, but is currently in a medically induced coma."

"My name is Dex-Starr now..." Dex said, his voice continuing to be distorted by the filter.

"And Dex-Starr... You are joining us in Sapporo?" Hal asked the cat.

"Dex-Starr will kill for Fury." He stated.

"And if we need people not dead?" Hal asked. Dex simply began licking himself, not answering the question. "Beautiful." Hal said with a smile at Sinestro that begged the alien to save him.

"Wheels up in 30." May said.

"That's my line, i called dibs on that!" Hal yelled as he got to his feet.
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