Avatar of mattmanganon


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Most Recent Posts

@Lord Wraith *Stares forlornly at my rejected Transformers idea* I feel your pain, brother.
@MacabreMoth Honestly, 4 players is preferable. And there will be plenty of opportunity to pilot ships. It wouldn't be Star Wars without a couple of TIE vs X-Wing engagements.
@Lurking Krog It seems fine.

@Varshanka They already have an origin for that

Also, please direct questions to the OOC because i get notification pings on that. I tend not to subscribe to Interest Checks.

Welcome to the Imperial Storm Commandos

The year is 2BBY. Lothal has just fallen and Grand Admiral Thrawn and Battlegroup Chimera have disappeared into the Ether. You are Imperial Storm Commando's. Your official job is "To seek out those who would provide aid, comfort and technology to seditious groups and to bring them to justice" But the actual job is "Find Rebels, kill them. Find Rebel sympathizing scientists and capture them and their technologies for the glory of Empire and Emperor." You can be as mean and nasty as you want, or you can try to go about it the Hanns Scharff way of getting what you want through non-violent methods of trickery. So long as the Emperor gets his new toys, your strategy is of no consequence to him. And being Storm Commando's, you have the best and meanest toys that the Empire has at its disposal to get the job done.

You are a brand new squad aboard I.S.S. Revenge a Storm Commando Escort Carrier.

If there are any questions or you want to play a specific kind of Stormtrooper, please do respond. Also, when your character sheet is done, PM it to me with a Googledrive link.

I am really tempted to make a Wonder Woman sheet based on DC Superhero Girls. Her coming to the world of man to spite her mother, kicking ass, taking names and being hopelessly enfatuated with the first man she ever seen
I have not forgotten about this, it's just that i am busy IRL as some Bullshit just popped up and i'm trying to make a comprehensive OOC with everything needed. Hoping to have it done by the end of today, but possibly tomorrow.
There we go. Ronan is now aware of earth and is too shit terrified of Superman to come here himself. So, everyone's favourite Mechanical Mercenary is comin' for the gangs collective booty.

The Lanterns

Space, Kree Sector

"Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is Kree Merchant Group Astenseron. We are under attack from a rogue warship. We have lost 4 of the 7 vessels in our group and shields and life support on our flagship, please assist, pleas-"

The cry for help was not answered and the rest of the vessels were quickly destroyed. Those who were able to get to an escape pod quickly learned that those who weren't were the lucky ones as they were quickly brought aboard the floating fortress known as "The Dark Aster". As the captain of the group was brought to the bridge, he was able to get one last glance at the wreckage of his lifes work, before the captains chair turned around slowly to face him. The tall, powerful an imposing figure of one of the most highly decorated and feared Accusers the Kree Empire had ever known. Ronan... The captain was forced to his knees as Ronan stood up, hammer in hand. A Robot next to Ronan whirred forward and a hologram appeared of the floatilla they had just destroyed meeting with several other ships.

"Read the accused his charge." Ronan ordered, gripping the hammer in disdain.

"Captain Del-Va, you stand accused of treason and smuggling for breaking the trade embargo on a nation that the Kree Empire is at war with-" The captain looked horrified.

"Lord Accuser, those ar-" The captain tried to speak, but Ronan tapped the hilt of his hammer on the floor and stared at him a cold stare that would turn most mens bones to jelly.

"The accused will not interrupt the bailiff in his reading of the charges." The captain simply knelt back down.

"Resisting arrest and attempting to seek the aid of a rogue arm of the Kree Empire. Please enter your plead now." The robot finished.

"My lord, i have no idea what you are talking abo-" Ronan tapped the hammer again and the man simply looked at the robot. "Not guilty, my lord." Ronan then looked at the hologram

"You deny that these ships are yours?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not, my lord, but those ships are Thanagarian, we are- Ronan tapped the hammer again to stop him.

"THE KREE EMPIRE IS AT WAR WITH THANAGAR!!!" He boomed at the man. The man looked confused, back and forth at the photo and Ronan.

"My lord... Perhaps you have not heard, but the Emp-"

"THE TRAITORS NAME IS NOT TO BE SPOKEN IN THIS COURT!" Ronan growled. He slowly circled the captain. "The Traitor was given clear and distinct orders not to accept the peace treaty, when they ignored this order from the Accusor Corps, they betrayed their oath and became unworthy of the throne of the Kree Empire. Many traitors followed them, but this ship, this crew... We are the last vestiges of the true empire, loyal only to the throne and our oath."

"My lord... What are you saying?" The captain asked.

"What i am saying is..." His other hand moved to the hammer. "I hereby find you guilty of treason. And the sentence is mercy..." In one swift motion, he brought the hammer above his head and brought it down, smashing the captains skull in, killing him instantly. He looked down at the captain, a tear forming in his eye. "How many more innocent lives will this terrible rebellion claim." The death of any Kree weighed heavily on his heart and he appreciated that the traitor on the throne was very persuasive. But the Thanagarians had been judged guilty by the Accusors and he didn't care what anyone else said, that meant declaring peace while a single one of them drew breath was a crime more terrible than any he could imagine.

"My lord, i have finally located the rings..." A voice came from across the room. Ronan looked over to see a tall woman approach him. Scantilly clad blue skinned woman approached him. a large book in her hands. Opening it, yellow energy began to swirl and circle from it, showing a planet. "A small uncharted world in Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha"

"Excellent work, Lady Drak." He turned to the helm. "Set course for-" He began, but Lady Drak butted in.

"My lord, attempts to attack the planet would prove disasterous at the moment." She warned. The swirling energy slowly formed into a large S shape.

"The house of El..." Ronan had never met a Kryptonian, but he had learned in the Corps that the Kryptonian Empire was one of godlike beings, technologies that made his ship look like little more than the result of banging rocks together. That it was the one time that the Kree had backed down was after a run in with one wearing that symbol. And as soon as they were in the vicinity of a Yellow sun...

"The planets sun is yellow..." Drak elaborated.

"Damn you, Sinestro..." He grunted. He then looked out at space. He daren't go yet. If he ran into the Kryptonian, then the only loyalists in the Kree Empire would surely perish and the millenias of history, honour and tradition. He needed all of them to take back the Empire, but with 1 of them... He may stand a chance against the Kryptonain. "We need more information on the planet and it cannot be traced back to us. We need someone with the firepower to deal with Sur but the subtlety to get what is needed and get back without alerting the Kryptonian to his pressence." He looked at the comms officer "Get me Deaths Head."
Sorry, tired and drunk will probably put up the OOC tomorrow.
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