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I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
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Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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The Lanterns

Sapporo, Japan. City Center

"So, we're going to be doing this the hard way, yes?" The metal man said. "I am Deaths Head. I think it's always appropriate to let my prey know who it is that's going to be bringing them in." The laser cannon in his hand glowed again. "The only question is how warm you are going to be when you are brought in. Usual body temperature? Or extra crispy...?"

Hal was up on his feet quickly. He looked around at the others. The barman had already dived down, while the rest of the people in here were a little too inebriated to really care and... Damn he really wanted to watch Robocop right now... No, stay focussed. In a flash of green light, his suit came on, Sinestro followed them, his skin turning rose and his Gold Lantern outfit appearing on.

"Oh, Sinestro?" Deaths Head said, realizing exactly who it was. "Been a while. Last time i worked with you was that nasty business with Atrocitus. He did not go down easy, you remember yes?-" At that point, Sinestro burst towards him in a flash of gold light and with one powerful, solid gold left hook, sent Deaths Head flying straight across the street and into a closed flower shop.

"Friend of yours?" Hal asked. Sinestro turned around with a look of purest thunder. "OoOoOoOoh! Sorry i asked." Hal said, waving his hands condescendingly.

"Are you competent enough?" Sinestro asked. Hal looked at his hands.

"I got 2 hands, 1 ring and one alien jerk to punch into next week!" Hal said, stumbling a little from all the booze he had consumed. "Although when we get home, i am showing you Robocop and you are GOING to like it." He then flew out and floated just above the street to see Deaths Head slowly pick himself up and fix his jaw.

"A little unsportsmanlike of you, yes?" He asked. "Alright, extra crispy it is." He pointed the gun at Hal and a purple blast of energy shot out. Hal instinctively shot his hand out and a green bank vault door appeared to intercept the blast. The vault door exploded and the shards of green construct flew past Hal. "Impressive" Deaths Head laughed.

"TAKE THIS YOU METAL TIC-TAC!!!" He yelled, the ring creating an A-10 Thunderbolt on each of his arms and he pointed them at Deaths Head, before the distinctive BRRRRRRT!!! Rang out through the streets and green bullets began spraying Deaths Head. The Robot man then rocketted into the air with the boosters in his boots. Hal was far too drunk to effectively track his shots. But it was keeping him on the move. Deaths Head dodging left and right, keeping moving and taking advantage of the inebriated humans state.

Meanwhile, Sinestro was watching from the street bellow while May was helping people to safety. "What are you waiting for, Sinestro, get in there!" She asked him. She only had her side arm on her and she knew enough to know that it would do nothing against that alien cyborg.

"Look at Green Lantern for a second..." Sinestro said. "I've not see him do that before."

As Deaths Head dodged some more of the shots, he put the laser cannon away and his other hand turned into a mass of blades that began to spin. He then launched himself towards Hal at Breakneck speed. As he did, the A-10's on Hals wrist suddenly had large chainsaw blades shoot out of them for Hal to bring up and block the the spinning blade from Deaths Head, then swinging the chainsaw Warthog on his left arm to block the incoming Mace from Deaths Head's right arm. The blades revved loudly, but they were unable to cut through Deaths Heads thick armour. A comically large boot then appeared on the end of Hals foot as he reared it back, before delivering a devastating shot between Deaths Heads legs, right into the crotch. A loud CLANG! rang out and he was pushed up a few meters in the air, but Deaths Head looked down at Hal, slightly confused.


"Don't believe that Star Trek crap about Human Valor, when it comes down to a fight, we do what it takes to win." He said, dancing from side to side in the air with the chainsaw A-10s.

"An almost admirable trait." His blades began to spin again. "Almost..." He said, before launching at him again, as he did, Hal flew backwards and the ring created a large, green human in front of him. On the ground, May facepalmed as she watched the sight.

"Did he just make a Construct Captain Kirk?" Sinestro looked at her as the pair helped get people out of the line of fire. Sinestro was only half helping, mostly just watching how Hal handled himself in this drunken state. As the Kirk construct appeared, he locked his fingers together and in one powerful double-axehandle strike, sent Deaths Head plummeting to the ground. Sinestro watched and nodded approvingly. before the giant Kirk Construct rocketted towards the ground for a double-stomp straight ontop of Deaths Head. Tarmac cracked and rubble flew out. The Kirk Construct then shattered again, as Deaths Head punched his way up through it and rocketted towards Hal. Hal tried to create a large shield in front of him, but Deaths Head broke straight through it with his mace, before swinging again towards Hals face. Hal created another shield, but the mace shattered it again, bashing Hal straight across the jaw and sending him spinning towards the ground. A large green trampolene appeared just in time to catch Hal, however, it bounded him straight off and he hit his head on the ground. Deaths Head slowly descended to the ground towards Hal.

"Now, it would have been just so much easier to agree to hand over the ring, yes?" He asked, walking towards Hal as he slowly tried to get to his feet.

"Oooooooh" He groaned, stumbling to his feet. "ngy Jaw..." He grounded, trying not to move his jaw too much. Deaths Heads spinning blades turned back into his hand and he grabbed Hal by the back of his head and smashed it into a wall, A construct of a big pillow appeared in front of his face before e hit the wall.

"The ring in my hand and the pain stops." Deaths Head growled

"Show we the way chu home..." Hal slowly started singing, another smash into the wall beside the pillow, but the pillow moved to once again absorb the impact. "um tiyad ans i wannu go za bed..." Deaths Heads Mace turned into a second hand, he then pushed Hals face into the pillow with one hand and grabbed Hals ring hand with the other, trying to crush it, but the ring glowed and a large shark burst out of it and chomped down on Deaths Head's head. Deaths Head fell backwards, wrestling with the construct

"GET THIS INFERNAL AMPHIBIAN OFF OF ME!!!" He roared, throwing it to the side where the Shark flopped about for a few seconds before smashing into green shards. As Deaths Head rolled over to get away from it, he suddenly felt something in the back of his head.

"Shows over, Robot-head." Hal grinned. Deaths Head slowly got to his feet, he then turned around slowly to see that Hal was no longer in his Green Lantern outfit and the ring was no longer glowing.

"I think not..." Deaths Head grinned.

"Suit yourself" Hal then tried to create something, but nothing happened. He tried it again and again, before looking down at himself. "Ah..." He groaned.

"Ah indeed..." Deaths Head grinned, getting the laser cannon from his back again and pointing it at Hal's chest. "So, you surrender, yes?" He asked. At that point, a large golden fist sent Deaths Head flying. Sinestro floated over to Hal.

"What was the first thing i told you about being a Lantern?" He asked.

"Charge the damn ring?" Hal replied. Sinestro nodded.

"Go help May, i'll deal with Deaths Head. You've weakened him enough that i should be able to take him from here." At that point, Deaths Head shot into the air, screaming audibly as a glowing red aura seemed to be around his head. The pair looked to see Dex-Starr currently latched on and slashing him over and over with his claws.

"GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!!!" Was all they could hear in the distance. Sinestro launched himself towards Deaths Head, a large golden clamp grabbing him around the torso and keeping his eyes bound to his side while Dex-Starr continued to attack the face.

"Yield and i will call off the feline." Sinestro said.

"DEATHS HEAD YIELDS TO NO-ONE!!!" He roared as the claws continued to slash back and forth across his face. "I WI-EEEEEEEEE" As he yelled, Dex created a clamp that forced Deaths Heads jaw open and all of the claws latched straight onto Deaths Heads tongue.

"SURRENDER!!!" Dex roared in his demonic voice.

"I think you'd better do what the cat wants." Sinestro laughed.

"U URRUNUR U URRUNRUR!!!!!" He roared while the cat, literally, had his tongue. Sinestro looked at Dex, who let go and slowly floated way. Sinestro slowly reeled in Deaths Head.

"Good job..." He mumbled.
Crasse watched the last of his new Commando's arrive. Riot Trooper looking to earn a name for himself. Honestly, so far he was pleasantly surprised by their cander. Not many questioning looks at his near-human status. "Thank you for attending, I'm going to tell you the same thing i told the rest of your squad. Obedience will be met with reward, disobedience will be met with harsh punishment. Take down targets that are ordered of you, missions are to be run quickly and quietly and collateral damage will not be tolerated. Apart from that, get results, get paid, get promoted, simple as that."

More importantly when the Moff had told him he was getting an Inquisitor, he was afraid that one might throw the team off by being aloof and superior, but this one seemed more down to earth than the ones he had worked alongside in the past. Then again, those were the ones under Vader, rather than these ones under Jerec. He had no idea who or what Vader was under that mask but at least Jerec was Miraluka, another Near-Human. He had heard Jerec was a bit nuts and liked his minions equally so. Maybe this one hadn't had the opportunity to get broken in yet.

Ian on the otherhand was Mandalorian. He was equally grateful to have one of them in his group. He had heard that a few Mando's flew for the Rebellion at Lothal, so maybe the rumours that the Empires grip on the warriors was slipping was merely the Rebellions propaganda machines working a little too well.

"You are all dismissed" He said, before they began to file out of the room.

As the commando's began to dispurse, Crasse made his way to the bridge before standing and looking out of the front viewscreen as Revenge cleared her moorings with the rest of Hunter Group Alpha and made their way to the Hyperspace Lane Marker "Link up with Obliterators Navicomputer and follow her into Hyperspace. Once we have reached Sector 3 and the command group is in position, make best speed for Hasiki." He ordered. As the rest of the Hunter Group launched into Hyperspace, the stars turned to streaks before Revenge catapulted itself into hyperspace as well.
Casse looked at Vanovar. "It's all in the reports. A few illegally modified freighters with boarding crew. No match for Revenge is they try anything, but i'd rather take them on the ground and alive if possible. Dead men can't talk and hopefully they won't have wiped their Navicomputers too well so we can track where they have been to other Rebels. No evidence of Jedi if that's your question." He said to the Inquisitor.
@rush99999 Sure, i'll get on that, was waiting to see if anyone else asked an IC question.
I'm going out for a Birthday meal tomorrow at a fancy All-You-Can-Eat place, so my attempts to get a post out every Saturday may be pushed back to Sunday as i may spend most of Saturday in a food-coma.
@MacabreMoth There's no specific type of cargo they are taking. Everything from food, to weapons, to medical supplies, to replacement parts for anything from starships to aggricultural vehicles.
@MacabreMoth Ok, so, how games like this work is that information gathering is based on how well you do in the roll as opposed to order of what information you'd rather get.

So, with a 24, you study the combat reports and learn the following:

*The ships involved with the attacks are only talked about in eye witness reports from the survivors with no sensor data or pictures available. They are described as "Illegally modified Cargo Freighters of unknown make and model" But studying the basic descriptions, there seems to be reports of 4 different ships:
-2 Tri-Wings you would guess are Clone Wars Era military shuttles. Possibly Rho or Theta class.
-1 has 2 large dorsal fins, potentially Sheathipede or Maxipede class.
-1 older Corellian ship, probably YT type, maybe 1250 or 2400.
Illegal modifications include them having Concussion Missile Launchers and Medium Laser Cannons. Not the most heavily armed, but more than a match for the average unarmed freighter that is their general targets.
*The pirates are wearing matching uniforms of White Duraplast plating over Navy-Blue space suits with helmets and voice filters that obscure their faces and voices, making telling race and gender impossible. Although one of the Corellian ships crew only talks in Non-Basic (Potentially Huttese) They were mostly armed with E-5 blaster rifles and SE-14 Blaster Pistols.
*Very professional about the attacks. Shoots to disable, boards, grabs what cargo they want and then leaves quickly, only killing anyone who tries to stop them and bundling the survivors into escape pods, making sure the survivors are evacuated before they destroy the ships.

@Varshanka Crasse is a professional. He treated you all as unknowns without any particular differences. Frankly, from the looks of him, you'd guess he's just glad to be a Near-Human that has been given any semblence of true power in the Empire.
@Varshanka Depends on what you want to know about him. Pick a skill, make a roll. There is no magical "Know everything" skill.

@MacabreMoth Same as above, depends on the kind of information you are looking to get from the reports. Knowledge Tactics would be good for analyzing the attacks and looking for skill levels and patterns.
@rush99999 Galactic Lore specifically?


Located in Imperial Sector 3 (Nicknamed The Steel Blade Region, you don't know why.) Even though it sided with the Republic during the Clone Wars, there was a vocal Separatist minority. Several accidents that resulted in the deaths of anti-Separatist politicians on the world were suspected of being Separatist Terrorist attacks, but nobody ever claimed them and no proof was ever found.
@Shovel I added the Riot Trooper to the very first post.
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