Avatar of mattmanganon


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Most Recent Posts

Alright, so i'm giving you guys opportunity to RP among yourselves. Revenge will arrive at her destination on Sunday, so until then, you are insentivised to RP among yourselves (Because there will be rewards for good RPing) Or if you have any questions to ask or anything.
Captain Crasse looked around at the new squad. "Glad to see you all with us." He turned around in his chair to look out into the shipyards of Fondor. Without turning he continued. "It's at this point that you are supposed to be given the general briefing, but i'd prefer to give it to you straight. Your Empire is on a tipping point. Contrary to what His Majesties propaganda machine would tell you, the incident at Lothal is anything but minor. The rebels struck hard, fast, countless losses on our side with equivalently minor losses on theirs. The entire of Battlegroup Chimera is gone, minimal survivors managed to make an escape and the Rebels have secured their position and dug in like a Mynock infestation. With Admiral Thrawns death, Moff Seerdon see's an opportunity to climb the ladder and he's taking it. If we are responsible for getting him up that ladder, then guess who he's taking with him." He turned around again to look at the party.

"All of us. Battlegroup Cairnmog could be the new Death Squadron, but only if we bring results." He looked at Vanovar "That's why Lord Seerdon has requested your presence. Thrawn overestimated his own abilties and underestimated those of the Jedi. We don't know how many more cultists of that dead religion are still around."

He then pressed a button on the console "Battlegroup Cairnmog is being dispatched to Sector 3, The Moff wants to make sure there are no Rebels in his sector before we branch out to others and show them how it's done. Our job is to take Hasiki, a number of Imperial Freighters have been being raided recently. We believed it might have been pirates, but a few survivors from their latest attack claim that the attackers were Rebels. The ships have all been hit by short ranged craft and they have all been hit with Hasiki in range so we are moving there first. When we arrive, your job will be to go down to the city and investigate. Find those ships or anyone who may lead to those ships. You're being given a Partrol Transport to get the job done. We will be at the planet in a day. Until then, if there's no questions, you are dismissed."
Nice opening posts from everyone. Remember if you want information on any given situation, you can post your character guessing, or you can also try to make a roll to see if your character knows more or can get more information on any given situation. If you don't know what roll to make, just ask in the OOC and i'll ask you to make that roll for the information you are trying to get. I'm gonna post a response in the IC first and then i'll make some Riot Trooper rules for Shovel.

1) At level 1 as a human, you should have:
*1 Feat for being Human
*Your Starting Class Feats
*1 Feat based on your Stormtrooper Type
*1 Feat for being Level 1
2) Hmmm... Riot Troopers didn't occur to me, to be honest, but i'm happy to make some rules for them, will have to wait for me to get home as i'm about to go out.
@Lurking Krog So, i appreciate that you have had your teeth out and that is absolutely never a fun time for anyone involved. But at the same time, the RP kinda needs to get moving.

So, i'm gonna put a timeframe for posts up in order to keep things moving at a steady pace:

- Post in the IC at least once a week

Doesn't need to be a big post, just needs to explain what your character is doing at that point in the RP. Can be as simple as "Vanovar looks around and loots the room *Link to your roll*" More detailed posts are appreciated, but this is a fun RP, not a 30 page essay demanded as homework.

- You get 3 strikes in a row. first twice your character will just be left behind and essentially forfeit their turn with the third time in a row i will take as your resignation from the game

Of course, like all things there are extensions allowed on these. Again, this is a game, not homework and i'm not going to demand that you get out of bed when you are dying or take time out of your holiday or anything like that. Just so long as you let me know, i'm happy putting your character into hibernation for a bit. But if the RP stagnates, people lose interest so we gotta keep things moving.

So, i'm gonna say that your week starts now, so if i don't get an IC post by Midday on Sunday (GMT) I'm going to give you a strike and move things along.
@rocketrobie2 Medical emergencies are a bitch. My leg is getting better (Fucked it up at the beginning of August)

The Lanterns

Sapporo, Japan. City Center

Hal and Sinestro had gone to the city center. Hal had been to Japan on a few assignments in the past, but never really learned the language, so mostly stuck to the places near the US bases where most of the locals spoke enough English for him to get by, but it was a completely new experience when he actually was able to communicate with them in their language. And it had been with that full understanding that a pair of "Gaijin" had come to be accepted at a small bar.


A cheer went out as Hal, Sinestro and 4 of the locals raised their glasses in a toast. So far, they had drank several bottles of a local beer and were now helping the 4 locals finish their second bottle of Sake. Sinestro let out a wheeze, not particularly used to his alcohols being served hot.

"See, i told you we needed a night off." Hal coughed after his 4th glass of the hot booze.

"The disunity of humanity is most perplexing to me." Sinestro said "Out in the cosmos, most civilizations that have gotten to your point in development have either fully or a least MOSTLY unified, maybe 4 or 5 factions AT MOST and yet there are 195 factions, 237 if you don't count factions that are ruled by other factions and too many religious orders to count, some of which are quite literally a joke to make fun of the other factions. Although i'm surprised about those of you who worship Shuma-Gorath as some kind of joke." Sinestro then raised his cup "Kampai"


Another inebriated cheer went around the bar as Sinestro drank another glass. Hal finished his cup as one of the other patrons cracked another bottle that had been left on the radiator and began pouring it around.

"Who the heck is Shuma-Gorath?" Hal asked. Sinestro looked into his cup and swirled the sake around a little

"A weird flying tentacle monster me and Abin once found a bunch of cultists on Koord worshipping. Ooh boy, they gave us some trouble, but." He made finger guns and playfully shot at Hal a few times.

"Oh dear, someone can't handle their Earth Booze." Hal laughed. At that point the door to the bar opened and people looked around to see Agent May walk in. "Ohayo gozaimasu fellow Gaijin!" Hal laughed at her.

"There you are." May frowned.

"Here we are!" Hal giggled. "Got us!"

"And you're drunk." She sighed. Hal and Sinestro looked at each other, shocked at the accusation.

"No you're drunk!" Hal said, spilling some of his drink. "OH NO, I AM SO SORRY!" He yelled, licking the table. The other patrons laughing as he did so.

"Are you sure you should be talking about..." She made a vague guesture towards Sinestro, who was continuing to stare into the glass

"Going to be honest, Agent May, i doubt i'm going to remember this tomorrow, let alone this lot." He groaned. He then looked up at her, his eyes drifting across her. "You know, Agent May, you remind me a lot of Ar..." He then stopped himself as he trailed off, before looking at her knuckles. "What happened to your hand? Looks like you punched someone SUPER hard." He then lapped his tongue a little. "Punched... Punshed... Punched... That's a really weird word. Rhymes with table...

"What? No it doesn't. Not even close." Hal laughed.

"Does in my language." Sinestro sneered back sarcastically.

"Turns out Morita's dad didn't appreciate my questions or his sons actions and had some strong feelings on the matter. I convinced him not to act on his strong feelings again." She said, flexing her knuckles.

"You need to be cut off. Agent May, take his keys." Hal ordered. He then quickly patted himself over before pulling the keys from his pocket. "Oh wait... Hey, Sinestro..." He jingled them, before May grabbed them from him with one swift swipe of her hand. Hal looked forlornly into his empty hand "My keys..." He moaned quietly. He then grabbed another glass. "Kampai?"


Came the response as everyone drank their glasses. May then sat down with them and grabbed a glass. "Kampai!" She sighed, resigning herself to joining in on tomorrows hangovers. Just as she was about to bring the drink to her lips, she suddenly heard something outside. Screaming, mass screaming, something was coming. Then she heard the tell-tale sound of a weapon revving up, jumping across the table, she grabbed Hal, just as the wall behind her exploded. As she dived she saw Sinestro instantly stand up and form a golden barrier around everyone in the bar. As the smoke cleared, a tall, physically intimidating man stood in silhouette as the smoke whisped around his cloak. A very large gun in one hand and his other hand seemed to be a... Well, a Mace. Metal from head to toe, a large red cape, blue and yellow robes around his torso and very large, metal teeth protruding from an underbite jaw that looked like it could bike straight through a battleship hull.

"You value your lives and those around you?" It said in a loud, booming, gutteral voice. "Then hand over your rings and maybe you and them stay healthy, yes?" The intimidating man said, lowering the gun to point at Hal and Sinestro.
@Shovel Yeah, i'd say 5 is about the max so if you can get a Character Sheet filled out and PM'd to me soon, i'd be happy to accept someone else in.
@MacabreMoth@rush99999@Lurking Krog So, where is everyone on their introductions?
Alright, put up the IC. Pretty much what your opening post should include:

*Introduction of your character, who they are, what they look like
*Thoughts on the inside of this brand new ship
*Thoughts on the other party members
*Questions you have for the captain.

Any questions for the GM my be posted in the OOC.
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