Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Fondor, 2BBY

With the loss of Lothal to Rebel insurgeants along with the entire of Battlegroup Hydra, a power vacuum had been created and now there were forces moving to secure it. One such group is the Imperial Storm Commandoes, a group under Moff Kohl Seerdon who is seeking to make his way up to usurp the Grand Moff position right out from under Tarkin. In order to do this, he will require victories and results. He is calling in every favour he has and has putting together a special Rebel-Hunter-Killer taskforce called Battlegroup Cairnmog.

As the story begins, you have just arrived aboard I.S.S. Revenge, an Imperial Escort Carrier that is part of Hunter Group Alpha's Wolf Pack, a trio of ships designed to hunt down and destroy Rebel transports and mark the bigger targets for the Battle Line to deal with. You have been called into Captain Dazlos Crasse's office as the captain wants to size up his new commando team. Crasse is an Umbaran and one of the few non-human captains within the fleet.

"Greetings, commando's. I am Captain Dazlos Crasse, you will address me as Captain Crasse, you will do everything that is ordered of you and you will not question any order given to you. Obedience will be met with reward, disobedience will be met with harsh punishment. The Moff has given me his full support in running this ship my way and as given me carte blanche to treat you however i wish. So, we will take down targets that are ordered of you, missions are to be run quickly and quietly, collateral damage will not be tolerated. The Rebels have enough reports of unwarrented Stormtrooper brutality to rally the misguided to their cause, i'll be damned if i'm giving them any more excuses. Apart from that, get results, get paid, get promoted, maybe one day you'll find yourselves on one of the big Star Destoyers." He looked around at the team. "Any questions?"
@Varshanka Way i'm working it is that you know how to communicate with people who have the same languages as you. Even non-vocal species know how to communicate in basic if they speak basic.
i'm a mute scout ... :) should i change a language to Binary (Morse Code) or sign language?

Binary in Star Wars is specifically Droid Language, so you know how to speak Droid.
Alright, looks like we have our character sheets all sorted out. I'm gonna give y'all until midday tomorrow (GMT) to do any last minute discussion you want with each other or with me and then i'll put up the IC.
@Theyra Hmm, i know Bruce and Sep already said they are trying to keep away from defunct timelines and alternate universes for the moment as this is still the very dawn of the Superhero age. But i think characters who have time travel as part of their backstory (Like Booster Gold and Bishop) might be alright. Worst the GMs can say is... Well, honestly the absolute worst they can say is "Get the fuck out, you're banned" but that's not likely.
Well, if you need any help with character creation, just message me and i'll be happy to help anyway i can.
Things finally moving
@Hound55 Well, the point is that it's the Internet rumour-mill for you. "A small team of scientists was rescued by Thor in Alaska" turns into "Thor single handedly saved the state of Texas from an alien invasion!"
@Lurking Krog@MacabreMoth Where are you two on your CS'?

The Lanterns

Sapporo, Japan, Hideyoshi Residence.

Sinestro and Hal stood outside of the door of the house and rang the door bell. They were both wearing black suits. May was at the house of the other victim. A woman answered the door. Hal took out the Interpol Badge that S.H.I.E.L.D. used for overt operations like this. "Ohayo Gozaimasu, my name is Agent Green, this is Agent Gold, we need to come in and ask your son, Kamina a few questions about a recent incident he experienced?" The woman nodded.

"Yes, yes of course." When she talked it looked weird to Hal, her lips were moving, but the wrong sounds were coming out. It was like a badly dubbed movie from the 1960's. As they entered, Hal took his shoes off and motioned to Sinestro to do the same, before Mrs Hideyoshi lead them to another room and sat them down. "Would you like some refreshments? Tea?" Sinestro looked at Hal, who subtly nodded to him.

"Yes, i will have some Tea." He said, somewhat confused by all of these Earth drinks. Hal also nodded to her with a smile. A minute later, Kamina entered and his mother brought the drinks to them. Hal took out his phone and placed it on the table, pressing Record for everyone to see.

"This is Agent Green and Agent Gold, the time is... He checked his watch "17:07 JST, please can you state your names for the official recording?" He asked.

"Mrs Hideyoshi Yuki" The mother said.

"Hideyoshi Kamina" The son responded.

"Thank you. Now, the incident, 3 day ago, can you please give me an official record of what happened?" Kamina swallowed, then looked at his mother who looked back reassuringly.

"I had gone to school. It was a fairly uneventful day. After school, i met with Morita Burai."

"Mr Morita Burai. Is this a friend? A colleague?" Kamina looked at his mothers disapproving stare.

"He is... Was... My..." Kamina looked down.

"Your lover." Sinestro said, recognizing the fidgety look of explaining forbidden love in front of a disapproving parent. Hal was taken aback a little, having sudden flashbacks to the looks of several of his colleagues back in the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" classes when he first joined the academy. Kamina nodded.

"Please..." Hal was going to ask him to confirm, but he could see this was difficult enough as is, so better to just move on. "Mr Hideyoshi has nodded to confirm that Mr Morita Burai was his lover. Please continue."

"I had met with Burai in order to go to town to the Arcade. There was a brand new Undead Rampage machine going there, but Burai showed me 500,000 yen. He had been working a part time job and saving up the money. It was enough to get us down to Tokyo and maybe rent an apartment for long enough for us to get jobs and support ourselves." His mother looked on the verge of tears. Hal looked back and forth between them for a second.

"Would you feel more comfortable if your mother wasn't in the room?" He asked. Kamina looked at his mother, he had a look that said he had brought her enough pain that he would not ask her to bare the indignity of being dismissed.

"No, i am perfectly fine, thank you. I would rather she stayed." He replied. "Burai and I argued. I was..." He looked at his mother again. "I was very tempted by his offer. I have always dreamed of moving to the big city to explore a career in train operation. Whereas Burai was looking to become an Actor. But i also thought of my parents. My Father would be very disapproving and Mother would be heartbroken by such an action. I decided that we should save some more and wait for the end of the school year. But Burai was... Burai's parents were less understanding." Hal was taken aback by that. This woman looked ready to disown him from what he was saying. Whatever Burai's parents were doing had to be a lot worse. "Burai wanted to go now... Then... He was insistent on leaving immediately. I suggested that he go down by himself. His money would support himself far longer than both of us anyway and i would join him at the end of the school year. That's when he..." He looked at his mother who looked back in shame. He made a kissing motion with his lips.

"He embraced you?" Hal asked.

"Yes. And as i did, i saw him... Change..." Kamina looked a little uncomfortable. "His clothes changed into a pink... revealing outfit..."

"Did he say something? A rhythmic chant?" Hal asked. Kamina nodded.

"Yes... He said something... I can't remember quite. It was something about a long lost heart. Maybe joining a fight?

“For hearts long lost and full of fright,

For those alone in Blackest Night,

Accept our ring and join our fight.

Love conquers all with Violet Light...”
Sinestro recited.

"Yes, that was it, how did you-" Kamina began, but Hal butted in.

"It doesn't matter, please, is there anything else you remember?"

"Burai started glowing brilliantly and then i saw a joy in him i had never felt before. He looked at me, there was a ring on his finger. It... It split into two rings, not down the middle or anything, it just... Became two, full rings and it floated towards my finger. I wanted to run or scream or anything, but... I heard that chant... And then it all goes fuzzy." He was definitely trying to remember something. Hal had seen the reports. They had trashed a whole street, including an office block. But they were stopped just after people reported a blue light.

"There were a number of reports that your... Episode... Finished just after a blue light appeared around the area. Is there anything you remember about this blue light?" Sinestro asked. Sinestro had been the one to insist on putting the Blue ring on the backburner, but any information about him would be useful. So far, everyone elses brains had been too scrambled by the experience to remember anything of any real value apart from him being big and wearing blue. Kamina seemed to wrack his brain, before he looked at Hal.

"I think... Wait a second, i saw him in class today." Hal and Sinestro both looked shocked. A good bit of luck. If the Blue Lantern were in the area, he could be either recruited or at least made to surrender the Ring so they could find the true champion. Either way, they were moving closer. Kamina ran out to his bedroom, before running back with his rucksack and beginning to pull books out. Finally getting a Religious Studies book out, he flicked through the pages and stopped on a page, before turning the book to Hal and Sinestro. It was on the Shinto deities that had been adopted from other religions and there, center stage was him. Kangiten in Shinto, he was more commonly known as Ganesh in the Hindu faith. "That's him, that's the one who was in blue." Hal and Sinestro looked at each other. "Could it be that the gods are returning? I saw someone talking about on a forum that someone had seen the Norse god Thor battling monsters in America. Perhaps Kangiten is here to help us as well?" Hal looked sceptical, but Sinestro's poker-face hadn't changed even slightly.

"Was there anything else? Something he said? Any information you can provide would be much appreciated." Kamina was looking a lot more chipper since he thought he had been saved by a god.

"Yes, i remember, after that warm, fuzzy feeling left me, he said to us...

"All Will Be Well" Kamina and Sinestro said in unison. Sinestro leaned over to Hal and whispered in his ear.

"It's a phrase the Blue Lantern is known for. It was definitely him." Sinestro finished his drink and got up. "Thank you very much for he drink." Hal also got up.

"Yes. Uhhh... Mrs Hideyoshi, do not worry about the damage, we are satisfied that your son was not in control of his actions and consider the matter regarding your son closed. If you have any further information that helps us, please call us." He handed her a small business card. He bowed to her before walking back to the foyer and putting his shoes back on with Sinestro in tow. As soon as they were outside, he uploaded the recording to S.H.I.E.L.D. "And now we play the waiting game." He said. Sinestro started walking back to the car. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, where are you going, buddy?" Hal asked. Sinestro looked at him, confused. "This is Sapporo, the Beer capitol of Japan. We are now waiting for the nerds back at base to analyze what's going on. You and me, on the otherhand, have a few hours." He smiled. "We are going to go and enjoy ourselves." Sinestro turned and continued to go to the car.

"Green Lantern, we have bigger problems to deal with right now." Sinestro replied dismissively.

"Yeah we've got bigger problems. Ever since this INSANITY began, i have had a week in a holding cell being the only time i have not been chasing these things is when i'm sleeping after a long day of chasing these things. I need to sit down, have a beer in a stationary place without having to worry about the weight of the world being on my shoulders." He stormed up to Sinestro and grabbed him by the collar of his suit. "We are going out, we are getting minted and we are going to have FUN. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?!?!" Sinestro looked Hal up and down. Yes, this was most certainly a man on the edge. Better take the opportunity before he finally snaps.

"Ok." Sinestro relented.
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