Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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@MacabreMoth You're Imperial Commando's, do whatever you need to in order to get the job done. So long as you succeed, you can pimp your TIE Fighter as much as you like. And yes, you can spend your starting money on Personal equipment, but you cannot sell the provided equipment to buy other items.
@MacabreMoth Your home base will be on an Imperial Escort Carrier And being that it's a Carrier, yes you'll get some TIE Fighters to start with, with better fighters becoming more available later on. With Lothal's capture by the Rebellion, Defender production has been put back, but someone's going to step into the power vacuum Thrawn left and we'll see what kinds of new projects make their way to production.
@rush99999 Yes, as pointed, you get very little starting cash, primarily because you get a LOT of starting equipment that is WAY more than you should have.
@rush99999 Anzat is a planet where most of it is barren dust mixed with densely populated spaceports. So, I'm gonna say:

Language: Anzati
Skill Choices:
*Gather Information
@Lurking Krog This is very much a Multiclassing system. Pureclassing isn't the best, but it's not bad. So, absolutely feel free to multi-class. Hell, one character i theorycrafted had bits from 3 primary classes.

@Lurking Krog

Super Commando, love it. Soldier has more stuff to do with Mandalorian combat. But Scoundrels have the dirty fighting stuff that makes Jumptroopers so fun. It all depends on what kind of character you want.
@MacabreMoth I did say in the Interest Check, being that we have people who have never played the system before, i think it'd be better to start at Level 1.

And yes, the "Pilot/Heavy Weapons" combo actually works quite well. Because i've never actually gotten the opportunity to play the game, i have theorycrafted a number of characters over the last 11 years i've been aware of this game. I did theorycraft a Pilot/Heavy-Trooper.

That being said, i'd recommend either Noble or Scoundrel for pilot, as Scoundrel gets some nice talents to help him with Starship combat, and Noble is just a great skillmonkey-class.
Just as a note, i realized that Soldier is the only class to start with any proficiency in Armour, so i've decided that you all also get Light Armour proficiency at level 1, whereas Soldier will get Heavy Armour proficiency as well. It's because otherwise, y'all can't even wear your Stormtrooper outfits unless you go Soldier.
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