The Lanterns
The Bus, Above the the Rockies
Hal was walking back from the kitchen to his room with a small armful of snacks when he passed Sinestro walking towards the back of the plane.
"Hey, bud, where you going?" Sinestro looked a little confused at being called "Bud"
"Are you accusing me of being some sort of flower?" He asked.
"No, bud as in Buddy. Pal. Friend... My Dude..." Hal replied. Sinestro still looked a little confused, but smply rolled his eyes.
"Green Lantern, come with me." He ordered. Hal looked around for some convenient place to put the snacks, before remembering he had the ring, creating a bubble of green energy around his snacks and sending them off to his room, before beginning to follow Sinestro.
"Green Lantern, you have become rather proficient with that ring. I am pleased with your progress that you have made controlling it." Hal was rather taken aback. This was the first time that Sinestro had really, genuinely complimented him.
"Thanks." He replied.
"I do no say that lightly. Many lanterns take years to properly come to terms with the power they wield, especially the military ones. Military discipline usually stamps out creativity, which is an absolute necessity in order to get the most from the rings." As they reached one of the aerial insertion airlocks, Sinestro stopped.
"The point is, that your aptitude in dealing with Deaths Head, your power with the ring and your unshakable will have given me the confidence to make the following decision." He said as his own Gold Lantern costume descended over his suit.
"I am going to be gone for a while. Maybe a month by your Earth time. I am going to go out to a less populated part of the galaxy and make some noise. Draw Ronan's attention away from Earth." The surprises just did not seem to stop rolling with Sinestro.
"Wait, that's suicide. If he catches you-" Sinestro interupted him.
"Which he won't.""All 7 Lanterns didn't stand a chance last time, what are you gonna do by yourself?" Hal asked.
"The difference is that i know he is coming and i will be able to make traps. Draw him in. Keep his attention to that part of the galaxy away from Earth. In the meantime, you sort out the affairs of your planets petty squabbles and get the information on the blue, indigo, star sapphire and orange rings. When i return, we will continue the search with far more time available to us." Sinestro put his hand on Hals shoulder.
"Can i trust you with this Green Lantern?" Hal was REALLY confused by this. Sinestro was almost acting like a completely different person. But then again, the fate of the universe was at stake, so he didn't really know how Sinestro acted when the chips were down.
"Of course. I've got May and Dex to back me up. I'll keep them in line and on task. When you get back, we'll have at least 1 more Lantern recruited." He put his 3 fingers up
"Scouts honour""I will keep you to that." Sinestro replied, before pressing the button to open the air-lock to step inside.
"Wait, aren't you going to help us with transfering Deaths Head? You are the one who said he's a master escape artist. Also, have you told Fury?" Hal asked, grabbing his arm. Sinestro pulled himself free and stepped into the airlock.
"Also, how are you even getting to space?""Deaths Head's ship is an old IG-2000. I know how to hot-wire it." He replied. Hal was interested to know that starships could be hot-wired.
"It will get me anywhere i need to go. Also, it'll make it look like Deaths Head has chased me off this planet and to the quiet part where i can dump it and make Ronan think i'm recruiting over there." He replied.
"Doesn't answer the question about Fury." Sinestro pressed a button to close the airlock and shrugged, before pressing the final button and being sucked out into the air.
"Ooooooh Fury is going to KILL me..." He groaned. He then saw Dex down the coridor, dragging the shattered remains of his green orb filled with snacks after he had clearly clawed his way into it, taking the snacks somewhere safe.
"YOU KNOW YOU ONLY HAVE TO ASK TO GET FOOD FROM THE KITCHEN!" Hal yelled down the hallway to Dex. Dex stopped, stared straight at Hal and took a large bite out of one of the twinkies, not even chewing it, just swallowing the bite, wrapper and all, while staring Hal in the eyes to assert his dominance.
"Nope, that's it, i'm checking myself into the grippy socks spa when we land. I'm done." He turned and stormed away
"I'M DONE!!!LaGuardia Airport, Queens.
One of the less used runways had been used for the Bus to land quietly. With any luck, nobody would know what was happening until Deaths Head was safely in one of the Green Cells. Clamped in irons made from both Green and Red lantern energies, he was marched to a secure van.
"You plan to keep me in some little Human jail, yes? This should be most amusing" He laughed as he was bundled into the van along with Hal, May and Dex, the pair keeping his manacles on him while May sat in the front with the driver. The drive was quiet. Hal could see Deaths Head's eyes constantly scanning the manacles as well as the rest of the truck, formulating a plan of escape.
"Food-Can cultist is brave to attempt escape with Dex-Starr next to him." The cat growled. Hal was surprised Dex could read expressions like that. But then again, Cats always seemed to know what humans were thinking. Deaths Head stared at Dex, remembered the claws in his tongue and simply went back to scanning.
As the truck arrived down at the Manhattan Waterfront. Deaths Head was quietly loaded into a small and inconspicuous looking tugboat.
"You are being transported to a secret underwater facility known as The Raft. There, you will spend some time in custody until such time as a grand jury is convened to hear your case and then a trial will commence." May told him as he was sat in a cell down bellow.
"If you are found guilty, your stay may be much longer.""Spare me your mockery of justice, human. I would get more compassionate justice from a Quintesson." May didn't know what one of those was, but she suspected they weren't compassionate creatures.
"But we both know i will not be here for long, yes?" He grinned.
"Your cell was custom designed to hold something 1000x stronger than you. You'll be a nice trial run for when we finally catch that one." She sneered. As the boat headed out into the bay, Hal stodd just in sight of the small cell holding Deaths Head, looking out at the Statue of Liberty.
"You know, May, first time i've seen her from sea level. Only other times i've been to the big apple was for air shows. So, only seen her before from the air." He said, knowingly.
"She's french you know." He smiled, as if that factoid was somehow not common knowledge. Hal wasn't particularly sea sick. He had served on Carriers before. Gotten his sea legs. As the boat arrived at what looked like a small navigation Buoy, it stopped alongside and ropes were fastened. Hal engulfed Death's Head in a bubble of Green Energy and was just about to take him out when suddenly he heard a commotion from outside.
"HOLY SHIT, CAST OFF, HARD ABOUT!!!" He heard from the skipper. Hal dropped the bubble, but not the manacles and rushed above deck as the little tugboat rocked hard in the building swell of the harbour. Hal got above deck just in time to see the immense wave.
"Oh shit indeed!" Hal replied. He needed to think fast. Putting his ring hand out, a green bubble encased the top of the Tugboat to make it watertight. The boat was then engulfed in the wave, the undertow dragging it down under the water, but the immense amount of air Hal had trapped inside helping to make it bob back up to the surface. But just as the boat was about to crest, suddenly Hal heard a shattering sound. As if Glass was being smashed and Stone Cold Steve Austin was making his epic appearance to challenge him. But it wasn't a wrestler, it was water. Hal looked to see that, in his haste to save the boat, he had completely forgotten abut Deaths Head. He had left the cell door open from when he was taking him out. He couldn't see Dex and now water was rushing into the boat from the exit Deaths Head had presumably made for himself. Hal quickly closed the smashed spot with more ring energy, but the water had rushed in quickly and they were slightly less buoyant now. He tried dragging the boat to the surface with the ring and did succeed, but the boat was now low in the water. Hal looked around, maybe to see Deaths Head, but he couldn't. But he did see Dex slowly floating through the air towards the Statue of Liberty itself.
"DEX! HELP ME!!! HELP THEM!!!" Hal called after he cat, but Dex seemed to have his own priorities, none of which included helping Hal.
"May!" He looked around and saw May with the phone to her head, but then looked at it.
"No signal" She grunted.
"Get to land, i'll head over to help the people on the island." Hal said, floating up and seeing the little tug make its best possible speed for land, while being tossed around on the waves like a bead of sweat in an aerobics teachers cleavage. As Hal ascended, he saw something streaking through the water at breakneck speed towards he island as well.
"Deaths Head?" Hal set off flying as fast as he could to try and keep up with the being in the water. But as the person came up with a survivor in hand, Hal quickly realized it wasn't Deaths Head... No, this one was a girl... And a hot girl at that. Hal slapped his own face hard
"JORDAN, WE ARE ON THE JOB! NOT ON THE JOB!!!" He grunted under his breath at himself. Hal looked around to see others in the water.
"Fear not, citizens, the Green Lantern is here to rescue you." He said, waving his hand around. Pointing to the water, a long beam of green energy shot out under the water and he began hauling people up using a large, solid net that was strong enough for people to stand on, but had holes so the water could drain. He managed to pull quite a few people up and brought them to the top of the statue's lookout post at the top of her torch. Letting them step off. Dex was laying in loaf-mode on the parapet of her torch looking down.
"RED LANTERN, YOU MAYBE WANNA HELP?" Hal yelled at the cat. It stared back at him, before the tail flicked a little and a red rope lashed out to grab another person out of the water.
"Thank you!" Hal said through gritted teeth.
"This one smells of haddock. I will look after them." Dex replied, hauling the person up to the relative safety of the extended arm. There was a groan from the copper and steel structure as it was hit by forces it wasn't particularly designed to be hit by. Hal had been a little trigger-happy with the ring energy so far and he didn't want a repeat his his fight with Deaths Head. Luckily, he had charged up as the last thing he did before leaving the bus. Hal looked at Dex again.
"The arm isn't the most structurally stable, it's why it's closed to the public. If you want to stay here, you're gonna need to use your ring energy to reinforce the structure." Hal said. Dex seemed to mull it over for a second, before he flicked his tail again and red energy seemed to flow through the statue of Liberty's arm to reinforce it and make using the torch as a temporary rescue post into a viable option. Hal looked at the people clinging to his net structure, despite being able to get up and walk around on it comfortably.
"Please move to the torch. I need to rescue others." Hal said.
"And do not touch the cat, he is NOT friendy. I repeat he is NOT friendly."