The Lanterns
The Bus, Above the Atlantic
Hal sat at he table in the meeting room, Sinestro, May and Dex sat at the table. They had been called to meet with the Director. The silhouette of the Director appeared on the screen.
"Greetings Lanterns and Agent May." The voice distorted voice came through the speakers.
"I assume you've seen the news?" May looked at Hal and Sinestro, both shrugging back at her. Dex continued to sit as a loaf, not particularly caring about news. The video of Gordon Godfrey showed up talking about Boliver Trask and Tony Stark having both gone missing. Although for some reason he kept calling him Tony Trask.
"Oh no..." Hal didn't particularly know how to feel about this. On the one hand, Trask was a genius, as was Stark. This was a tragedy... On the otherhand, Jordon had also disappeared, that wasn't such a bad thing... No that was too mean. He was a Military man just like him. He wanted him dishonorably discharged after being caught with the Admirals ugly daughter and forced to marry her. Not dead.
"So, we being sent after them?""Not at this time, no... But a number of S.H.I.E.L.D.s computers are Trask and with them getting hacked, we are shutting down all of the computers with any chance of being infiltrated. This does mean that analyzing the data you gathered is going to take longer. And until your data is fully analyzed, all we can do is wait for the next Ring attack. Sinestro, is there any chance this has something to do with Ronan?" Sinestro sat back in his chair.
"Doubtful. Trask is a genius by human standards, but that's rather pathetic as far as the galactic community is concerned. No offense intended. That being said, it's not ENTIRELY out of the realm of possibility. Perhaps he has been taken to serve as an expert on your planet." He shook his head.
"No, it doesn't make any sense. Ronan is not the studying type. If he plans to attack the planet, he will come in force and make sure the entire galaxy is watching his conquest. He is not a man who does things in half measures or slinking about in the shadows.""How do you explain Deaths Head?" Fury asked.
"Most likely a scouting force, probing attack. If Deaths Head can get a message back to Ronan, he'll confirm we are here and that we number just 3. If that happens, he will no doubt come for us immediately. That being said. Deaths Head will have probably radio'd his coordinates before arrival. Meaning that once he is overdue on an update. Ronan will probably send a second bounty hunter or scout to confirm why he lost contact. And if that scout confirms our pressence and then immediately reports back to Ronan...""Invasion... What time frame are we looking at?" Fury asked.
"Impossible to say. A day, a week, a month, maybe even a year. Depends on if Deaths Head is here for the general bounty alert or if he was specifically sent here by Ronan. Deaths Head won't talk. We may have defeated him, but he's not going to give up an employer. It's why he's so respected in his field. All we can do is keep him imprisoned until he inevitably finds a way to escape.""I don't think you give S.H.I.E.L.D. enough credit. With the recent... Circumstances... We have been forced to create some rather interesting jail cells. Including one for a creature with 100x the strength of an alien cyborg." May replied.
"What makes you think he is going anywhere?""Agent May, Deaths Head is not just a blunt instrument, he is a genius escape artist. Some of the most infalible prisons in the universe failed to keep him indefinitely. It may take him time, but he will find a way out.""In any case, i'm going to have him moved to one of the Green Cells." Fury stated.
"It's the strongest one we have. Order your pilots to divert course to New York. My men will be there to meet you. In the meantime, get from Deaths Head any information you can and do not let him get loose."