Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Depends on the story, but i'm potentially interested.
Writing my next post now. Just trying to figure out how best to interact with the Trask situation. I mean i'm working in the whole "S.H.I.E.L.D. computers are currently having their security reinforced as a couple are Trask made." so the search for the Rings is being put on hold. Alternatively, if the GM's want to have one or more of the Rings get themselves involved in this, i'm good with that. Also, if anyone else wants to have their characters shanghai'd by one of the rings, that's also good.
@Lurking Krog with a 12, you learn that, as per Imperial doctrine, all suspected Rebel Sympathizers and potential agents have been rounded up and given a stern talking to that convinced them of the error of their ways and how the Empire has their best interests at heart.
@Shovel Right, that's gonna be a Perception roll.
@Half Pint Reminds me of Stan Lee's Wonder Woman comic.
@MacabreMoth Yes, with that roll you spend your hour and absolutely ascertain from the Holonet that there are indeed horny MILFs in your area.
Sorry for not answering, been busy these last 2 days.

@rush99999 Fair enough, you don't really learn anything new from the Holonet. There's the odd insane conspiracy theory like "The Emperor kidnapped a guy who escaped jail and cloned him to make a new Sith heir." but you know to ignore that stuff. The only stuff you really learn from the holonet on the local "I'm looking to get stuff" forums that Vinca is the guy you go to for stuff that is a little outside of the norm.

@MacabreMoth 1) Yes, you CAN check the control tower, but as i said with your previous roll, you don't know the ships you are looking for. So far, you are essentially in New York looking for "4 Pick Up Trucks, one of them may have been green or blue." with no definitive makes, models or plate numbers. You won't be able to get much info from Traffic Control until you have a more definitive idea of the ships in question. If you do get some ID codes, you can also ask the tower to run them for you to see if the times line up with the attacks. I mean, if you ask them with the current information you have, they will send you a list of ships that comprises about 2/3 of he ships that went through the area at the time, which doesn't help at all.

2) Absolutely. Any time you want to make a roll, just do so and ask me the results.
@rush99999 Right, so, Take 10/20 rules don't work that way in this system.

Take 10 is "Job that you can keep rolling till success with no real penalty of failure, usually around 2-10 minutes"

Take 20 is "You can take 20x the amount of time to do a Take 10 job and ignore the penalties of failure (Being that you are being super-duper careful.) But only if nothing bad happens in the meantime. You can also Take 20 on any job that would take over a week to complete normally without the time penalty. Taking 20 is not a critical success though."

But as with all things, it's up to GM Discression:

Yes, you can take 10 on this job, it'll take about an hour to do so, being that you are going to have to go looking for places that have this info.

No, you cannot take 20 on this for reasons i wont disclose, but suffice to say that 20 hours on this planet will not come without risks.

I do need to know what kinds of questions you are asking? Is it specifically about the ships? Is it specifically about the crews? Is it specifically about the produce? You can ask broad questions to get broad answers. You can also try specific questions get more specific answers, but run the risk of word getting back to the rebels that you are onto them. I mean, "Do you know anything about these 4 ships working together with a crew member that only speaks Huttese" when asked to the people in the know is likely to make it back to the 4 ships that some shifty bloke was asking about them and they are likely to then circle the wagons.

But what you do learn from your Take 10 from the Imperial institutions (Registry offices for ships and manifests and stuff like that):

@Varshanka Very nice roll, you can keep the 16, but this is also a Gather Information roll, not Perception. Perception would be useful if you actually knew what the perps looked like. Right now, you are walking around scoping out "Shady Blokes" in a city full of Shady Blokes and basic perception isn't going to yeild too much except "Cor', there sure are a lot of shady blokes around here." Gather Information is the skill for walking around with the rank and file and giving the odd "Hey, that guy looks a little stand-out-ish, what's his story?" in a believable way.

I do want to apologize if i seem a little "I need specifics" as a DM, i just don't believe in the magical "I rolled a big number on the dice, now tell me everything!" style. I like to make the players actually use their brains, much to my players chagrin. How you ask a question is just as important as what number you roll. If you are trying to seduce an NPC and you say "I once witnessed a quasar form, colours beyond imagination and a beauty i once thought unparalleled until i looked into those stunning eyes of yours." is only going to need a DC15 to succeed as opposed to "OI DARLIN' I BET YOU LIKE TO 'AVE IT OFF!!!" Which will be a DC30.
There we go. So, go to the city and begin your investigation. How you want to do it is entirely up to you guys. You have your objectives.
Hasiki Orbit

Revenge exitted above Hasiki, ignoring the traffic it flew towards the northern pole of the planet so the magnetic field of the planet would mask the ship from targetting sensors.

"Storm Commando Teams, we have arrived at Hasiki. Deploy to the planet and begin operations."

Even though the Storm Commando's had their their own armour. For this mission, they were being deployed with the the standard gear to better blend in with the current planetary forces and not allow the Rebels to figure out that the Storm Commandoes were onto them. They would probably go to ground hard if they suspected the Storm Commandoes were being sent after them.

Their first target would be Levinian, the capital city and where most of the orbital traffic was routed through. Meaning that if those freighters were coming from anywhere, they would have at least passed through there.
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