I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
Angels don't really have ages, because time is weird in the Realm of Good Magic, but by human standards, she is physically and emotionally 19 years old
Ranger Color
Human Appearance
Real Appearance
Michaela is unfamiliar with human practices and so will do whatever she wants. She tries to remain stern and true to her Angelic roots. She also feels compelled to assist anyone in trouble. She presents herself as a true angel of the Realm of Good Magic, but this world has so many things to explore, so many things to experience and although she knows she shouldnt want to give in to this worlds distractions... she cant help but stray just a little from her path of righteousness.
*In Depth knowledge of magic
*Martial Arts
Reliant entirely on having access to her wand (Takes the form of a mobile phone) but she can cast various magic spells, from helping to track down foes to healing wounded allies, to increasing her allies prowess.
Reliant on her being in Angel form, she is able to fly with her 6 wings. When not in Angel form, her wings are still visible in her shadow.
Angels aren't born like others. They don't have parents. The Realm of Good Magic creates them for a reason. What that reason is, isn't always 100% clear. The Mystic Mother helped guide her as she grew and matured. Teaching her to manipulate and cast the good magics outside of the realm, readying her for she day that she would come to Earth and help to serve the Morphing Grid in the eternal battle between Good and Evil. Now, the Velcon Empire has come to Earth. Against the Mystic Mother's best wishes. She has left the Mystic Realm and gone to Earth to try to find and rally the Rangers against the invading force.
So, I am currently tempted to make one of these with one of the following gimmicks:
1) "No Marvel or DC, but everything else is up for grabs" Like, Transformers, TMNT, The Boys, Invincible, Power Rangers, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Bananaman, Thunderbirds, Danny Phantom, Superted, Mighty Mouse, Danger Mouse, Count Duckula, Jimmy Neutron, VR Troopers, Masked Rider, Darkwing Duck, Freakazoid, Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills, Sailor Moon, The Care Bears, G.I. Joe, Powerpuff Girls, Digimon, Captain Scarlet, Conan The Barbarian, Sonic The Hedgehog, He-Man, Stargate, go nuts.
2) Future RP. The idea is that we skip the origin stories that we get bogged down in. Everyone plays a hero who has been on the job for at LEAST 20 years. OR is playing the next line of their legacy. Damien Wayne as Batman, Old Man Logan, Jubilee's "X-People", Jonathon Kent is Superman, May-Day Parker Spidergirl, etc.
3) Hit the Shuffle Button. You pick the character you want to go with, but then the GM randomly rolls which legacy the character picks up. E.G. You apply for Bruce Wayne, he witnesses his parents get shot in front of him. He goes home and he is *Rolls the dice* Bitten by a Radioactive Spider, becoming the one and only Spider-Man of Gotham. T'Challa of Wakanda is raised to become the champion of his people. He *Rolls dice* is given the sacred ring to become the Green Lantern. Hal Jordan, he is a test pilot testing a brand new plane, when suddenly his plane malfunctions and he goes down over Nevada where *Rolls Dice* He is hit by a Nuclear Blast, irradiating him and turning him into the one and only Incredible Hulk. Steve Rogers is a guy absolutely determined to fight in WW2, but is too physically weak. That's when *Rolls dice* he learns that his parents weren't actually his parents and that he was simply found when a space-ship carrying him as a baby went down in Queens and he's really the Last Son of Krypton, after reading the message, his amazing powers are revealed to him as he becomes the one and only Superman. We can also just let people decide for themselves.
4) Silver Age. Essentially, the tone of the RP is set to "Camp" i'm talking Adam West Batman, Japanese Supaida-Man with his Megazord, the Justice League and Legion of Doom having to play Baseball to decide the fate of the world. Extra points for anyone who can reimagine gritty and super-grim-dark 80's-90's storylines like Demon In The Bottle, The Night Gwen Stacy Died, The Dark Knight Returns, Days of Futures Past, Death In The Family, Born Again, Dark Phoenix, Age of Apocalypse, Knightfall or Clone Saga in campy Silver Age style.
5) Something along the same lines as this, but just open it up to more franchises to be viable, so long as they fit the them.
Launchpad and Leon marched towards Commander Nebula's office, past several other Rangers and LGM's. As they finally arrived, they heard the sounds of laser fire from within. Not entirely unusual. That meant that Nebula's desk had found him for paperwork. As the commotion within died down, they heard the boss himself yell. "GET IN HERE!!!" Launchpad smiled as he fixed his armour and marched in, Leon simply walked in without a word. They both looked to see Nebula's desk with a hole blown in it, hog-tied in the corner as it thrashed wildly trying to deliver him his paperwork. A giant smoking laser bazooka proped in the corner with Nebula looking out of his window. He was visibly panting. Nebula was a terrifying individual in combat, despite his advanced age, missing leg and being confined to Desk Duty. Everyone around agreed that the only reason he had agreed to get promoted out of the field was because of Buzz being around, the only man in he universe almost as deadly as himself. "Fall in Rookies." He ordered. Launchpad and Leon stood to attention.
Nebula marched over to the hog-tied desk and riffled through the drawers, before pulling out a pair of files. "Launchpad McQuack." He announced, going through the rather large file. "Age: 31. Species: Duck. Place of Origin: Duckberg. Specialization: Hand-To-Hand Combat. Former Specializations: Piloting, Dogfighting, Logistics. Psyche-Profile: Suffers from Delusions of Grandeur. Seems to have a misguided belief that he's an ace pilot, despite having crashed almost every ship he has ever been trusted with. His background report claims he has flown for a great many years, but his Star Command record seems to imply that he has never actually landed successfully in his life." Launchpad did the quick maths on his fingers... He could remember at least twice when he landed a plane. "Promotion prospects: Likely, if he applies himself to his Hand-to-hand combat. Dishonourable discharge likely if he applies to more piloting. Mental Aptitude:... N/A..." Nebula raised an eyebrow.
"What? I've never been good at tests!" Launchpad responded. Nebula rolled his eyes before flicking to Leons considerably smaller record.
"Leon Esla, Age: 41. Species: Lilty. Place of Origin: Altifaria. Specialization: Heavy Weapons. Former specializations: Sharpshooting, Weapons Development. Psyche-Profile: Refuses to communicate on a social level with his fellow rangers, although seems to be fierceley protective of them. Was removed from Weapons Development in order to try and foster more social skills, but this seems to have failed. Believed to be suffering some form of extremely severe PTSD, but it's not effecting his work, nor is he interested in dealing with it. Promotion prospects: Highly likely if suspected PTSD is dealt with. None otherwise. Mental Aptitude: While not necessarily book smart, does show an extremely intimate knowledge in the fields he specializes in. Nebula threw the files through the air without looking at them, his Hog-Tied desk managing to jump up and grab them in the correct drawers before landing again. "Rangers, you two are the ABSOLUTE LAST Rangers i would consider putting on a task such as this... But it's not my decision. Comes from higher up than me." Launchpad and Leon looked at each other, both slightly confused.
"Ya mean there's someone higher up the food chain than you?..." Nebula gave Launchpad a look that would burn a hole in the skull of a lesser man. Launchpad then snapped back to attention "Sir?"
"Who is above me is none of your concern." Nebula stated. "What is your concern is that you are going undercover in Traverse town. Reports that the Heartless are going to be making a move there are concerning the higher ups and they specifically requested you two. Don't ask me why, i don't know why, and i probably don't WANT to know why. But they want you two. So, stow those Ranger Armours and take only the bare necessities of weapons. Elemental ones if you're going up against the Heartless. He grunted. "AND THAT MEANS NO PLASMA BAZOOKA!" He roared at Leon, who simply saluted back. "Dismissed." Nebula sat back down in his chair. As the pair left and the door closed behind them-
The pair looked at each other. "Well, Leon, it'll be great workin' with ya." Launchpad chuckled, extending a hand. Leon looked at the hand, then shook it. The pair then walked off to their quarters to prepare for the assignment.
Personality: A lovable doofus, Launchpad McQuack may seem absent-minded, yet despite often making mistakes, he always gets his assigned task done competently in the end and as such, he is a valuable helper for anyone that he chooses to help. Despite often irritating people with his ignorance. He is a gentle giant, and also very charming and witty. Additionally, Launchpad isn't afraid of anything and remains calm and positive in extreme and intense scenarios, rarely panicking or losing his cool. Although it sometimes seems to be "Is he brave? Or too dumb to know the danger he's in?" Job: Templar World Origin: Duckberg Abilities:
*Combat Prowess: Although enemies are usually quick to underestimate him due to his distinct lack of brainpower, he is actually a very skilled combatant. Especially after training with the Space Rangers. *Pilot: "There hasn't been a plane built that i can't crash!" His piloting ability is best described as "Utterly Chaotic" He can and will crash a lot of planes in his adventures, but this makes attempts to dogfight him utterly useless as he doesn't act in any rational capacity. He also never hurts anyone unintentionally in his crashes. *Encyclopedic Knowledge of Heroes and Villains of the Multiverse: Launchpad is an idiot, but there is one thing he knows better than anyone else. Superheroes. He has a severe case of hero worship. He knows every hero and probably has a trading card for them if it's available.
*Stupid: Launchpad isn't the sharpest knife in the socket. The type of guy who will lose a battle of wits with a glass of water. *Bad shot: So, he has a lot of skill with his trident and fists and actually a surprising good shot with a Bow, guns fail him. He just CANNOT get the hang of them. Several times, the LGM's have disabled the laser on his armour in order to protect themselves from his constant misfires.
*Warcry: Inflicts Slow on all surroudning enemies. *Cheer: Increases weapon attack of surrounding allies. *Jump: Jumps up high in the air and crashes the Thunderquack into them a few seconds later. *Lifebreak: Deals damage to an opponent, dealing extra based on how badly damaged he is. *Bonecrusher: Has a devastating counter attack, but only works against weapon attacks.
Alignment: Lawful Stupid Backstory: Oldest son of the McQuack family Airstunt Pilots. He grew up worshipping his dad, Ripchord. However, when it became obvious that he wasn't very good, Launchpad felt that he disappointed his family and, as such, he ran away to pursue his dream of being the best pilot in the world. He was hired to become the co-pilot of Della Duck under his mentor (And his proclaimed Best Friend in the whole universe.) Scrooge McDuck. After Della disappeared, he was promoted to Chief Pilot and worked for McDuck and his family for a few years, before meeting his other Best Friend in the Whole Universe. Drake Mallard, also known as "Darkwing Duck" Becoming his personal pilot in his crimefighting endeavours. After a few years working with Darkwing, Scrooge approached him again, proud of how well he was doing as Darkwings pilot.
Scrooge then introduced Launchpad to how he got his money. The Multiverse. Travelling to Traverse Town, He introduced Launchpad to a number of heroes from across he multiverse, including legendary Space Rangers, Buzz Lightyear and Warp Darkmatter. Launchpad knew exactly what he had to do. Signing up to the Space Rangers and helping to protect The Space Between from the Heartless and other monsters. Other: He weilds a Trident called "The Sunchaser" A magical trident forged by Storkulese himself and given to he and Scrooge helped save Ithaquack.
Name: Leon Esla Age: 41 Gender/Pronouns: Male Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Rather not say. Species: Lilty Appearance:
(The first one) Personality: Quiet. Leon is a warrior of very little words, but is also VERY fiercely protective of Launchpad and his other allies. Job: Gunner World Origin: Tipa Abilities:
*Crackshot: Leon was top of his class in the Ranger Academy. No matter what gun he has, he is able to take a flea off a dogs back at 150 yards. *Master Blacksmith: Leon is a man who can make anything with metal. He was formerly a Blacksmith when back in his hometown. He created many masterpieces of metalurgy, specializing in armour.
*Refusal to pick up a Melee Weapon: It doesn't matter the situation he is in, he will only EVER use his guns. Even if the only weapon available to him is a sword of spear, he will still catagoically refuse to pick it up. *Mild Psychoses: Every so often, he will get distracted by a strange light that only he can see, and will drop everything in order to follow it. These fits are also the only time he will willingly pick up a melee weapon.
*Confuse Shot: Shoots an enemy and inflicts them with Confuse. *Trigger Happy: Pulls out a second gun and begins firing wildly at his enemy. *Stopshot: Shoots an enemy and inflicts them with Stop.
Most of his weapons act as his powers, including: *Lightning Gun: Fires bolts of lightning, essentially casting Thunder. *Freezeray: Fires freezing bols, essentially casting Blizzard. *Photon Bazooka: Fires bolts of Plasma, essenially casting Fire.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral. Backstory: Leon doesn't talk about it much. He will sometimes talk about Altifaria, his hometown and his blacksmith business, but he doesn't talk about anything else to do with it. After he joined the Academy, he was quickly partnered with Launchpad in order to take advantage of Launchpads ability to get along with anyone. Other: His main weapon is a Star Command Issue Laser Blaster
Name: Dotty Dalmatian/Zen-Aku (Dotty calls him "Poodlewolf" much to his chagrin) Age: 4 months/4000 years Gender/Pronouns: Girl/Male Sexual/Romantic Orientation: She's a little girl/He's Asexual... Mostly... He still remembers his previous hosts love. Species: Dog/Duke Org
Dog form:
Human form:
Personality: Dotty is a puppy. She likes to play, go for walkies, chase squirrels and eats far too much. She is also obsessed with Poodlewolf, a multi-media franchise from her own world. She doesn't quite grasp the seriousness of the Heartless problem, seeing as how, when battle is upon her, she slips on the mask and Zen-Aku is the one who actually has to deal with the consequences of battle. She also has delusions of grandeur, seeing herself as the hero in any given situation, regardless of how true it is. She is also likely to drop her entire life story within moments of meeting new people.
Zen-Aku on the otherhand is the exact opposite. He's a dark, brooding, serious warrior. He doesn't speak of himself much and doesn't play nicely with others. He is, however, always interested in testing his skills against strong opponents. Despite being a self-proclaimed monster, he is actually honourable and will always announce himself to his opponents before challenging them. He REALLY doesn't appreciate being called Poodlewolf. Role(Optional): Civilian/Dark Warrior World Origin: 101 Dalmatians/Power Rangers Abilities: Dotty has no special ablities... Yet... But for the moment, she relies on "Poodlewolf" to do the fighting for her.
Zen-Aku is a Duke Org, an incredibly powerful monster who channels his power through Dotty in order to manifest his true form. By putting the mask on, she becomes Zen-Aku. Zen-Aku has the following abilities: *Thunder-Dash: Pouncing forward and turning into purple energy to tear through his enemies. *Thunder (The spell) *Auto-Regen *Cresent Wave: Swinging his sword, he can unleash a force of cutting energy blade that flies towards his enemies.
*Puppy Mind: Dotty is VERY easily distracted. Especially by certain words such as "Walk", "Play", "Park", "Squirrel" and "Dinner" *Mask: If Dotty can't put the mask on, she can't summon Zen-Aku's power. *Just a little girl: Without Zen-Aku's power, Dotty is just a regular little girl. In human form, she's physically about 10 years old. *Not unlimited: While Zen-Aku is very powerful, Dotty's body is an immense drag factor on his abilities. Indeed, a 10 year old girls body was not designed to channel that amount of power. There is no definitive amount of time, but if she spends too long in that form, then she will just pass out.
*Super Jump: Can jump 50ft straight up in the air *Super Strength: Can lift half a ton with relative ease, with a full ton being about his max. *Super Durability: Zen-Aku's thick armour is very hard to punch through and covers the entire of his body. *Super Speed: Zen-Aku can run at 50mph without magic, but by pouring magic into his body, he can move almost 4x that speed for short periods. *Super Stamina: Zen-Aku can perform at peak performance for as long as needed.
Alignment: Chaotic Good/Lawful Evil Backstory: Orgs. A race of monsters formed from the pollution of Earth. The mightiest of them are the Duke Orgs. How Zen-Aku came to be is a mystery even to himself, but he served 4000 years ago when Master Org tried to destroy the earth. But he was defeated and his power sealed into a mask which was then used to kill his former master. After the war was lost for the Orgs, Zen-Aku's mask was lost to time, tumbling through the many worlds, stolen by some as a trinket to be bargained with, or as a weapon to be used by others. But it wasn't until a strange woman dropped it while making an escape that the mask found its way into the hands (Or paws) of someone who could use it. Dotty was born to Delilah and Doug in the house of 101 Dalmatian Street, a house entirely owned and ran by dogs and sustained with a combination trust-fund and music royalties by the pets of her ancestors Pongo and Perdita who had founded the house many years ago.
Dotty was OBSESSED with Poodlewolf, a franchise of games, movies and TV shows about a half-poodle, half-wold hybrid who was tortured by the dichotomy of his birth and how he belonged no-where, while still fighting for what he knew was right. One day, when playing in the garden, she found the mask had dropped in the garden. When she grabbed the mask, she didn't understand when someone else grabbed the mask from seemingly no-where and she was dragged through a portal. Whoever tried to grab the mask flung her about a bit, trying to make her let go, but she wasn't the type to. Eventually, the forces of the portal dragged her away to an unknown place where she landed, with only the mask. Even worse, she quickly learned the one irrefutable fact about fear. Nobody is afraid of being alone in the darkness... People are afraid of NOT being alone in the darkness. And not alone she was. Small creatures with beady yellow eyes stared at her, slowly closing in. She was terrified, unable to think about anything other than saving herself. The mask was a scary looking one, she hoped that by putting it on, she could scare them off. But as soon as she pressed her muzzle into the mask, a transformation occured. She found herself floating in a void watching as someone protected her from the dark creatures. Destroying them. He felt dark, distorted, but... But something about him felt... Good.
Soon, the pair found themselves alone. He told her that he was Zen-Aku and it was his duty to destroy the world in the name of Master Org, but he didn't know why that was his duty. Soon he sat down and began wondering what his purpose was now that Master Org was gone. Dotty suggested that maybe it was destroying these shadow monsters, just like Poodlewolf did. Zen-Aku wasn't entirely sure that was his purpose, but little girls are insistent. Zen-Aku was going to push her into the back of his consciousness, but quickly learned that that wasn't going to work as he soon passed out. Dotty woke up a few hours later with the mask in front of her. Reaching out with her paws, she realized that... She didn't have Paws... She now had hands. She was a pet now, just like the pictures of Roger from around the house. Now hearing the voice of Zen-Aku in her head whenever she stared into the mask, Zen-Aku theorized that it was probably to do with her young body and his magics causing all of this to happen. Dotty quickly thought... She was now human, but she had the mind of a dog, and she had a dark, broody mask that gave her dark magical powers... This mask was clearly Poodlewolf. And no matter how many times he tried to correct her, Poodlewolf he would always be. And so, Dotty set off in this brand new world to right wrongs and save the day as the one and only Poodlewolf. Zen-Aku, not seeing any way to particularly stop her or do anything else is reserved to help her until something better comes along. Other:
Personality: Karre is a complicated man. Always has a smile on his face, always seems to look on the bright side of things and always seems to be the emotional rock of whichever group he's in. That being said, Karre is rather tortured within by how he was born to destroy. But his most enduring character trait is his eternal love for his twin sister. She may be twisted by Garlands teachings, but he can see past them and he knows that deep inside, Am is terrified to back down from anything, because if she backs down now, she's afraid she'll never be able to stand up again. He knows he can get through to her. He knows that one day, they will be able to forge their own path as individuals and hopefully as siblings, rather than the Angels of Death they were born to be. Role(Optional): Paladin World Origin: Terra Abilities:
Swordsmanship (Karre has been taught by Garland the ways of the blade. He's incredibly proficient with his lightsaber.) Maniuplation (Karre was born as an Angel of Death. He was custom designed by Garland to be the perfect instrument to convince others to go to war, everything down to his very voice was designed for manipulation. He doesn't LIKE this ability, but it's still an inescapable part of himself.) Piloting ability (Karre has been trained to fly almost any ship he comes across, from Airships to Gummi-ships to even Space Ranger starcruisers, he is something of an ace.)
Am (He is a good person, he tries to do good things, but when it comes to Am, he will stop at nothing to bring her to the light. This leads him to make rash, impulsive and downright BAD decisions in an attempt to reach her. He also shares something of a telepathic link to her. Every so often, he will get twinges of feelings that she has and this can manipulate him as well.) Premonitions (Karre will, every so often, see glimpses of the future, this leads him to second guess everything when this happens.)
Telekinesis (He can pick things up with his magics and throw them around or bring them to his hand.) Shock (A bolt of blue lightning that shoots out and damages enemies with Holy damage.) Stop Cure Panacea
Alignment: Lawful Good Backstory: Twins. A vision born from the ancient minds of Terra. When the heartless came and consumed the heart of their world. The Terrans created their ultimate fall-back plan. Garland. An advanced AI given an organic body to carry out his simple task "Save us all." While the Terrans sealed themselves away in stasis pods, Garland worked tirelessly to find a way to revive the heart of the world. But after so long of searching, he came to a realization. There was NO way to revive what was dead. But there may be a way to take one from another world. Once again, Garlands work ran into a dead end. There was no way to bring another Heart of the World to Terra. But then the only other option dawned on him. If he couldn't bring the heart to terra, then he'd have to take terra to the heart.
When people on a world die, their hearts rejoin the Heart of the World and the heart is given to a new life-form that is born on that world. So is an endless cycle. But, what if instead, he siphoned them off. The Hearts of Terra being switched with those hearts going to that worlds heart. Eventually, his people would all be saved. He found a neighbouring world and chose that as the sacrificial lamb to do it. But the Heart of that world was stubborn. It wouldn't let the hearts of its people go and it wouldn't accept the new ones in... That was, until a terrible war broke out on that world. So many hearts flooding too the heart at once was overwhelming it. Some slipped through the cracks, the Terran hearts slipped in and Garlands vision became clear. He needed war. War too terrible for any Heart of the World to process. To this end, he began creating servants to spread that war.
With the help of a man with a key for a sword, Garland developed a brand new race of beings. Genomes he called them. Bodies without hearts. But the Genomes were... They were unimaginative... Time and again, Garland failed to create creatures that could think for themselves. Without a heart to guide them, they simply did as they were told. Until the man with the key suggested that they put a heart in them. Taking the heart of Terra's champion, a warrior called Karream and putting it into the new Genome created something unexpected. The heart split into 2 and so did the Genome, creating the twins. A boy and a girl. Garland named them Karre and Am. Garland raised the babies alongside his Genomes. Teaching them to read, to write, to fight and to manipulate. To create war.
Karre and Am shared everything, they were as one. Garland creating suits of armour to protect them from the Heartless that might try to take their hearts. Karre didn't think too much of anything until one day. The vision. The horrible vision. Am in unimaginable pain. She was destroyed and Garlands mad plan to save his people the reason. At that moment, Karre knew that he couldn't continue. Now, Karre waits on Terra, trying to whisper in his sisters ear to question everything and to give up on becoming the Angels of Death that Garland had created and raised them to be. Waiting for the opportunity to escape with her. Other: