Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Michaela stood at the back of the group as Ven brought them up to speed on the situation. "I most certainly do not need training in the highly unlikely event my wand would be taken from me." She replied to Thraw, proving that arrogance was as much an immortal trait as it was a mortal one. "We Angels are creatures that were born to serve the good magics of this universe. I will redouble my efforts to look into Von's plans using the all seeing eyes of magic" She then paused and thought for a minute. "But if it would serve to show you how our kind serve the innocent of this planet, then yes, i will 'Train' with you."
Dotty stopped as Taivas stopped and responded to her, telling her to start again. "OOOOOOH!" She responded. "Ok, i think i'm really sorry, Han, im just really excited to finally meet you." She took a deep breath and shook herself off, before she centered herself and then began again. "MybrotherDylanisyourbiggestfaneverandhesaysthatyourbowdoeslightningdamagebecauseinpoodlewolfepisode214yourbowsstringsaremadeoflightningbutithinkitdoesthunderdamagebecauseinepisode118your-" at this point Zen-Aku jumped in, putting a ghost hand across her mouth, she her voice becoming muffled as she continued talking.

"He means ask my questions again..." the gruff demon grunted.

"Ooooh!" She muffled again, before the invisible clawed hand moved away from her face. "Ok, so Poodlewolf, you know, your bestie, wants to know where you got your cool powers from too...? Becauseinepiso-Mmmmhmhhmmmhhmhhhmm" Her lips then were pulled together as Zen-Aku grabbed her mouth to hold it closed while he listened to Taivas' response. She then looked at the locket as he presented it, she then looked at the ghostly Zen-Aku, who slowly took his hands away from her mouth. She opened her mouth to continue, but then saw Zen-Aku pinch his finger and thumb together to indicate he'd shut her up if she started again. "Hmmm..." She looked the locket "Nope! And why are you going by Taivas now?" She laughed. "Ooooooh, i get it!!!" She went into a hushed whisper. "You're in disguise." She whispered, then winked at him. Zen-Aku's ghostly form then facepalmed, watching the naive child completely misunderstand the situation she was in.

"What cruel Eidelon saddled me with you...?" He asked.

"But maybe that weird old wizard guy who lives in the square knows?" She replied. Zen-Aku didn't remember a Wizard.

"Wait, what wizard?" The spectral Duke Org asked.

"That old guy with the big beard and the big hat that looks like santa. Oh wait, you guys dont have Santa in your world." She said, looking at the invisible entity. She then thought for a second. Zen-Aku seemed to get a flash of memory as she mentioned that name. The beautiful woman from his memories sat under a large tree, the two of them sat together with a large man in a red suit and a pearly white beard. Zen-Aku had to sit, staring as he wondered why such a happy memory hit him with such a sadness? Dotty then set off at a run towards where she had seen the Wizard, waving for him to follow her.

"Come on Ha-" She stopped and giggled "Sorry." She whispered. "Taivas!" She winked secretively. "Come on, i can show you" She continued waving for him to follow her. "But only on ONE condition." She stopped and pouted. "You tell me where your magic bow REALLY went?"
@Eviledd1984 Sorry, should have elaborated that Dotty is in human form. She'll probably turn back into a dog when in world where being a dog is an advantage, but in Traverse Town, she'll be Human.
<Snipped quote by Daxam>

Maybe he's heard rumors of the Org? They're generally operate under the radar so as not to draw attention to themselves, at least until thevconfront Sora.

See, I read "Rumours of The Org" and my first thought was Zen-Aku doing this meme:

Very much interested.
There's another Dotty post. Trying to emphasize that she's absolutely a small child and not just a short adult for the purposes of RPing.
Behind Zen-Aku's eyes, Dotty floated in the void, watching Taivas doing his darkness absorbing thing. "Wow! Han got weird new powers. Dylon's gonna be so jealous that i got to see it first!" She giggled. Meanwhile, Zen-Aku was watching with something resembling... Curiosity... This mans power reminded him so much of Master Org's... Whoever that was. Wait, who was Master Org and why did that name suddenly come to mind? As an armoured Heartless formed up near him, he quickly spun and decapitated it with a single swish of his cresent-moon blade. The Armoured Heartless's body quickly ran over to its head, grabbing it and trying to balance it atop its neck, before the head rolled off and disappeared, the Heartless then waved goodbye as it also disappeared. As he seemed to finish absorbing the Heartless, Zen-Aku approached him.

"Your powers are strange, but oddly reminiscent. You absorb Hearts... Where did you learn this technique?" He asked.

"Long ago in a distant land-" Dotty began, putting on her dark, broody voice. Talking only inside of his head "Han the Handsome was but a common thief with a magic bow, looking to-" Zen-Aku did his best to block out Dotty's badly written high-fantasy melodrama re-enactment, but soon he began to feel the strain, better not put too much on her today, in case he was needed again.

"Alright, you can have the body back if you agree to ask the questions i need answering." He said to seemingly no-one.

"Oh, sure, i got tons of questions for him! I think you really wanna catch up with your besty." As she said, that, a flash of light happened and now the little girl was stood there again. "So, Han the Handsome!" She began. Then she took a deep breath MybrotherDylanisyourbiggestfaneverandhesaysthatyourbowdoeslightningdamagebecauseinpoodlewolfepisode214yourbowsstringsaremadeoflightningbutithinkitdoesthunderdamagebecauseinepisode118yourbowissaidtohavebeenmadebythegodofthunderthatthatyoustolefromthetempleofstormsandwhatkindofthundergodmakeslightningweapons! She took another 10 seconds of uninterrupted breathing in before continuing "SowhatsthedealwithyouandwhatsthedealwithyouandCatPrincessofCatatoniaonecomicsaysyouarelonglostsiblingswhilethegamessayyoureboyfriendandgirlfriendbuttheycantbothberightbecausemummysaysthatsinsectswhateverthatmeansandyoudhaveweirdlookingbabiesbutyouradogandshesacatsoofcourseyourbabiesaregonnabeweirdlookingalsowhatstherecipeforthatpotionyouusedonLordFurballinepisode79thatmadehimtellyouthetruthabouthowtopassthewizardsgatetosaveInventicusfromthesuccerbusofpugsworthplace-" If he began walking away, she would follow him continuing to ask questions one after the other, only stopping for about 8-11 second intervals in order to fully breath in before continuing.

"No, ask him about his power!" Zen-Aku told her.

"I DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDUH!" She yelled at the ghost in frustration. "SoareyouactuallydescendedfromalovegodorwasthatjustsomethingtoimpressthePrincessandcanyoureallyjustpullarrowsourofyerbuttandfirethematpeople-"
@King Kindred So, have the Heartless got a definitive backstory that the people of the wider universe might be aware of, or are they just seen as general spooky shadow-demons?
Sorry, been rather ill these last few days, will try to post tomorrow.
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