"-Scared of spiders? I don't work with such simple fears. I prefer things to be a bit more abstract. Fear of being alone. Fear of everything you doing being pointless. Personally, my favorite is fear of being watched-"
~ ?.
~General Information~
Name: Walter R Tiller
Nick-Names: Terry
Sex/ Gender: Male
Age: 17
Place Of Origin: Bowie, Maryland.
Camp Cabin: 8 (for the time being)
Appearance - 15 Years Old:

~Relationship Information~
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Hetero
Godly Parent: Phobos
Human Parent: Natalie Tiller
Siblings: He's an only child, at least as far as his mortal parent is concerned.
Legacy: None.
Pet/s: None.
Other: None.
~Personal Information~
Personality: Walter is a very quiet man who rarely speaks up. Instead, he prefers non-verbal communication, like nodding and hand gestures. When he does speak, he's gonna be talking for a while. However, he does have problems controlling his tone, making it rather hard to read his mood.
He's rather arrogant about his abilities and very much a show off. He'll almost always introduce himself by silently appearing directly behind someone, likely startling them. He's also rather a jerk, and will try to psychologically torment whoever he decides is getting on his nerves.
In combat, he is a completely different person. He will talk to his opponent, and he will talk them down as much as possible to infuriate them. He does that because it makes them less likely to think rationally, and more likely to be caught off guard. He doesn't use his weapons too much, instead preferring to go with whatever he can find lying around.
He is a literally fearless man, which he speculates to be because there's not much to be scared of when you partially embody scariness itself.
His fatal flaw is his lack of commitment. He is terrible at keeping to schedules and promises, and will often abandon them if something more interesting arises.
Design: Walter can be very creative when it comes to decorating and design. He's decided that he is going to be the designer for the future Phobos cabin.
Reading People: He is very good at reading a person's emotions from their body language, and can pick up even the slightest sense of fear or irritation in a person.
Walter had a hard time with his powers. For 12 years, he was never able to turn off his silencing field, leaving everyone to assume that he had been completely mute. On the plus side, his constant silence made it very difficult for monsters to track him down.
He finally learned to control his power until the day he turned thirteen, when Phobos claimed him by causing a skull to manifest on his palm, which screamed rather loudly. From that point on, he just seemed to have a better understanding of the world around him, and a better understanding of who he was. Although he finally knew how to control his power, the time took its toll, and, despite now being capable of verbal communication, he lacks the speaking skills a normal boy his age would.
He was eventually found by one of the camp recruiters, who could tell right away what was up with him. He was calmly whisked away to Camp Half-Blood without much incident. No one missed him.
~Demigod Information~
Demigod Abilities:
Shadow Creation: He can create shadows of any shape or size. As these are just shadows, this technique lacks any real offensive power.
Night Vision: He can see perfectly in the dark, though he has problems identifying color.
Sound Nullification: He can completely negate any sound within one meter of him. This allows him to move completely silently, hold a conversation with someone without any chance of being overheard, and even silence something like a gun.
~Weaponry Information~
Weapon/s Name: "Achtung!" and "Lincolnshire Poacher".
Weapon/s Type: A pair of tonfa.
Attributes: The two are a functionally identical pair of tonfa, made of wood and celestial bronze. The area around the grip is made of oak wood, while the ends are made of bronze. "Achtung" is painted blue, while "Lincolnshire Poacher" is painted white.
~Other Information~
Other: I'll fill this out later
~Theme Song~
"Windowlicker" by Aphex Twin.