Lord Dionysus and Chiron

Also Featuring:Ky' vie Morgan,
Deon Alexander,
Alan Carpenter,
Arianna Louise Watson,
Kalinda Franklins,
Erin Marie Chase, and
Connor Nioré.
Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Everyone.
She’d done it. Keeping hold of her title, and victorious on the tower once again… for at least all of two seconds before she felt a pull from the other side of the ring, the force causing her head to turn, and her stunning metallic silver eyes to lift and meet with whoever was trying to snatch her win away from her.
Deon… of course.
Tie..? But she was sure-... Furrowing her brows slightly in confusion as to what he was saying to her, she thought over his words, the sound of another’s voice filling the air and hitting her ears from somewhere behind her, though she was far from paying attention. There was no way she was going to let him share this with her. It was ridiculous- she didn’t go out of the way to encroach on his territory; so why should he intrude on hers. He could keep his title as King of capture the flag- the obstacle tower was
her thing. By the Gods, he was such a pig.
Doing everything in her power to ignore the little voice in her head that was yelling at her for even considering giving him what he wanted, Ky lifted her free hand up, pressing it firmly over the back of his neck as she closed the gap between them, her body lifting up onto the balls of her feet as her bright red lips met with his, her grip over the disk never once wavering.
Deon's eyes widened, and then fluttered to a soft close the moment her lips met with his. He never actually thought she'd do it. A quip or smart-ass comment, yeah, but she just... up and did it. Not that he was complaining. He was merely just caught off guard. So much, in fact, that his fingers dropped his hold on the ring to take its natural place on her hip as he kissed her back harder, making the most out of the situation he had.
Her heart was racing… why was her heart racing..?
Relaxing her grip from around the back his neck, Ky’s hand slid slowly around, following the line of his shoulder until it was instead resting lightly against his chest- this was so wrong. He was a complete and utter asshole; so damn full of himself… and yet, the voice in her head that was telling her to not kiss him was getting further and further away… Snapping herself back to the present, she took only a moment before realizing what she was doing, her hand pressing roughly against his chest as she took a step back from him, her expression one of disgust as her grip over the ring tightened,
“Argh… you’re such an egotistical jer-...”“Ms. Kylie Montgomery… Mr. Devin Argent… I suggest you stumble your way back down to the stands, and take a seat with the rest of these lazy lumps. I have the unfortunate pleasure of calling my camp to meeting, and I need all ears on us.”Frowning heavily as his unmistakable voice filled the area, Dionysus stuffed his hands further down into his pockets as he called the camp to order, completely ignoring the small group of satyrs that hurried forward with cans of diet coke held high within their hands as an offering to the God himself,
“And you… Mr. Carpenter… I assure you, you’re going to want to pay extra close attention to what it is that Chiron and I have to tell you all.”Deon couldn’t help the smirk that crossed over his lips as Ky’ vie pulled away, but he had no time to reply as Dionysus was calling them down for a meeting. Though the god of the camp called them both by the incorrect names, Deon had grown rather used to it. Giving Ky’ vie a shrug of his bare shoulders, he began the descent down the tower to see what the big fuss was about.
Alan, on the other hand, felt a bolt of adrenaline shooting down into his stomach, making it twist in uncomfortable knots. Mr. D. had singled him out? No… he always got people’s names wrong. Maybe he was talking to someone else that shared a similar last name to his, and used his last name instead. But the intense gaze that followed between himself and the camp director was unmistakable. Whatever Mr. D. needed to talk to everyone about, he had reason to believe that Alan would take particular interest in it. But why? He hadn’t done anything wrong since the whole flying to the top of the Obstacle Tower incident, and that was months ago.
Stepping forward so that he was side by side with the camp’s director, Chiron brought both his hands together in front of his body, his tail flicking lightly behind him as the gravity of the whole situation seemed to weigh on him, sadness flickering over his creased, yet kind features as he let his gaze slowly glide over the crowd gathered on the stands in front of them.
“What Lord Dionysus is trying to say is that we have received grave news from Olympus… and as such, we request your full attention for the time being.” Pausing a moment so that his words could settle, and the murmurs of the campers could cease, Chiron let his eyes once more roam over the crowd in front of him before he continued,
“The Lady Aphrodite’s dove has been stolen from Olympus by an unknown assailant. Now, understandably, the gods are in an uproar at the crime… however, the Lord Ares has named and accused Alan Carpenter as the guilty party.”Color quickly drained from Alan’s face, the sweat he had managed to get under control from his basketball game returning to his brow, though for an entirely different reason. A wave of heightened whispers ran throughout the crowd of campers, many expressing disbelief, other’s muttering a sort of awed reverence actually believing that he could be capable of such a feat. Deon, perhaps the loudest of them all, scoffed as he jumped from the first platform and onto the grass, shaking his head and folded his arms over his chest.
“Seriously? That little shit couldn’t steal his own tidey-whiteys from the cleaning harpies if he found himself in a pinch, for fuck’s sake!” Deon pointed out, a laugh erupting from his throat that was met by a few of his fellow half-brothers.
Alan lowered his head, ignoring the taunts from the Ares’ cabin and stared down at his shoes - a gift from his father when he had arrived at camp, but not delivered personally. They had been left on the bed he had been staying in, in the Hermes’ cabin - a way his father had laid claim to him. Not personally. Never personally. But this was personal. It was because of his heritage that he was getting blamed, and he knew exactly why.
“It’s because of Luke…” Alan explained somberly, though more to himself than everyone around him. All those years ago, his half-brother had taken Zeus’ master bolt. Now Aphrodite’s dove had gone missing… it only made sense for the gods to turn their attention back to the Hermes children. But why him specifically? He had dozens of half-brothers and sisters they could have blamed. Confusion was written clear on his face as he looked back up, looking only at Chiron with misty eyes.
“...why me?”“Enough, Deon..!”A loud thud seemed to echo dully through the area as the golden (and rather weighted) ring Ky had been holding firmly in her grasp hit hard against the back of his head, her metallic silver eyes both narrowing as she shot a glare in his direction- gods he could be such an insensitive pain in the fucking ass.
“Ms. Morgan, control yourself..!” Chiron rebuked, an added sense of stress slipping into his voice as he lifted his hand up, rubbing lightly at his temple as the beginnings of a headache seemed to be coming on.
“The gods have no proof that you were the thief, Mr. Carpenter; but questioning the workings of the council is going to lead to no answers… even we are unsure why Lord Ares has chosen to accuse you of such a crime.” Sighing softly, Chiron took a moment to himself before he dropped his hand back down, his gaze meeting with that of the son of Hermes,
“Lord Zeus has decreed that you will have one week to find, and to return the dove to Mount Olympus, wherein you shall then be acquitted of all charges laid against you.”Ares. Of course
that would be the god that had it out for him. And he only had a week to find one single bird in not only Earth, but godly places where the real thief could have stashed it. Percy believed Hades had Zeus’ master bolt in the Underworld, who wasn’t to say the thief might have kept it there or in Hera’s garden or in someplace of the like? There was literally too much ground to cover in such little time. He was no Percy Jackson. Hell, he only even ever spent summers at the camp.
Knowing he would regret his decision before he even stood up, Alan crossed over to Deon who had become preoccupied with nursing a small lump on the back of his head.
“He’s your father…” Alan told him quietly, trying to keep the conversation between the two of them.
“If you can just talk to him… tell him that I didn’t do it… You said yourself that I’d be incapable of something like that…”Still coming out of his light chuckle from Ky’ vie’s reaction to his claim, Deon shrugged his broad shoulders and abandoned rubbing the back of his head to instead run his fingers through his hair.
“You kidding me? And miss all of this play out? Naw man. You’re on your own for this one.” Giving Ky’ vie a careful glance, Deon side-stepped around Alan, putting him between the two of them.
“Besides, that bastard hasn’t talked to me in months. Doubt I could change his mind about what bitch he’ll knock up next let alone who he’s got in his head stole his main bitches symbol.” Deon shook his head, though it was in slight awe.
“...so many bitches.”Alan sighed, his shoulders hunching forward and his head hanging a bit lower in defeat. Well… it was worth a try, but he really didn’t expect anything less from the prick King of camp. Giving his profile back to Chiron, his eyes and heart heavy, he asked the question he both knew the answer to and dreaded to hear.
“What happens if I can’t find it? I’m no Percy Jackson, Chiron.”“..then I’m afraid dear boy… that you will be subject to the wrath of Lord Ares…” Chiron’s voice was soft and full of bereavement as he spoke the answer that was playing on everyone’s mind… Though he would never admit it aloud; he was angry- furious at the gods decree that a child of their own blood would have to suffer such torment thanks to an accusation that just wasn’t true in any way.
The camp was supposed to be a safe haven for young demigods; a place where they could both learn and train in peace- to hoist such a mighty charge on one of them without proof, and at the penalty of pain and torture… he just couldn’t fathom their choice…
Another loud though dull thud rang out clear as day as Ky moved herself between both Alan and Deon, once more swinging the golden ring across her body with ease, the heavy metal instead connecting with the son of Ares’ nose, rather than the back of his head,
“You’re such a damn pig- don’t you ever think of anybody other than your damn self..!”“...nope.” The answer was simple, and (though now nursing a bloody nose) laughing through the pain, Deon quietly excused himself to go and find the Apollo kid that usually fixed him up in these situations.
“Ms. Morgan, I won’t ask you aga-...”“Let me go in his place, Chiron.” Turning her attention over to the centaur, Ky couldn’t help but to clench her jaw as she felt the stares of everyone around her fall upon her person, the young daughter of Hephaestus taking a few moments to glance around at them all, her eyes meeting with a good majority before finally, they met with Alan’s- it was clear he was rattled about the whole situation… but then again, even she would be if the tables were turned.
Giving him a small though soft smile, Ky nodded her head once in his direction before she let her attention once more fall back to Chiron,
“I’ll find the bird; and I’ll bring it back within the seven day limit… there’s no way in Tartarus that I’m gunna let Alan take the rap for something he didn’t do; it’s just not fair.”“And I can’t let you do likewise, Ky’ vie.” Alan told her quietly, though firmly. He had only been in camp for a few years, only months at a time. He would hardly consider himself and the daughter of Hephaestus close, but her actions he witnessed not only now, but in times past, spoke volumes about her character. She was definitely someone he wanted on his side, but he could never allow anyone to take the blame for something he did… or…
didn’t do...
“..in any case; as noble as your intentions might be Ms. Mooney, that is something of which I cannot allow. This quest is Mr. Carpenter’s burden to bare… should he choose to allow you to go with him, then so be it. The more of you lazy lumps I get rid of, the better; in fact, nothing would please me more.”Seemingly not even bothered by, and completely choosing to ignore the rather obvious and frustrated look that he was getting from Chiron at his choice of words, Dionysus paused for a good long moment, his eyes taking their time to scan over the large crowd of campers that was spewn out all over the stands, his rows furrowing in slight confusion as he continued to search for one of the few figures he couldn’t see before him,
“Wait a moment… alright you blighters, where’s my daughter- what have you done with her.”“I’m here, dad..!”Twisting his upper body around as his daughter’s voice caught his attention, Dionysus quirked his brow in slight surprise as his eyes fell upon the still spinning (though slowly) obstacle tower behind him, Arianna’s figure dragged casually along with it as she hung upside down by her foot from one of the rope ladders leading to the first platform; her long and wavy blonde locks gently flying off to the side, and what was obviously and empty flask held in her hand as she continued to go along with the ride, her voice lost each and every time that she disappeared around the back of the construct.
“It’s all good dad, keep-... keep going and-... don’t mind me, I’m lis-... listening-... but, before you go-... any further, does anyone-... have someth-... something to drink..? Mine-... mine is empty…”Raising a single brow in intrigue, and with the slightest twinge of amusement, Chiron shook his head, his hand motioning for those who had begun to laugh in the stands to settle down,
“Ms. Franklins, would you be so kind as to help Ms. Watson down from the tower..? Thank you…”Kalinda rose from where she had been sitting, and nodded to Chiron, and hurriedly went over to the tower, where she proceeded to quickly scale one of the other rope ladders, so she could get to Arianna, where she would begin the process of trying to free her, without letting her fall.
“Mr. Carpenter, I understand that this news is highly shocking… but you must act immediately. We are allowing you to recruit four other campers to go along with you on your journey- and you must begin packing immediately…” Motioning towards the campers sat out in front of them all, Chiron nodded his head in Alan’s direction, letting him know now it was time to choose.
“What? Now?” The news seemed to shock Alan, though he didn’t know why. He had seen a few people go through the similar task of being handed a quest, and each time was no different. But somehow, this felt different to him. Maybe it was because for the first time ever, he was involved. Or maybe it was because his life was literally on the line, depending on Ares’ mood. And did he really have to just up and choose in front of all these people? He’d rather a more private setting where he could talk to some people, one on one. There was a lot of pressure, on both sides, when it came to choosing people for a quest. He knew a handful of people that were just dying to get out of camp, and others who would prefer to stay in camp for the rest of their lives. But with a crowd… it was much harder for them to deny his help rather than tell him personally.
Sighing, Alan turned his head to find the bright red locks of Ky’ vie still standing right next to him. His eyes connected with hers for a moment - an unspoken moment of understanding before he nodded.
“I’d be stupid to not have a woman of your strength on my side.”“You’d also be stupid to think I’d ever say no.” Smiling at him, Ky reached out and took a hold of his hand, giving it a gentle and comforting squeeze,
“Anything you need; all you have to do is ask, and I’ll do everything I can to help you, Alan.”Alan gave her a weak smile. Though he appreciated her words, his heart simply wasn’t in it. She had gone through so much already… and now he was going to be putting her through even more. Forcing his gaze away from her out of guilt, Alan scanned the rest of the crowd, his eyes falling on so many familiar faces. If he was going to do this, he needed a wide variety of skills and abilities to cover as many bases as he could.
The thought of Percy going to the Underworld entered his mind… they barely made it out alive. What if he had to face something like that himself? Eyes landing on Marcel, he quickly averted them. No. There was just no freaking way. But Erin, maybe? Though equally irritable, Erin was at least more… sociable, was the word? The thought of having to drag her around to who knew where had his gut sinking, but her shadow portals could definitely come into use, if not her ties to the Lord of the Dead.
“Erin? Can I count on you? I swear I’ll make it up to you, somehow…”Had she heard wrong..? Frowning slightly as she took a moment to go over his words a couple more times in her head, Erin shot a quick glance over to where Marcel was leaning against the stands, looking as equally confused as she did, the two seeming to exchange silent words with each other before she turned back to Alan, a groan slipping out of her soft pink lips as she lifted herself up from where she was sitting, her hands slipping down into the back pockets of her jeans as she moved to stand with both him and Ky’ vie.
“..whatever; I’ll tag along on your little quest. Besides… I haven’t left this stupid camp since I first got here unless you count visiting dear ol’ dad, and it might be amusing to take my anger out on people who Ky reckons actually deserves it…”Alan gave her an appreciative nod, slowly starting to feel just the tiniest bit better about his situation. Unfortunately, as Erin moved to stand, his eyes followed but ended up getting stuck on Syleste, who Erin had been sitting next to. To his knowledge, she had never set a toe outside of camp since she arrived because of her disability, nor did anyone really think about taking her on one of theirs for the very same reason. He’d take her. He’d take her in a heart-beat, but then again, he had to think logically. If getting smacked in the face with a basketball just because she walked by was a thing, just what would that mean when actual monsters were at play? He hated to admit it, but she’d only distract him, even if her abilities could help in one way or another. And then it hit him.
“C-Connor! Connor where you at? I need you, man!” His head was on a swivel, his body turning as he scoped out the crowd, trying to find Syleste’s brother. Though not nearly as defined as Syleste’s abilities were, he could still prove to be quite the powerhouse when it came to the more… different situations.
Connor hadn’t made it into the crowd yet, instead he was simply standing nearby. He frowned slightly as Alan called his name, yet he couldn’t deny Alan, not simply because they were in a crowd, but because it was the right thing to do- Connor didn’t think there was any way Alan could have stolen the dove. Still, he couldn’t just go off and leave Syleste. He looked over toward Syleste in the crowd. He knew that she wouldn’t be alone, but it didn’t make the situation any easier. Finally though, he said
“Of course”His smile growing just a bit more sincere, Alan looked to the crowd once more. He had someone more than capable of battle, someone to get them to and from places quickly, someone to take advantage of the subconscious… now he just needed someone tactical, someone intelligent and clever beyond means that could step up as a leader if he ever found himself at a loss, or incapable of being able to do something.
His eyes landed on Webster, and gave him a shy smile. Though they never really spent a whole lot of time together, he knew him to be reliable, loyal, and a fierce competitor if ever a situation came up that he was less than fond of. He was exactly what he needed to complete this rag-tag of a team.
“Whadd’ya say Webster? I could really use your help, man.”