Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

Someone else can have my spot. I want to join, but I don't want to hold ya'll back. I'll just watch what happens instead ^_^
Sounds interesting, I'll start thinking of a character.
The Excavation Camp Crew

- Roxanne (@Shadeflare123), Novis (@Sen), Aiden (@Deos Morran)

Stephen shifted in place slightly at the thought of a reward, his usual calm and arrogant being replaced with something less so. Luckily, it did seem as if one of them didn't wish for one, to which Stephen hastily readjusted his glasses, taking the bag Novis had given him and looking in it with disappointment. His lunch was ruined, and now it seemed the stones he was trying to protect from the thieves was now missing. With a solemn look, he turned to face the adventurers.

"Unfortunately, our abundant supply of what we normally dig up has... more or less been stolen by those you so recently apprehended. I'll have to send in some of my colleagues to comb the caves in order to find the missing stones and fossils they stole... Sadly not even my bag was safe from them, I had put in some of the stones there in hopes that they would only see the lunch and leave it be, but alas, they stole the bag and the fire stones..." He paused for a bit, snapping out of his regret to look at them more direct.

"The short answer is, we can't spare any of our resources to give to you, but perhaps that, since you're trainers, the experience and thrill of the hunt was reward enough. Good luck in your travels. Now, if you excuse me."

And with that, Stephen turned his back to them, starting to walk away towards a group of excavators. It would appear their business here was done.
The Excavation Cave Crew

- Roxanne (@Shadeflare123), Novis (@Sen), Aiden (@Deos Morran)

The scientist Stephen had recently finished his initial inspection of the rocks he had been looking at before the trio had so hastily interrupted him, calling over several of his associates to take them away for additional examinations. After all, you couldn't take chances when it came to fossils or the like. Though, he was a tad saddened by how his bag had suddenly gone missing. It contained valuable stones that he had dug up, along with his lunch! He bet it was those pesky pokemon who had been pestering the excavation camp, not to mention this wasn't the first time those thieving pokemon stole from the workers. And whenever we would give chase, they'd just dig a new hole in the ground or in the walls to escape.

Stephen's thought processes, however, were soon interrupted when a large gust of sand and dirt came flooding out of the tunnels, showing the excavation camp in it briefly before it was sent upward from the wind. He assumed it was probably one of the pokemon causing more havoc, at least until he remembered that he had sent 3 trainers to deal with the problem. He assumed it was most likely something from their battle, and was at the very least excited to have those pests rid of. Then, when it was resolved, he could finally explore the caves for his missing items in peace.

So when the dust settled from outside the cave, Stephen began to venture inward, assuming it was safe.

"Are you fine in here, trainers? Or should I let another group in to find them?" He began shouting as he entered, rather curious to the outcome of their battle. Though, his reaction may vary depending on what he finds out.
The Excavation Cave Crew

- Roxanne (@Shadeflare123), Novis (@Sen), Aiden (@Deos Morran)

As the dust of battle settled and congratulations went all around, there was still one thing of interest... The bag the Larvitar had. It was near the wall, now covered in dirt and dust near the pokeball that Larvitar was in. A keen eye would see a faint glitter coming from underneath the dirt. What was inside the bag, one might ask? Well, several things really. The first, or well, several things were fire stones, 3 of them to be specific, warm to the touch too. And the other was the archaeologist Stephen's lunch, though it was probably ruined now. What would happen to these items? Well, it was up to the group to decide.
The Excavation Cave Crew

- Roxanne (@Shadeflare123), Novis (@Sen), Aiden (@Deos Morran)

As they would delve deeper into the cave, the pathways were lightly illuminated with faint, tiny lightposts, just enough to see the walls nearby, and barely ahead. After all, the archaeologists did need light to at least spot some sort of difference in the walls. Speaking of which, there were chunks missing here and there, most likely from various discoveries they had made. The only signs of pokemon life inside was the constant, eerie feeling that while they walked, they could feel something staring at them in the darkness. Several pairs of eyes would occasionally reveal themselves, only to scamper away the moment they were noticed into smaller holes, most likely made by the pokemon they were hunting.

As soon as Aiden told them not to let them get the drop on 'em, what sounded like a drill could be heard from the wall above them. It was faint at first, like a slight humming sound that gradually got louder until suddenly, the ceiling above them began to shake. It then began to crack slightly, dirt dust falling to the ground below before finally 3 pokemon burst from a hole in the ceiling where the crack was, a drilbur spinning down and landing in front of the group, a rockruff and larvitar in tow. What was interesting, however, was that the larvitar was also holding a small bag that looked like it belonged to the scientists, with various stones shining in the light as they were barely visible from the opening in the bag. The larvitar tossed it to the side, to which all 3 of them were looking for a battle. They all were shouting at the trainers, telling them in pokemon language how this was their cave now and anything in it belonged to them, and if they didn't leave they'd make 'em leave.
The Excavation Site Crew

- Roxanne (@Shadeflare123), Novis (@Sen), Aiden (@Deos Morran)

it had been a busy day at the excavation site for archaeologist Stephen as he was doing his usual inspections around the site. While it was true that the site wasn't that big, it did have several levels, so to speak. There were also several caves that they had dug out in search of fossils, and those closer to the surface were often now occupied with pokemon who would get in the way of the various scientists' work. It was rather difficult to deal with, seeing as a majority of the workers weren't trainers themselves, and so Stephen was often left to deal with the problems. But today, as he was getting closer to the top, he saw a group of what he presumed to be trainers with how their pokemon were out in the open visiting. He didn't mind them, and while he thought of going over to inspect a nearby cave for pokemon, he instead saw something else that caught his eye. Was it a fossil, by chance? Why, it was certainly worth looking at, and as he knelt down to inspect the eroded rocks, he heard the shouts of one of the trainers towards his direction.

"Hey, you guys need assistance with your fossil expeditions Me and my pals over there, we're bonafide Pokemon Rangers!"
Pokemon...rangers? He didn't notice any capture stylus' on them or out in the open, and they didn't appear to be that strong given their pokemon stages. He deduced, then, that they were most likely trainers who the professor oh so loved to call every once in awhile, instead leaving Stephen to think of some sort of appropriate response to them. That was, until, his friend decided to cover for him.

"I'm terribly sorry sir. What he means to say is that we couldn't help but notice your hard work and were curious about lending our aid, or just learning from it while we're here. We're not Pokemon Rangers, but I would add those adjectives to our name considering you don't know us yet."

Stephen smiled at the young man's honesty, also noting the girl's seemingly timid nature.

"Quite." He replied towards the pleasure to meet him response, continuing with, "Well, seeing as you seem determined to aid us, there is a task I would like you to settle here in the excavation site. You see," He paused, pointing towards several caves behind the group," We made several caves so that we could dig into the ground and find fossils, but as of late there have been several disturbances due to pokemon becoming aggressive and taking over them. They've caused a ruckus with our search for fossils..." He was pacing back and forth for a bit, wondering if he should ask them to go in before ultimately deciding so.

"If you would be so kind, go into these caves and find the pokemon responsible for annoying us. Capture them, knock them out, do what you will, and report back to me when you do so."
The Route 13 Crew

- Roxanne (@Shadeflare123), Novis (@Sen), Aiden (@Deos Morran)

As the group would make their way onto Route 13, they would notice that they were not the only ones who would occupy this walk to the ruins. There were many tourists and scientists making their way to the ruins, the tourists occasionally taking pictures of themselves for memories, and the scientists often lost in their own work. Though, they were all seemingly lost in their own worlds, disinterested in the kids as of now. After all, why pay attention to them when there were ruins to explore. It was even rumored that Unown lingered deep inside the ruins, thought to have some sort of connection to Johto because of this.

As they would go further down the route, they would eventually stumble across a small excavation camp, where the scientists there would dig out fossils for Beryllium’s research sector. It wouldn't be nearly as crowded there, as many of the tourists didn't stay for long, eager to reach the ruins, and thus leaving the excavators to their work. Perhaps, with some persuading from the group, they would allow the trainers to help in their endeavor, and reward them such.

There was also some sort of rest area in the middle of the route, where trainers could rest for a bit and use the benches and tables set out to prepare meals and eat. There were also several wild pokemon gazing in the distance here, hoping to snatch a quick bite from unsuspecting trainers. All in all, there was plenty to do before reaching the ruins...
In all honesty I was hoping to talk to your group anyways since I'm your GM about what you guys were interested in doing so I could formulate something to go off of xD So don't worry.

This gives me something to work with though, so I appreciate it nonetheless.
That still sounds awful... I hope you get well soon dude. And, if there was something you were hoping to encounter or happen on route 13 or the ruins, just tell me and I'll pull a few strings to make it happen :3
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