Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

So that would be 3 Quarians being made then.
While I have an idea of my character, since I'm not sure what has occurred in this lore, at least in terms of ME 2 and 3 and the choices in them, I've kinda held back on putting pen to paper, so to speak. After all, a lot happened for Quarians in 3 depending on the choices, and I don't want to assume it's a pure paragon world, you know?
Waiting for the OOC is probabaly the best option at the moment, as there is a difference between expressing interest and making a character. A lot of people, at least from what I've seen here, don't make a character once the actual OOC appears.
Sounds understandable, and I can't wait to see what canon choices will be used or altered.
I was thinking of going a Quarian or Turian myself. Though, I'm highly leaning towards Quarian.
Tentative interest here!
A Choking Point

- Roxanne (@Shadeflare123), Novis (@Sen), Aiden (@Deos Morran)

The archaeologist was somewhat flustered as she watched the group, or rather two of the three, as they rather hastily ran into the ruins. She still had a lot left to tell them, and so before the last one, who had just healed one of his Pokémon up, left after them, she hastily placed a hand on his shoulder, telling him “Hey, don't get in over your heads… I'm still hesitant on letting you guys in, but if something goes wrong, we’re waiting for officers and a nurse from the Pokémon Center in the nearest town. We notified them as soon as the commotion occurred, so they should be here soon… Just, don't get yourselves hurt, okay? I've seen enough trainers scurrying away from the entrance today…”

As the trio would begin to delve into the ruins, there was an odd absence of Pokémon in the rather decently lit area... You know, for having seemingly no light sources whatsoever inside the ruins. The entrance corridor was, while long width wise, simply a long stretch of a hallway, with several of the arches were doors would have been are covered in rubble, along with collapsed and intact pillars on each side. Regardless of interesting yet probably not noteworthy pillars, the only way to move was forward due to a majority of the other rooms either being blocked off by rubble or just simply dead ends. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like there was much of an alternative on how to proceed, and while they could see what was up ahead, so could anything that may hide behind rubble, which there was plenty of as the group could see. Most notably would be what appeared to be a door in the distance...

At least, if there was any consolation to this scene, was the occasional painting on the wall, some faded to time, others recreated by the archaeologist to their former glory. Of course, it was rather hard to distinguish what they meant, or even if there was anything noteworthy, but it helped pass the time for the beginning of the trip. After all, art is said to be an expression of thoughts or actions, or maybe it's some sort of depiction of history. The trio could probably assume those basic figures meant something. There was also strange lettering on some of the walls as well, but due to being rather faded thanks to time, it would be nearly impossible to read without prior knowledge of what each symbol meant or what each symbol would have looked like.

But soon, the trio reached the rather giant and probably disproportionate door, which upon opening it, the group would be blasted with a large cloud of dust and sand, similarly to their experience with the sandstorm in the cave. The once eerie lack of sound was soon replaced with a soft hum of machinery, far off in the distance. Unfortunately, even though the dust cloud would be settling after these observations, there was still plenty in the air due to whatever was going on. This also would lower the visibility in the area, along with affecting the lighting and causing it to dim slightly, along with a constant need to cough on occasion to clear their throats. Roxanne especially felt the choking feeling that the dust would bring, as if she had just drank a gallon of sand and was now heaving it out with each breath. It was coarse, rough, irritating...

The hallway they would have been in after opening the door would then branch into 3, the left leading downwards deeper into the ruins, where the light would be far more scarce. The right leading upwards to a crumbling staircase, yet various sounds could be heard from above if someone decided to venture up to investigate. Lastly, there was the obvious middle hallway, a continuation of the long previous ruined area, but this time with low visibility in what would be ahead.

All three areas appeared worthy of investigation… But what would the group do? It seemed that, regardless of what path they would take, or if they split up, each would eventually lead into some sort of...

Choke Point.
Zamak Ruins

- Roxanne (@Shadeflare123), Novis (@Sen), Aiden (@Deos Morran)

"Well I'm not sure what is going on but I think we're pretty strong. What is going on? We may be able to help and of course there is no harm in sharing a story, right?"
"If they're messing up the place, it's only going to hurt you more if you don't let us at least try! We're bonafide Pokemon trainers after all!... ma'am!"
"Ma'am, we really need to get inside. That Yamask stole from us, and we're trainers, after all. We can handle ourselves!"

The researcher turned to face the children head on this time, their pleas to enter the ruins caused her to snap back into reality and realize she was with them once more. It also made her realize that had been talking to herself, and that they had no doubt heard her ramblings about the situation. Her face turned a slight shade of red from embarrassment, placing her clipboard over her face for a brief second as she took a deep breath to calm down and process what each of them said. They were all so interesting, she thought, with various reasons to enter, or to simply see what was going on. And, like one of them said, it was true that they needed help or else they could lose precious aspects of the ruins.

The clipboard slowly descended as her grip switched around it, her arms now criss-crossing the clipboard across her chest instead of holding it from the sides. Honestly... they were right... And so, she took a deep breath, staring at them with genuine worry and hope.
"Today's been so hectic... Where do I begin. It's true, we could use some trainers to help us at the moment, though I hope you are as strong as your one friend seems to boast..."

She paused for a second before continuing, having brushed away some of her bangs from her eyes as they obstructed her view and slightly annoyed her.

"Oh! Um, the ruins have generally been a good place to work and explore. I'm sure you know about the ruins, so I won't go into much detail about them... But I'm sure you know that there is some link to Johto from them, right? Of course you do, you seem like smart trainers. I surmise that is a tad off topic, isn't it? Anyway, this afternoon we assume that some group had sneaked into the ruins with the crowd of tourists, and when they got far enough in, well... They began to attack the tourists, driving away anyone who wasn't a part of their group. They even drove away some of the other archaeologists and researchers... We don't know exactly who they are or what they want, but we can obviously infer that it has to do with the ruins in one way or another. But with how reckless they've been, along with how we've gotten reports of those who have went in that they're using heavy machinery... We're all worried that they'll damage the ruins beyond repair. Er... You know what I mean."

She took a long breath afterwards, having felt she had explained everything, though a quick glance at her clipboard jogged her memory, and this time she hastily said "Oh! Before I forget, you mentioned a Yamask, right? I've been studying his movements the last couple weeks, and he seems to come out every other day to take something from the tourists. Though, it's usually things he thinks they left behind or misplaced... He did have fire stones... Which leads me to deduce they were lying around? Did you drop them or something?"
The Beginning of Zamak's Ruin...?

- Roxanne (@Shadeflare123), Novis (@Sen), Aiden (@Deos Morran)

The woman researcher put down her pen as the Yamask entered the cave, a mixed expression of concern and intrigue still fresh on her face as she began to recall what has transpired already. She remembered the start of what she thought would have been the same old same old, having sighed as the tourists once more began to pour into the area. The day had hardly started, and already the place had became filled with a crowd. That was to be expected, and she was prepared for the most part to express her own interests in the ruins, just like the others would as well. She had glanced back to them as they too began the normal routine, making sure to go into the ruins before the tourists so that they could get some work done. And, even if it wasn't as packed as other days, there never seemed to be an off period for them, at least not in these past weeks.

Though today, she had decided to stay behind with a small group of the scientists and researchers, partially because she was somewhat lazy, but also because today was the predicted day her an interesting specimen would most likely make his appearance. She had recorded his patterns before, and so she felt fairly confident that he would do something with the tourists today. It was rather intriguing, really, even if his actions weren't exactly the most helpful. Still, she was curious to his resolve and as to what, and as such, she made sure to keep a steady eye for the ghost Pokemon. What would he take today, and more importantly, for what purpose?

Though, as she had went to grab her notebook and pen from a nearby desk, along with a cup of coffee, she recalled how dozens of tourists and reseachers poured out of the ruin's entrance, clearly in disarray and shock over something. It had caused her to hastily make her way towards one of her colleagues, to which she could clearly see the concern spread across her friend's face.

"What's wrong? It's hardly past noon, you guys shouldn't be out yet."
"T-There's people in there, t-they-"
"Slow down... tell me what's going on."
"I-I don't know. They chased us out. They were doing they're own research of some kind... B-But, it could ruin the ruins if it keeps up."
"What do you mean ruin the ruins?


Today has been so stressful... I really should have brought more snacks for days like this.

The sound of a young kid's voice snapped her back into reality, the person from whom it was coming from knocking down her clipboard. She was thankful to have a good grip on it, lest these notes would have been scattered and dirty... Not to mention her recent observations... Though, when she got over the initial shock and listened to the boy's tale. So... This was the Yamask's victims, huh? It made her slightly curious as to what it stole, but that wasn't important right now, at least not to her.

"I'm sorry trainers, but," she paused, looking at the guarded entrance to the ruins, along with rather upset tourists walking away from it before returning her focus to them, "I'm afraid I can't allow you to go into the ruins after him. We're... dealing with a rather large situation that... Well, I really shouldn't tell you..." She said in a worried tone, her gaze constantly shifting towards the ruins and back to them.

"But... we could use all the help we can get if we want to preserve the ruins for further research... But are they skilled enough?" She whispered to herself, though the trio could clearly hear what she was saying...
That Group That's On Their Way to the Ruins... When Suddenly...

- Roxanne (@Shadeflare123), Novis (@Sen), Aiden (@Deos Morran)

The Shadows.

Eyes, eyes... disappearing into the shrubs and trees that surrounded the route as the ruins got closer. They'd been watching the group, starring in the leafage. Plotting. Murmurs and quiet grunts could occasionally be heard as the group would continue, but as they got ever closer to the ruins, the noises only became louder. The tourists ahead paid no attention to it, distracted by whatever tourists do. Taking pictures, talking too loudly. It made whatever was in the shrubs, following the group angry. Loud noise... It made them mad. Occasionally brown, curved tails could be seen, glimpses of brown and white fur, but no definitive answer as to what it was. A pokedex wouldn't help, they were too fast for it to scan. What was following them, and why?

In the distance, the ruins could now be seen for our adventurers. The rabble of pillars and stone bricks cut by ancient hands could easily be discerned from the hazy sea of sands around it, having formed due to the erosion of rocks that once held civilization. Only when they would draw close would they see scientists and tourists, swarming the place like flies to a light. The shattered remains of the past were delicate, yet majestic, that is often the description given to them by the tourists. Even though bits and pieces of structures were missing, those that remained were awe inspiring. Of course, that didn't stop several tourists to crowd around the outside, taking up space and making sure every inch was photographed in a selfie. Not to mention, slightly outside the ruins, scientists had established a base camp. They'd already done extensive research on the place, but there were always mysteries that needed to be discovered. Though it wasn't to be heard in more than a scant few whispers, everyone present knew that there was a link between the Zamak Ruins and the infamous Unown in the Ruins of Alph in Johto - the real question; and the real source of energy for these skittering scientists being, just how deep this connection could be proven to run.

Regardless, it was surprising to say that no one saw the floating mask above them, watching and waiting. It liked to spy on the people below, but what it saw from above made it curious. Not only was there a group of pokemon outside the area where the dirt would become some sort of hard sand, doing their best to hide in the decreased shrubbery, it noticed how they were all staring at 3 trainers.

It was then that it happened.

An intrusive screech came from all around, caused by a multitude of Mankeys jumping onto the scene and charging the unsuspecting trainers. While they didn't do any real damage, they were angry. Angry that the one who had cooked had left nothing for them, like so many other trainers had. And what was left, wasn't enough. They wanted more. Needed more. A drive of hunger and their quick to anger nature made them plot, something relatively unheard of. They waited to unleash their anger, but now, it was getting the better of them. They pounced, they screeched, just out of sight and hearing from the tourists and scientists who may have helped the travelers. No real damage was caused, but in the fray they scoured the bags and pockets of the trainers, searching for food to take.

And while some of the contents fell to the floor, a specific stone fell from Novis' grasp. His fire stone... And not only his, but the other's as well! The Mankey's inspected them before throwing the newly acquired stones to the side, and when they didn't find what they wanted, they turned on each other. In the fray, the pokemon with the mask watching from above stared at the stones... Wondering what they were. Maybe it would get the attention of the pokemon that spun like a top on occasion... Happily, it flew down, revealing that it was a yamask as it made itself visible. Happily taking the fire stones, it made a B-line for the entrance to the ruins in the distance, catching the eye of several scientists and tourists. The tourists took a picture, saving it for later, while a particular scientist made note of it. She had kept several notes on the Yamask, and perhaps speaking to her would be ideal...

As for the Mankeys, they eventually ran away, still fighting. Have Fun.
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