Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

Seems like Nathan is going to be going super fast, sonic style.
Except with a lot of running into things or people. Maybe he won't be late to class after all in the quiz scenario xD

Though it does make me wonder a tad, how do the quizzes work? Is it more of a preference, or random assignment perhaps?
Either way, it definitely gave me an outcome I didn't expect. To be fair, I wasn't sure what to expect as well, so anything would have been unexpected xD
It'll be a bit fun to see how he handles it over the course of the rp.
Eh, it wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened. Though he probably won't dignify those advances at first.
Sorry if it may seem off, but I hope it's a good read. If not, please tell me what to fix and I'll do so immediately.

Familiar or a mage... either or sounds interesting. I'll start making an app, but I'll wait to post it until I see how distributed the two are!
This actually sounds really interesting. I'm putting my definitive interest here.

Eyyy that's from SovietWomble's stream/video! I remember watching that in one of his Arma vids.
Straight up tossed the prisoners onto the grenades. The distraction team sure doesn't give af when it comes to casualties.
I'll put some tentative interest.
And thus my info drop is done.

For those of you wondering how I knew what to put, I didn't make it up I swear.

Within his first few seconds of touching the terminal and proceeding to hack with his Omni-Tool, he nearly scoffed at how simple the security was to break, watching as the data began to flow like a river. He almost said that it was a bit too easy, but he felt he'd jeopardize his luck by saying such a thing, right? As the data continued to be uploaded into his tool, he managed to bring up a screen to analyze some of the data to get a better picture of what exactly he was finding, but he could not have expected to find what he did.

Glimpses of an almost absurd amount of credits passing through the facility were the first things he saw. It made him confused in those brief seconds, curious as to whom was funding them after Cerberus' detrimental loss of their facility and boss. And while they did pass through this Cerberus facility, he noticed they were going off towards Terra Firma... Rayes wondered why that name sounded familiar... Whatever, now was not the time, and there was more data to be taken notice of.

For instance, another interesting bit he managed to take note of was experimentation on husks in the form of lab reports. Toying with reaper beings... How disgusting. What sort of tests would they run? He felt like this couldn't have been the first time Cerberus would experiment on husks after he learned that a majority of them were indoctrinated to the Reapers, but the thought of it made him disgusted nonetheless. Had they been doing stuff such as that while he was helping the crucible? It made him shudder to even think about...

Following that, there was another thing he found interesting through the files that continued to flow, which was a name: The Director. To Rayes, it sounded like another sort of boss for Cerberus following the Illusive Man, but who would the Illusive Man have as a successor? Or was this even the boss in the first place? It seemed likely, as there were several orders coming from him towards the facility. There was also a mention of something called The Three Heads. It sounded ominous... He was glad that he was with the Spectres and that the information would go to them in the end. All he had to do was make sure to stay close enough that his Omni-Tool could keep a steady signal...

It was then that he realized enemy reinforcements had suddenly appeared for them, compromising his position and forcing him to move. He was hesitant at first, but he felt that, so long as he stayed in the room and didn't mess with his omni-tool, he should have a strong enough connection to maintain the databank hack. Unfortunately, there was some sort of mech approaching, but hacking into it would stop the connection he had with the terminal. He almost did so, had it not been for Phalanx doing it for him. He'd be sure to thank her in excessive amounts later, but instead, he hastily rushed towards the desks nearby, ducking under one in an effort to hide. He wasn't one of the main threats, surely they wouldn't go after him?

Feeling relatively secure, he kept his left hand on his pistol, staring at his Omni-Tool as he saw something incredible. Or rather, something he wasn't sure what to do. Shifting several things around in the databanks, he managed to track the funds from Cerberus towards Terra Firma, and could manipulate them as he saw fit. Surely they wouldn't be mad if all their funds would go missing, yes? If it was some group Cerberus was forming, he felt for sure that taking them would be ideal.

But, somewhere inside him, he was conflicted. Where should he put this immeasurable amount of funds? Giving it to the Spectres sounded alright in theory, however, he didn't know enough about them other than what they've told. When it came to the other Quarians, he knew they'd waste it on something ridiculous. Probably air conditioning for each environmental suit... They should know just to get that upgrade themselves! And... he had no idea where to put them even if he wanted to give them to the Spectres... They could go towards rebuilding, but a thought appeared... Why would he help the majority that acted like their war with the Geth was nothing? He may not have agreed with the war, but he did what he had to do for his people and their survival...

In the end, he didn't know who to trust or what to do. He felt like the only one he could trust right now was himself, and until he could talk to the Spectres, ultimately he began to 'borrow' the funds into a separate account that he could control and keep secure. He had no use for that much credits at the moment, but he wanted to at least make sure they would be in a secure place before making a decision on where they would go. After this mission, he'd ask to speak privately with Spectre Anderson and Spectre Partinax about the data he collected, along with what he should do with the funds he was stealing. Yes... that would be the most logical option, right? Make sure to have it first, then ask where to put it later. He had no use for it... He told himself that many times in those short moments that felt like hours in his head. And yet he was hesitant... Hesitant to talk about what to do.

He shook his head.

Now was not the time for such decisions.

Now was a time to screw over Cerberus. He stared down at his Omni-Tool one last time as the data continued to flow into it before gripping his pistol tighter. He would be sure to shoot any bosh'tet that came near his desk.
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