Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@onenote Don't suppose I can be poked when that happens. There's a lot of text flying

Sure, we'll poke you when that happens!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cool beans. Glad it was good enough to meet the standard and I like the power to boot.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry if it may seem off, but I hope it's a good read. If not, please tell me what to fix and I'll do so immediately.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Word of warning: If he is accepted, Henri is going to hit on him Just saying.

@The Errorist
Henri is not all that power hungry. He just wants to amount to something.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eh, it wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened. Though he probably won't dignify those advances at first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Henri would be offended if he didn't deny him first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wow he is going to hate Janine, this is going to be funny. More good possible characters to the pile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@MechonRaptorCongratulations! You're accepted! Nathaniel's Ability is super speed! Nathaniel starts out being able to run at a whopping 75mph! However, he doesn’t have superb reflexes yet, so be careful not to run into things, and remember where to stop! With training, he can get a better handle on his reflexes, and push his top speed even farther! Wow!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Congrates! You're accepted! Delany's magic type is fire, and her current style is summoning. What that basically means is that you can make fire, but you can't currently do much with it.

Now how did I know that she would get fire...Haha! And summoning is cool. I can make fire with my hands, ya'll.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 6 days ago

May I make a sheet?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

May I make a sheet?

Nope!...Nah go ahead buddy!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Errorist

The Errorist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Looks like we have a lot of great characters here! It's great to have you all.

Also, we forgot to mention, but for familiars, abilities will be much weaker due to not being bonded yet. Some might have not even had any sign of their ability yet or may not even know what it is! It's up to you how you want to portray it, we just want to give you as many options as possible. :)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 9 mos ago

May I make a sheet?

<Snipped quote by Natsu>

Nope!...Nah go ahead buddy!

Onenote, u josher u. Go ahead, @Natsu, there's plenty of space! :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seems like Nathan is going to be going super fast, sonic style.
Except with a lot of running into things or people. Maybe he won't be late to class after all in the quiz scenario xD

Though it does make me wonder a tad, how do the quizzes work? Is it more of a preference, or random assignment perhaps?
Either way, it definitely gave me an outcome I didn't expect. To be fair, I wasn't sure what to expect as well, so anything would have been unexpected xD
It'll be a bit fun to see how he handles it over the course of the rp.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Okie, now time for my CS.

Name: Richard J. Bateman

Image or Description:
(sorry for the shoddy drawing, it was a quick sketch)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Mage or Familiar: Familiar

Ability: Invisibility. An Enigma ability, Richard can turn himself various levels of translucent, eventually turning completely invisible. The ability seems to be connected to his stress level. With practice, he may be able to master it and turn invisible at will.


Personality: Richard is a smart, caring young with a strong sense of responsibility. While polite and cordial to strangers, he’s prickly, dry, and gruff to his friends, and sarcastic to a fault. A secret fan of puns, he doesn’t like being in the spotlight, and most of his humor happens behind closed doors. He’s terribly anxious when put on the spot, and stammers terribly when nervous. Despite this, however, he’s strong willed, stubborn and even something of a sore loser. He doesn’t let himself be pushed around, even by those with more money and power than him. His greatest goal is to get through St. Fortuna’s intense system in one piece, and attend college in Lynden.

Biography: Richard was born in Lynden, to John G. Bateman Jr. and Paula Bateman, a doctor and nurse couple. They doted on their only son, and did their best to raised him to be polite, friendly, and level-headed. John was the son of a former minister, and had abandoned a career in politics to become a doctor. He had met Paula at St. Fortuna’s, and they quickly fell in love. Sentimental about the place, they decided they would prepare their son to attend in hopes he could one day find his match. Money was put into a savings account to pay for tuition, and little Richard was quickly put on a path to academic success.

He met Beatrice Quincy in elementary school by chance. She was the daughter of a minister, he was a minister’s grandson. They hated each other at first sight. Richard hated Beatrice for being loud and obnoxious, Beatrice hated Richard for being prickly and stuck up. They constantly fought, calling each other names, pulling hair, and pushing one another. Somehow, along the way, the fighting grew more friendly, and by middle school, they were best friends. They both applied to St. Fortuna’s their final year of middle school, and were accepted.

Richard still has yet to discover his Ability, the tests he took during his first year remain inconclusive. Feeling like a disappointment, Richard’s parents assured him that he was just a late bloomer and he would find it with the help of a partner. He hopes they’re right, as he doesn’t know if he can handle being the only familiar in his second year without an Ability. If he had to deal with that, he might as well just disappear.

Likes: Richard likes reading, video games, and staying inside. He’s very much a city boy, and likes keeping things neat, clean, and tidy. He enjoys swimming, history, and mathematics. Sour and bitter foods are his favorite. He likes being in control of the situation and having things go his way. Despite his grumpy demeanor in private, he cares for Beatrice like the sister he never had.

Dislikes:Richard hates spicy food, messes, bad weather, and fights. He can’t hold his own in a fight, and has never used his fists in his life. He hates being humiliated and looked down on, and can hold a mean grudge. He’s allergic to bird feathers, and doesn’t like cats very much. He can’t stand horror and gore, and hates horror movies as a result. He hates his stammer and inner cowardice.


Proficiency: 1

Intelligence: 5

Athletics: 4

Misc.: Richard loves coffee-flavored sweets, and can be bribed easily with them. He doesn’t understand poetry much at all. He harbors a secret love for karaoke and plays the ukulele.

What is your character's greatest regret?

Richard’s greatest regret is that he feels he let his parents down with his personality. He feels like he’s too cowardly, cynical, and sarcastic to be the child his parents raised, and feels guilty as a result.

Your character is home alone after watching a horror movie and they hear a strange sound. What do they do?

First thing he’d do is probably jump out of his chair. Richard does not handle horror well. He’d then probably leave the house as quickly as possible, and waste time at a late-night restaurant until his parents come home.

Two of your characters’ friends are fighting over something trivial, and they want them to stop. How do they go about this?

He’d point out the wrongs and rights of both of their arguments, and try to mediate between them and find a suitable compromise. Or, if it’s something stupid, he’d tell them to get over it.

While your character is on their way to class, they realize they forgot something crucial. They’re already on the verge of running late. What do they do?

He’d continue on to class and try to bullshit his way through it without it. Better to make a mistake that you can cover up than publicly lose face.

If your character had the opportunity to turn into any animal, what would that animal be?

Probably a frog, actually. Something that can swim and jump long distances, and he’s always liked frogs and amphibians somewhat.

If your character’s house were on fire, and they only had time to save one thing from their room, what would it be?

A toy rabbit his mom gave him when he was a baby. He’s kept it ever since, hidden deep in his closet. He wants to give it to his kids one day.

What season does your character like best and why?

Summer! Richard loves when the weather is good, sun is shining, and pools are open. He loves warm weather and being able to roll up his shirt sleeves.

Vacation! You character gets to spend a week anywhere! Where is it and what do they do?

To the beach, probably. Anywhere warm, sunny, and quiet. A secluded cove with a coral reef, perfect for diving and sunbathing.

Password: Chocolate cake.

Edit: Hiders aren't working for some reason, sorry, I'll try to fix the issue the best I can.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I just realized my character idea was taken. By no fault of their own, of course, but now I gotta think of a new one...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Seems like Nathan is going to be going super fast, sonic style.
Except with a lot of running into things or people. Maybe he won't be late to class after all in the quiz scenario xD

Though it does make me wonder a tad, how do the quizzes work? Is it more of a preference, or random assignment perhaps?
Either way, it definitely gave me an outcome I didn't expect. To be fair, I wasn't sure what to expect as well, so anything would have been unexpected xD
It'll be a bit fun to see how he handles it over the course of the rp.

The quizzes work by giving us an in-depth look at a character's morals, decision making skills, and how they view themselves and others. Combine that with some number values we add up depending on the category of your answer, you get a type of magic/ability, which we then decide on the specifics by the character’s answers to the dilemmas in the quiz. As a result, some people get things they thought they might, like Sailorsadie, while others might be totally surprised by their answer! Because it’s so personalized, no two answers are the same, and we GMs three all agree on the outcome before posting.

We also go through the same process. I did the quiz, and onenote and Errorist interpreted my answers. So it’s definitely a fun experience!

Edit: @FantasyChic Sorry about losing your character. On the bright side, however, we have a balance of mages and familiars, we can allow mages again! Yay!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Errorist

The Errorist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, here's my CS!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Ruby Doer

Image or Description:

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Witch or Familiar: Familiar

Ability: Premonition. She is able to sense future events via emotions. She can't tell exactly what is going to happen in the future, and right now her powers only give her a vague understanding of what is to come.
Her powers have yet to manifest by the start of the rp.

Partner: To be determined

Personality: Ruby is...Awkward. She's not shy so much as she doesn't really know how to talk to people well. She instead prefers to throw herself into things she likes doing then interacting with people. She can hold a conversation fine for the most part but she usually isn't very enthused unless shes talking about something she likes. She feels very out of her element in St. Fortuna and around the people that occupy its walls, she just doesn't feel like she has much in common with most of these people and is really just longing for the chance to go back home or to the guild her family is apart of. She'll most likely open up to a person with either a simular background to her or someone who aspires to join a guild or has similar interests as her.

Biography: Ruby comes from a long line of Guild members, nearly every single member of her family that wasn't married in has been a guild member for some guild or another. The main guild that her family has been associated with is the "Swords of Faith" Guild, which is the largest in all of Pyrdain, with it's HQ located in Colbar and several smaller branches located across the country. Ruby's grandfather was even the previous Guildmaster up till a few years ago, so it's safe to say that she grew up around some rather interesting characters.

Ruby's main family is actually rather small, consisting of her Father, his father, Ruby's elder sister Mary Jane, and then Ruby herself as her mother died of a heart condition when Ruby was very young. Her father, though very loving towards his daughters, couldn't raise them properly by himself and thus when he was too busy to look after them, he left them in the care of their grandfather, who in turn let the other guild members who were about look after them as well. So essentially the whole guild raised her and her sister.

When the girls got to high school age, it was decided that maybe sending them to a more prestigious school would do them well in their futures as guild members, and not lacking the funds to do it, sent them to St. Fortuna. Mary Jane being 3 years older, was about out of school by the time Ruby was old enough to go, she only got to spend one year with her sister, though they were together as much as possible for that one year. Now that Mary Jane has graduated and has gone on to pursue her career as a guild member, Ruby is doing her best to follow in her footsteps...without feeling too lonely.

Likes: Ruby enjoys sparing every now and then and also walking around the woods around the school, exploring what she can. She also enjoys studying maps and one of her hobbies is map making though shes nowhere near a professional level yet.

Dislikes: Ruby doesn't care too much for rain, as it can be hard to walk in. She also dosen't really care for the summer time or heat in general.


Proficiency: 1

Misc.: She has a collection of little gifts the guild members would bring back after going out and doing jobs at home. Though she did bring a few things; A dragons tooth that one of her ancestors slew, an opal the size of the tip of her pinkie, and her most recent addition, a necklace with a small wooden charm which was a gift from her sister. All of these things are stored in her mother's hope chest.
She also gets a fair bit of mail, coming from her family and guild members that are just checking up on her.

Password: key lime pie

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Just a note: if anyone wants to have a backstory with my character, I'm game.
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