Avatar of MegaraFoxfire


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Not sure why I’m still doing this.
6 mos ago
It’s my nine year anniversary today!!!
8 mos ago
So not sure how I’ll be the next little while. I lost my grandmother today. So anyone writing with me if I seem to vanish I didn’t mean to. Just a heads up.
9 mos ago
Very sick of people dropping without word. And vanishing without a word.
1 yr ago
Okay for all those I’m writing with, I’m not going to be on as much this week for I am on my own with the kids this week and I’m also trying to redo my office space. I promise I have not forgotten.


I am Megara Foxfire and I have been on the site for around 11 years now, old site then the new site. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me happy every day and I am a interior designer. I am at home with our daughter and son and I love to write to pass my time when I'm not cleaning my house or doing other wife things.

I love doing 1X1 role-plays and I love using thread or pms. I either go off my interest thread, which I have one that is more updated going or I have a list of characters that I am working on to base plots on. If you are interested in being partners just PM me and I'll talk with ya on ideas. I write causal, sometimes higher if the story grabs me.

I am up for anything as long as it doesn’t include kids or hurting kids or abusing them. I’m a mom so I don’t do well with it.

And I also run a Etsy Shop!

Most Recent Posts

Adam looked at the wand and then held it to Odion. “You better hold onto this. You guys know these types of items better then I do”

Drake was fighting to get away, knowing he had been found out. “Get off of me you fools! The dark god will rise again! He will get you Pharaoh! You and your heart! And then darkness will take this world once and for all!”

Odion was looking at the wand and suddenly turned it. “Lady Ishzu? I sense a light inside this item” the priestess came over and looked it over. “My pharaoh there’s a soul trapped in this item. It must be this Drakes true soul”

Duke said “we have to get that dark spirit out and put the real one back in”

Yugi stirred in Tristen’s arms and opened his eyes a bit. “Tristen? What…” Tristen smiled and said “Yami? Yugi woke up. He seems okay.”

Serena was shaking against Marik, her skin getting goose bumps.
Ash looked at Shinlo and rested a hand on his forehead. A flash hit of a memory. Shinlo sitting across from her and drinking tea. “Lovely evening to spend with old friends. Even us gods have to have a day off right? Now tell me about this dark spirit you keep seeing…”

Ash stumbled back, holding her face as she left the room and shut the door.
Ishiu ran out and knelt by Serena, checking her over. “She’s drained and this looks like energy friction…but her soul is still intact. I think she will be alright with treatment and rest. If we had a monster that aided in healing it would help greatly but…” she rested a hand on Serena’s forehead and smiled. “You did well Guardian…that attack would have hurt Yami worse then anything else…you did well…” she looked at her brother and said “keep her safe and let me know of any change. I’ll go check on dear Yugi” she stood and moved over to Tristen, know moved so she could check on Yugi.

“His alright. Just tired and tapped out. Using his powers in a shadow realm battle and his monsters being taken down take a toll. But he was defending his friends so…I see his true self like this” Tristen smiled and looked down at his friend. “Ya…he fought well in there…”

Odion moved to back up the pharaoh and said “I am here my king…if you need me…”

Adam was shaking next to Duke and said “why did you do this Drake? I don’t understand any of…” then he stopped and knelt down, making Drake look at him. “Wait a minute…Drake?” Drake was fighting against Seto still but his eyes looked wrong. Adam looked at Yami and said “his eyes weren’t red like this. He normally had blue eyes. His not even a duelist. His game is Dice Monsters.”

Duke looked at Yami and said “could he…be being control like other duelists you’ve faced in the past?” Odion said “a dark spirit using him as a pawn? It’s highly possible. Or…using him as a puppet. Like master Marik in the past…”

Adam moved and forced Drakes shirt open and they all saw the same scars on his chest Serena had now. They all froze at that. Adam cursed and said “he didn’t turn sides…they took his soul and now using his body like a game piece…I knew this all felt wrong…he wouldn’t do this to Serena…”

Duke moved over and said “your done man…” Adam and marik ran out of the van with Odion behind them. Adam was cursing as he said “if he hurt her I swear I’ll send him to the shadow realm myself…”

Tristen walked over holding yugi, glaring at the guy. Drake looked up at Seto and said “how can you let it happen again…she saved your life! How can you let her be used by that…so called king! She kills herself every time he is in trouble..,for what!”

Serena moaned softly as he picked her up into his arms, a nasty what could only be called road rash on her chest on her lower neck, the only part with no fabric covering. Yami heard the Bane say “he must pay for this…he may have been a friend once but now he suffers…”

Adam and Marik showed up and Adam said “Marik, can you check on Serena please?” He moved to Duke and the dice master handed him the wand like item. Adam took it and Duke said “this is what they used on me. Well tried to. It’s how they take the soul of a duelist. He was trying to take Yamis…but Serena pulled him out of harms way…” Adam glared at Drake and said “how low could you fall…”
Drake cried out hitting the ground and the wand rolled away from the fighting pair. He tried to slug Seto to get the wand back and yelled “no! Get off of me!”

Serena gasped and fell backwards, her pendent flashing showing it had protected her for the most part. She hit the ground, her eyes closed and her head falling to the side.

Duke ran up and grabbed the wand, aiming it at Drake. “That’s enough! You hurt Serena in your mad dash to get to Yami! Your done man!”

Drake was still fighting Kaiba and yelled “no! I won’t give up! She will be mine! I’ll protect her!”

Yugi stirred in Tristen’s arms. He felt the shadow magic at play. Tristen looked up and said “that thing can take people’s souls?”

Adam in the van sat up and said “marik, we better get out there and stop this guy…”
Serena nodded and handed him the key. Then a voice called to Yami “the key at last…put it in the hole in your puzzle my king…” when Yami did both the puzzle and Serena’s pendant flashed and Serena’s shadow moved and grew, take shape and form. Then the shadows moved away as a huge gold and black wolf appeared behind Serena. It was huge, bigger than Khurm, and bent his head to Yami. “My king…I’m honored to finally be by your side again…”

Serena turned and her eyes went wide. “The Bane…” the god of shadows moved forward and said “let’s shut this gate down…” he howled loudly as Khurm did the same and the goddess of luck blasted her magic into the portal to shut it. The portal flashed and then vanished in a flash of gold. The gods nodded and two behind them vanished.

The Bane moved to Yami and said “when you need me, use the key to call on me as your father did…and have my shadow nearby. She is my host…” then he vanished.

Serena stumbled back, breathing hard. “That was…nuts…” she then saw the red mist behind Yami and she yelled “Yami look out!” She moved and pulled Yami out of harms way and Drake was there blasting the wand from before into where Yami had been and hit Serena in the chest. She cried out as the wand targeted her soul to pull it out.

Duke yelled “Serena! Joey get that freak off of her!”

Yami was caught by shadows and he heard the voice again “let me take him down my king…let me save my shadow…”
Tristen moved over and said “I’ll take him Yami. Go help Serena with that gateway. I’ll watch over Yug” Yugi was out cold in his arms, looking pale as his breathing was hard.

Serena got up, holding the item in hand which looked like a key but more styled like the items of the past. But not the Key of the Mind. She looked at the portal and then she heard steps. She turned and Drake was standing there, panting hard and holding his shoulder. “No…I won’t let him take you…he can’t have you not this time…” Serena looked at Drake and said “Drake you don’t need to do this…I want to help…” he pulled out a wand and aimed it at her. “I’ll take your soul right now to keep you safe Serena. He can’t get you killed if your soul isn’t there!” He ran and grabbed her.

Duke yelled “Serena!” But as Drake tried to take her there was a howl and shadows shot out and blocked his attack. Then Serena’s eyes flashed and she moved and kicked him hard in the chest. Drake landed a few feet away and she stood tall. She said “don’t think your more then a man, you fool. I am the guardian of the throne. I am the Kings Shadow. And I will be his shield and sword when he asks it of me. And I am the keeper of his heart and I will always in any life after…”

Drake stared at her and said “Zahra…” she smiled and said “you bet I am.”

Suddenly Joeys pendent flashed and his Goddess appeared and wrapped her arms around him. “My dear seems you need a gods aid.” Setos and Dukes pendants flashed as well and the god of creation appeared and roared into the sky. The two gods moved forward and stood by Yami. “We are here. We will need more of us to close this portal.”

Drake got up, holding his chest and said “I will save you Serena…no matter what I have to do…” then he vanished in a red mist.

Serena spun her staff in hand and planted it in front of the portal. She looked at the key and said “Yami? This key looks like it belongs to your puzzle…” her eyes were still glowing, the power that flows thru Yami coming off of her.
Drake cursed as the pain hit him, his knight vanished. He said “I can’t trust that guy…he doesn’t even know who she is…and she will do everything to protect him! I won’t let it happen!” He pulled another card and said “I summon Bone Dragon!” The huge creature appeared and roared.

Serena nodded and pulled a card free. “Hound of the Guardian” he appeared and she jumped onto his back and said “get me close to the core while the guardian is being attacked” the hound woofed and started running.

Guardian of the King yelled and launched her attack, Mahad covering her as the other monsters attacked.

Yugi was breathing hard as he leaned on Joey, his vision blurring. “Mana…make sure…Serena is…safe…”

When the attacked landed Serena made it around the back and saw the item. She pulled her staff out and ran forward. She moved to grab the gem floating where the core had been and she said “just have to” then she touched it and the whole room flashed white. Serena’s and Yamis items flashed gold and suddenly they were all in a new space. It was the same alter room but during the night and in the past. The room was filled with men in dark hoods and chanting.

In the alter was young Atem. Chained down and fighting weakly against the bonds as a black mass was gathering above him. Red eyes laughing darkly above him. But suddenly an arrow flew in and landed into the stone above the god, flashing gold. Three young figures ran into the room. Two attacking those who tried to stop them, the light flashing to show a young Seto and Mahad, Mana by the doors waiting. The three was running towards the alter and called “my prince!” She swung a gold staff and shadows shot out, reaching and breaking the chains on the prince. The girl jumped onto the alter and said “I am the Princes Shadow! You shall not harm him while I am here!” She swung her staff again and sent the god back, the mass hitting the far wall. She picked Atem up and pulled him onto her back, the others clearing the path for them as the alter was filled with a red light. The red eyes roared “no! I must have the pure soul!”

The teens escaped as mana made a barrier to block the entrance. They raced for the horses close by and Atem opened his eyes weakly. “Zahra…Mahad…” Zhara smiled back at him and said “don’t worry my prince, we have you. Your safe…”

The scene changed to a day light scene and to the palace years later. It was the room of the kings.

They all could see a hooded figure walk into the space and lower her hood. Zahara stood before the alter and bowed her head in respect when she heard steps. “Lady Zahara” she turned to see Priest Seto behind her. “Master Seto. You called me here. I should be protecting our king”

Seto nodded and walked to her and said “I must ask you something. These rumors of the cult from before…the dark god…have you looked into it?” Zahra smiled and said “of course I have. I am the kings shadow. They are the same as the ones who took the king as a young boy. The same ones you, Mahad and I saved him from all those years ago. And I don’t plan letting them take him now. I will die to keep him safe”

Seto sighed and said “is it out of duty? Or your feelings for him?” Zahara paused then smiled a knowing smile and said “does it matter my reason? Both are the right path to lead me here. Besides…” the shadow behind Zahara shifted and took the form of a huge wolf with gold eyes. “I am the Keeper of Shadows and the host of the God of Shadows. And his will is mine. But yes…to your question you won’t say. I love our king with all my heart. The rest matters little to me” she turned to leave and pulled her hood up.

“The god of lost realm will never touch the king. In this life…or any other. I will be there in any life our king takes. No matter the challenges…” she walked outside, the shadows wrapping around her like a cloak. Her staff in hand now as she walked into the sunlight.

The light faded and soon they were back in the street, the portal in front of them now the guardian was gone.

Yugi suddenly collapsed and was aiming for the ground. Serena was close to the portal, holding a strange item in her hand as she panted from the whole thing. But the job wasn’t finished yet.
Shinlo looked at Ash who nodded. “It’s okay…you can rest now…your safe” he sighed then smiled weakly at them before he fell forward, out of range of Ash as she missed catching him before he fell off the bed.
Drake yelled “Black Knight! Move! Then go for the Blue Eyes!” The knight nodded and jumped out of Lusters way and aimed a slash at Seto directly. Drake said “I won’t let her die for him again…I won’t!”

Yugi saw this and said “Kaiba!” He pulled a card out and yelled “Big Shield Guardian! Block that attack!” The warrior appeared and jumped in front of the attack. The Black Knight sliced the warrior in half and it vanished. But now Blue Eyes was perfect to hit the knight down with her claws.

Yugi gasped and held his chest, the monster being destroyed hit him hard. He fell to his knees, breathing hard. “Joey…gather…the monsters…we have to…attack at once…”

Serena nodded and the shadows pulled back and saw Yugi go down. “Yugi. We have to end this. Guardian!” Her card appeared and she said “we strike now. Mahad? Will you cover her attack?” She moved her staff and said “I’ll attack right behind the pair. I’ll finish this nightmare”
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