Avatar of MegaraFoxfire


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Not sure why I’m still doing this.
7 mos ago
It’s my nine year anniversary today!!!
9 mos ago
So not sure how I’ll be the next little while. I lost my grandmother today. So anyone writing with me if I seem to vanish I didn’t mean to. Just a heads up.
9 mos ago
Very sick of people dropping without word. And vanishing without a word.
1 yr ago
Okay for all those I’m writing with, I’m not going to be on as much this week for I am on my own with the kids this week and I’m also trying to redo my office space. I promise I have not forgotten.


I am Megara Foxfire and I have been on the site for around 11 years now, old site then the new site. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me happy every day and I am a interior designer. I am at home with our daughter and son and I love to write to pass my time when I'm not cleaning my house or doing other wife things.

I love doing 1X1 role-plays and I love using thread or pms. I either go off my interest thread, which I have one that is more updated going or I have a list of characters that I am working on to base plots on. If you are interested in being partners just PM me and I'll talk with ya on ideas. I write causal, sometimes higher if the story grabs me.

I am up for anything as long as it doesn’t include kids or hurting kids or abusing them. I’m a mom so I don’t do well with it.

And I also run a Etsy Shop!

Most Recent Posts

Scarlet nodded and moved to help Shin sit up, his eyes half opened and dull as they did. Scsrlet said “hang on shin…we have you…just hang on for us…”

Ash was curled against Carth now, shaking and pale but not too badly.
But it’s funny
The knight nodded and said “I’ll hold the line with the Bane, summon who you need. But don’t lose sight of Serena. She’s a target here as well. They might try and take her again”

Serena was panting hard, shaking as she pulled a card and said “guardian of the king…strike that thing down!” Her card appeared and cried out, moving forward and slashing the monster in half. Serena held her chest.

Yugi appeared and saw Cora and he saw red. He yelled “leave her out of this!” He was almost glowing with rage as he pulled the card free and called “Silent Swordsman lv 7! Defend!” The swordsman appeared and burst forward with super speed and hit the duelist hard in the chest, catching Cora in his arms. He smiled at her and said “my lady? Are you harmed?”
I’m fine with it.
Duke nodded and ran with the young one as they made a beeline to the doors. Tristen ran to help as well while Odion said “we must help them. This is getting dangerous for both of them” ishizu nodded and said “agreed. The pharaoh needs us”

Serena said “I am no hussy! You’re the hussy with the tank top and short shorts! Let her have it Bane!”

But there was a flash of light as Yugis duel disk flashed. A black and white knight appeared, half and half across his armor. The knight landed softly before pulling the sword free and aimed it at the woman. “That’s enough out of you witch. Time to watch your mouth” he ran towards the creature and stabbed it in the chest, the color draining from the monsters form. Serena stared, seeing the knights face and muttered “it can’t..be…” the knight turned and Adam’s face was under the helmet. “Let me protect you for once…”

Then the knight jumped back and landed in front of Yami. “My effect will freeze the monster for three turns, so what you need Yami!”

Hoth smiled at the beast and said “seems you two are needed…take these” she snapped her fingers and pendents appeared around their necks and her card in there hands. “The Pharaoh won’t last long. You’ll need to go help him win this fight”
Oh boy!
Yes you are.
Serena gasped and fell to her knees, breathing hard. Then she glared and said “alright then…my turn” she fought to get to her feet and drew the next card. She glanced at it and smiled. “Heart of the cards alright…” she said then looked at the team across. “Guess it’s my turn. Time to show the fury of the gods. I trigger my last spell card, willing sacrifice. It allows me to summon a monster to the field without the need of monster sacrifice. And I call upon for the first time to the game, Bane, Keeper of Shadows!” The field was blasted with shadows and all the cards on the other side were swallowed by the shadows.
“Oh, did I mention that the shadows wipe out all cards and effects on the field? Mainly yours” The Bane(4000/3500) appeared out of the shadows and howled.

Serena was panting, the energy summoning the god was taking a toll on her. “Now…since you have no monsters on the field…Bane! Wipe out the rest of their life points! Shadow Revenge Attack!” The god jumped and blasted the other team in a blast of black and silver magic, wiping out their life points.

Ishizu hugged her brother and said “it’s alright brother…they are safe now…”

Hoth walked to Yugi and cupped his cheek. “Yugi, my blessed of my love and war side. And Cora, one of my war blessed. Both of you love the challenge of the battle, which in this case is the game. But Yugi loves for others is unmatched.” Yugi looked to the field and sighed “they won…”

Hoth looked down and said “the duel yes…but not the battle. That woman isn’t going stop at the duel…”
I thought you might like that
Serena cried out in pain but grinned darkly. “Anbus! Take that monster to the grave!” The god of the dead appeared and took the other monster before he could attack and they both exploded. Serena glared and said “when Anbus is destroyed in any way, he takes a monster with him. And I chose your monster that was once ours. You shouldn’t rush into things. Because since you triggered reflect like attack with a trap, triggers my trap card” the card flipped up and she said “your triggered Pray of a follower! Which gives us the miracle as seen on the battle field. Any monsters I have that are of the same class I can summon to the field, along with my partner. And look…” she held up her monster and said “I happen to have a spellcaster. Two in fact. I call on Magi Of the Moon(600/3000) in defense mode and Spell Keeper of Ra(1800/1200) attack mode.” She panted and felt the pull of the monsters she called. Crap. They were being linked to the monsters now. Why was the woman stalling?

Yugi blinked and said “your the goddess of love and war…Hoth?” The goddess smiled and stood up. “Yes I am. And it’s funny how fate would have it…two have two of my blessed before me”
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