Avatar of Megsychan


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I would like to keep the title as is. I was interested in this RP primarily because it was, in many ways, a Street Fighter AU. "The Nomadic Fist", as you said, just sounds like a wuxia title, which isn't bad in itself, but it doesn't clearly articulate the fighting game tournament vibe.

Yeong-Suk straightened her tie as she marched back into the lobby, as the proud victor of her very first tournament match. All of her training, all the pain and suffering it took for her to get to this very moment, was vindicated. A small smirk betrayed the otherwise emotionless Korean, a small gesture of pride in the fact that Yeong-Suk proved herself to her handlers. This tournament was hers to win, and nothing in the world will prevent her from taking what she deserved.

Still, there was going to be a lot of time before the next match began. The small woman glanced around; there wasn't anything all that interesting going on. To her left she could see that robot she defeated, "Andrea", trying to console some kid with... a cyborg? Well, that is a bit out of the ordinary, she had to admit, but it's probably for the best that she doesn't get herself involved in that mess. There is no way she could eavesdrop on what they're saying without looking super conspicuous, and even if Yeong-Suk knew she could take on the robot, she'd prefer not to confront Andrea while there was so many witnesses around. It could potentially get ugly fast, especially with the addition of the cyborg. If she needs to track down the robot, Yeong-Suk could do it on her own time, in a more incognito fashion. Just let that sleeping dog lie.

The Korean walked right by the three, paying no further attention to them. She, in fact, went through the entire crowd, silently sidestepping conglomerates of people. There was likely nothing for her there but overpriced food and a bunch of idiots. Might as well go for a walk, or get slightly less overpriced food of a much higher quality down the street. Probably no gogigui or the like, but you'll never know what you'll find in a city like Rio...

"Maaaaaaan, all these scrublords are polluting the clean air. It smells like cheetos and dick-sweat in 'ere!" Jaden loudly groaned, not giving a single damn that everyone in earshot could hear him. Of course, he implored them to try and shut him up, but as always, they just grumbled. "Gonna go for a walk!"

He walked towards the door, and was outside in a few moments. Ahhhhh, fresh air. Not the smell of jobbers and other losers. He wasn't even happy that he won! He just got some fuckboy from the middle of nowhere who tried to act tough! What was up with that? The tournament organizers probably thought Jaden was some scrub. He took big steps as he looked around. Maybe get something to eat! It is Brazil, after all. It ain't as good as Japanese food, but it was close!

Just as Yeong-Suk was about to pick a random direction and just walk, she saw a weirdly dressed man walk pass her. Even for Rio. He was equipped with no less than three swords, two on his back and one on his hips, in an obvious imitation of those sadistic, imperialist samurai. However, what really messed with Yeong-Suk, besides the fact he was clearly not even Japanese and yet glorified their horrendous warcrimes, was that the ki signature on one of the swords was completely abnormal! As inanimate objects made of non-organic material, it should not be radiating as much ki as a living being. Yet, there it was, almost as brightly blue in Yeong-Suk's artificial eye as the wielder himself.

In no universe was she going to just let this man walk away. Nobody should be carrying living swords around in this city so casually, and not have something up with them. Yeong-Suk decided she was going for that walk after all, but not just any regular one. The Korean decided instead to shadow the man, following his every footstep at the speed that he is going at.

"... When the MCs came to live out the name and to perform. Some had to snort cocaine to act insane before Pete Rock-ed it on. Now on with the mental plane to spark the brain with the building to be born...."

Jaden sung the song to himself as he walked up to a food stand! He could go to a restaurant, but nobody got time for that! Especially when his next match would be in a little bit. Not with a care in the world, Jaden walked up to the stand, with a finger raised in the air. "Braised chicken with bananas, please." Shit sounded wack. Chicken and Bananas? This shit had to be seen to be believed! Then again, "don't knock it, until you try it."

If he ignored the things you shouldn't try like child molestation, and cannibalism.

Maybe Yeong-Suk was overestimating the capabilities of her target. His attempt to perform music, charitable to even call it that, was void of any sort of artistical statement beyond... something to do with cocaine? About the only interesting thing she learned through that lyrical catastrophe was that, given the option to sing in any language, he chose English instead of Portuguese. Clearly, he was not a native of the area, and he even sounded vaguely American.

Fucking yankees, Yeong-Suk protested internally as the man she was stalking pulled up to a common food vendor. She guessed that he wanted to try the local food and all of it's... interesting flavors. Normally, she would pass on that, and just find something from back home, but if she wanted to not look like a creep, looks like she is going to be forced to get in line and order something off that menu too.

"I'll have the," Yeong-Suk spoke to the vendor, most likely slurring every single word of Portuguese and getting the tenses wrong. "Uh.... whatever he got..."

A strange look from the vendor later, and the Korean woman was greeted with an inedible looking mess of breaded chicken and cut bananas. She painfully sighed as she started to eat whatever the hell she did order.

"..... Heeeeeeeey, you want to try it with me?" Jaden said, before he turned to the woman, and that cocky smile flipped upside down. She was this militaristic chick who was Asian, and also wore some kinda uniform. Jaden couldn't pin down the origins, but he knew that if he just passed it off as some nobody country, it would end badly for him. Very badly for our ninja superstar! It sure as hell wasn't coincidence that she approached him. Worse case, he'd knock her ass out, and leave her in a dumpster somewhere while he won the tournament. But, he had to play it cool. He got his food, and dug in with a fork!

"So, uh," Jaden started off, he kept his eye on the girl. Just in case he had to teleport out, or give her a ninja-chop! "How are you, baby? Like your little uniform." He awkwardly tried to make small talk.

Well there goes that plan. And any remaining respect Yeong-Suk had for this man. Two sentences and she could already tell this person had the intellectual capability of a troglodyte. Then again, considering the samurai set-up, she guessed it should have been already obvious.

Might as well keep this cordial and not have this blow up on her face. She nodded at the man's compliment. "I have a few questions for you, sir. Let's go for a walk."

"Questions?" Jaden nervously asked. "Now, ya' sound like a cop."

It'd be better if he got her out of sight in case it popped off! Jaden knew that a fight outside the stadium would raise attention, but a back alleyway? Not a problem.

"Aw, alright, lead the way, Ms..." Jaden trailed off, as an indirect way of asking for her name.

"Chung Yeong-Suk, Democratic People's Republic of Korea," the woman said, keeping her diplomatic facade. She started walking in the direction that Jaden was already heading towards before stopping at the vendor. Would be easier to get him to cooperate if she accommodated him somewhat.

"So," she started off, "your name would be appreciated, sir."

... Huuuuuuuuh?

Fuckin' Korea? Last he checked, they hated Japan! But, that didn't mean they wouldn't want the superweapon hangin' off his hip, so he needed to keep his guard up!

"... Andrew Othello," Jaden gave the woman a fake name. "Great to meet ya' Yeong-Suk! What kind of questions you had for me?"

"I noticed that you have a sword that, well, is alive. Or, at the very least, radiates ki as-if it was alive. The distinction doesn't matter. I want to know where the hell you got that, seeing as I doubt you just bought it off of Amazon," Yeong-Suk almost casually replied.

"Ahhhh, so you have a ki-sense?" Jaden made it clear to voice his knowledge of the subject. That he wasn't stupid. Still, he had to keep his mouth shut. The last thing he wanted to do was scream 'I have the legendary blade, Murakumo!' at the top of his lungs. "And this sword...?"

He started off.

"Well, it's a long, and tragic tale... that I don't think you care about. This right here is the sword of heroes! An Japanese blade that has the souls of heroes from all over Asia!" Jaden bullshitted hard as he possibly could... and he knew that a sword like that probably existed. Somewhere. "That ki you're sensing is their ancient power."

"Whether I have a ki-sense or not is irrelevant to this conversation," the Korean woman retorted. "I am the one asking the questions here, not you."

"Alright, kay, kay," Jaden felt like she had some weird dominance streak. Hey, she could be Kim Jung Hard-Un's personal BDSM mistress.

Yeong-Suk nodded as she listened to what sounded less as an explanation and more of a sales pitch by a used swordsman dealer. Still, there was an obvious hole in the story that this man was telling.

"If there is the souls of multiple fighters in that sword, how come there is only one ki signature from the blade?"

"Because they merged together?" Jaden said, as he tried to sound unsure. "I don't know, ki's weird." He shrugged.

"I am going to save you from the hole that you are digging yourself," the ravenette forcefully replied, "Ki doesn't work that way. Souls just don't 'merge' together by being placed in the same container." To emphasize her point, she lifted up her foot, encasing it with her own body's ki. After making it expressively sure that the mysterious man saw it, she lifted the foot down and made the ki dissipate.

"I suggest you tell me the truth".

"Well, I suggest that you back off," Jaden dropped into stance as he reached over his shoulder, and pulled out a blade. "I can tell you're a strong warrior, and I really don't want shit to do with ya' so would ya' please go bug somebody else?" Jaden said, as he took a few steps away.

"Not even taking the living sword out? Disappointed, Andrew." She readied herself into the traditional taekwondo stance. "I don't want to fight you either, but an idiot like you doesn't carry a ki-enfused sword and not have a story to tell. Last chance."

"Idiot?" Jaden grinned as he stared the woman down. Ready for action. "Sorry, sweetheart, I ain't the kind of person who spills all their secrets to complete strangers! It ain't like you gonna tell me all the kinky shit your glorious leader is into."

He drew the other blade, and aimed it at Yeong-Suk, without a single word leaving his lips. He made his actions the indicator that he wasn't gonna back down to this weird Femi-Nazi ass bitch. In fact, he wanted to show this loser how much he thought about her soldier-girl act.

"Be that way," Yeong-Suk resigned herself as she slammed her foot into the ground. A slab of the pavement instantly shot up into the air, and the Korean woman did a roundhouse at it, sending it hurling towards "Andrew".

Jaden grinned. So, her little gimmick is Earth, ain't it? He had an idea of how to beat her, but he knew that, with her ki, she was not going to be easy. Though, she had him pegged as an idiot, instead of the martial arts prodigy he is! He jumped up into the air, he was curled up into a ball as he rolled midair. The rock went under him, and Jaden quickly changed positions. A more natural posture, as he extended one leg. It was quickly infused with his ki as it glew with a light. He dove straight for the woman, doing a badass dive kick.

Yeong-Suk blinked as the slab of concrete harmlessly flew under his wild jump. So, the idiot was a martial artist after all. Now he was coming down at her, in a furious divekick. Yeong-Suk decided to stand her ground, and instead kicked in place, firing a sickle-shaped blast of energy straight at her opponent, hoping that it would throw him off-guard during his attempt to divekick.

"God daaa-" Jaden could only say as he collided with the wave of ki. He went straight into it. So, as it turned it out (again), she knew some ki blasts. Heh. Jaden could handle it like it was nothing! He rolled when he hit the ground, before he hopped up to his feet with ease. He kept that grin on his face. He charged Yeong-Suk head on, with both blades in his hands. A seemingly stupid attack, but he was actually trying to draw out some of her moves.

Great, now the idiot was charing at her. Unlike her previous fight with Seven-Seven, the small woman knew her advantage in this fight laid in playing keep-away until he left himself vulnerable to attack. She needed to dissuade her attacker from approaching any further, while also getting some distance in. Yeong-Suk took a jump backwards, enfusing ki into her foot while in the air. When she landed, she slammed her foot into the ground, calling forth Queen Baji's Fury. A fissure summoned forth jagged rocks to rupture from the pavement, costing hundreds of dollars worth of property damage as the stones went barreling towards the ninja.

Jaden grinned even wider. Just what he was expecting! What was she taking him for? Some scrub? Well, Jaden was going to show her just how badass he is! He hopped up in the air, and landed on one of the stone pieces, and used his ninja skills to jump from one to the other. And in a few seconds, he was out of the storm. He smiled like a madman as he swung both blades at Yeong-Suk.

"What the-" was all Yeong-Suk could stammer as she watched the ninja completely avoided her attack by jumping over the rocks. She attempted to back away again, but her moment of confusion proved to be a second too long, as Jaden was right on top of her. All she could do was raise her arms in an X formation as they dug themselves into her arms.

The ravenette groaned in pain as the steel blades buried themselves into her flesh. Whoever this person is, they certainly keep their blades in pristine condition. At a complete loss of what to do, Yeong-Suk fired a kick, aimed directly at Jaden's groin. If he was going to keep himself on top of her, she will make him pay for it.

"Mah balls!" Jaden shouted in pain as he took the sudden whip kick from this crazy bitch. Tilting forward a bit. However, Jaden quickly recovered and did a badass backwards flip to put distance on this crazy ass girl.

Perfect. Andrew was retreating on his own prerogative. Still, Yeong-Suk took the oppritunity to pace herself backwards, keeping the bloody ninja as far away as possible. Now it was time to strike again. She kicked more sickle blasts at her opponent, making sure to back away after every blast.

"Man, fuck this shit." Jaden said in response to the onslaught of ki coming towards him. It would surely wreck his shit if he stood there like a moron. Fortunately, for Jaden... he knew how to play dirty. Fair fights don't exist after all, and she definitely had no intentions of fighting fair! So, why waste time trying? While he hated showing off all his tricks... when this is over, this bitch is going to be in a dumpster somewhere. And by the time she wakes up, Jaden would be long gone.

"Hehe... not bad, kid."

Jaden quickly did the Japanese warrior salute, and disappeared in a cloud of grey smoke. When he reappeared, he appeared right behind Yeong-Suk. He quickly delivered a kick straight to her back. Hard enough to get her to fall over. Then all he had to do was knock her ass out.

One second, there was a cloud of smoke, and the next, Yeong-Suk was on the ground, groaning once more as her everything flared in absolute agony. What the fuck was that, the agent protested internally as she forced herself up to her feet.

Fighting this out was clearly not going to work; another solid hit like that, and she would probably be dead. She was going to have to do Plan B. Using the last of her energy, Yeong-Suk encased her feet with blue energy, and dashed straight at the ninja with the blistering speed of the white deer. When she got close, instead of stopping, she ripped the blade at Jaden's side right out of its sheath and just continued to run as fast as she possibly can, far far away from this stupid yankee idiot.

"Yo, yo, yo!" Jaden shouted, not angry, but concerned. "WAIT!"

LIttle did Yeong-Suk know, the sheath the blade was within was merely means to keep its power under control. Without it... it was, well, dangerous to handle. The spirit within the blade enhanced her ki... but it was also taking her over. Yeong-Suk quickly realized that as the spirit blade overridden her thoughts, and all it wanted was...

... Destruction.

The Korean's once battle-hardened expression erupted into a slasher smile, and Yeong-Suk started laughing dementedly. "EVERYTHING..... MUST..... FALL...," the woman said as she lost the battle of possession to the sword's lust for destruction. She started to slash everywhere around her in the air, attacking cars, streelights, anything that she could possibly destroy. Even her opponent started to escape her mind as the possessed Yeong-Suk was more focused on wantondestuction in general, although likely some blasts were directed at him.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" Jaden repeated to himself over and over again as the situation rapidly spiraled out of control. Crazy bitch got even crazier when she was possessed by the demon (Or was it the dragon, or spirit blade, Jaden didn't fuckin' know). It reminded him of the destruction of Jotaro's compound. Fact of the matter was; she was going to destroy Rio, and it would all be Jaden's fault.


Jaden unsheathed his blades as he leaped out of the way of one of those deadly ki blasts.

... He'll stop her, of course, and save the day!
<Snipped quote by Megsychan>

That's racist.

Anyways, I not only updated the character list, but my win quotes for Voyt and Brown (and made a few edits).

Fun fact, I used Dark not only to represent evil characters (Since, contrary to what the dub wants you to believe, it is called the Evil type in Japan) but characters who are pragmatic and fight dirty (Since that is what a lot of Dark type attacks are). Jaden got dark due to using ninjitsu, which is all about trickery.
So, new meme I want to try. I am a big Pokénerd, and after a particular comment that Allen made in our upcoming collab, I wanted to give everybody a Pokémon type!

The rules I am going to give are simple. Almost everyone here would qualify for Fighting, so I am only going to assign fighting if there is no other better type, or if they really exemplify martial arts or something of that like. I also am going to try to not assign repeats of dual types, although I will not have issue repeating single types if I need be.

Jaden: Fighting/Dark

Justin: Normal/Steel

Seven-Seven: Steel

Sage: Fairy

Brooklyn: Normal/Fighting

Brenda: Rock (maybe Rock/Fighting. Bit torn between the two)

Billy: Water/Fighting

Margot: Fighting/Steel

Ostana: "Normal"

Joaoquim: "Normal"

Jonas: Poison/Dark

The One: "Normal"

Meo: Water

Fafnir: Steel/Fire (Sealed) Dragon/Fire (Unsealed)

Calvin: Ice/Fighting

SYM-04: Steel/Dark

Veronica: "Normal"

Gideon: Psychic/Fighting

Klara: Ice

Yeong-Suk: Ground/Dark

Lucas: Normal

Voyt: Fire/Dark?

Walter: Fighting

Brown: Normal
@GowiIf I made a seperate app for Namor, would that be an acceptable comprimise?
Right, to follow the meme, here are Yeong-Suk's win quotes. I think they largely speak for themselves.

@Jacobite I am glad I ended up not taking Rogue at part of my Brotherhood, because that is way more interesting than what I could have done with her.
All these mutants out here being like

Nah, Magneto is more waiting like this

@Gowi What if he just assumed Xavier's identity after he fell in a coma? Or he just led the X-Men as J'ohnn J'onzz?

Either of those ideas work?

I mean, for what's it worth, I would rather have non-alien Xavier as my rival than the Martian Manhunter. Magneto's mutant nationalism needs a good foil to oppose it; otherwise, why would he be the rival to the X-Men?

Edit: Had a brain fart whoops

<Snipped quote by The book of bad juju>

Defo gonna hit you up.

The fights are winding down a bit, so we'll move onto the first round once the last two fights are finished. Though, do you all want a brief lull in the action for interaction, or do you want to continue the fight?

Pacing after all.

I for one would appreciate an opportunity for some interaction, but if I am in the minority I can deal with it.
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