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<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>

Cyrus: "Honestly, I knew one of them would be like that..."

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Cyrus: "The Void Tunnel? Or just Void in general..."

Whatever you could do before.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Huh... Come to think about it, the anomaly i saw behind him as we were approaching him and Gavryiell as they were arguing, was shaped like a dark twisted large horn on one side of his head, but it was really well covered in light... I wonder what is that all about...

Well, if he’s an agent of order, then I don’t suppose his appearance makes too much of a difference...
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Cyrus: "Used to be this and waaaay more, I guess you could say I got nerfed..."

I’m sorry to hear that. What did it do before?

<Snipped quote by Memory>

*I step behind you and put a comforting hand on your shoulder* Listen, being too confident about such a battle, no, war is a dangerous place to be in as i'm sure you found out...

*Nods silently*

@Alex McClain@RoadkilBanana@Memory

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

<Snipped quote by Memory>

*Rapidly and silently comes in between you all before Lumyiell returns and taps you all on the backs to draw your attention as i speak silently* Listen, you all need to be VERY careful with Lumyiell, and all i'm allowed to say under these circumstances is that he's not what he's showing himself to be... *After the fact i quickly blip out and reappear a distance away talking to some soldiers*

That’s ominous...
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Don't know! But it sure is impressive, and angel dude's light show certainly amplified the glory display here *I grin like a 10 year old getting a spaceship toy for Christmas*

*Takes and exhales a deep breath*
I have to admit, I’m not as confident about this anymore.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

@The Monitor

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>


*I start walking towards the show slowly and in awe at the display of light, shadow and paradox energy with my mouth agape* This is... uuuh... is it wrong that i don't want to go back to how things used to be if eternity will look like this from now on?

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*Once the dust in the air clears a bit, I walk out of it towards my hat laying on the ground. I pick it up and put it back on.*

Cyrus: "They should be in the void tunnel for a while, it's kind of like a giant labyrinth with a door hidden somewhere..."

This is his void ability?
<Snipped quote by Memory>

... First time i hear you apologising ... that is a good sign *Then i trail of looking at the newly formed shadow titans that seem to contort into even more horrifying shapes* Mosquito bite... right... what was i thinking? maybe a good comparison but this looks way worst *I talk to myself*

This is disgusting...
*Slides into the confines of the camp*
<Snipped quote by Memory>

No... no you didn't! You absolutely DIDN'T! If you keep fooling around with this idol of yours instead of the light, you will pay far greater prices Prism. And far worst than just this mosquito bite! *I speak with a nearly ethereal tone as my eyes seem to glimmer with the influence of Alioth and the new wisdom and ascended state of my spirit*

I'm sorry. I won't listen to any more of its tricks.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*Realizing what happened and seeing you willingly running towards the camp i release you from the bind and begin running too* If it only didn't had to come to you getting bit badly enough for common sense to strike you... *I sigh*

Look, I just... I had to. I had to make sure she wasn’t out there, looking for me.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*Sees it happen and I widen my eyes in annoyance and surprise* You just got and yeeted more people off the table didn't you? *I say through my teeth addressing the Cthon apparition*

Hey Kid! *I shout down towards you as I currently am still restraining the monster's power with great difficulty* Get back to camp NOW!

*Picks myself up and sprints back, accelerating myself with runes*
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*As you say that, those clones that faded to black and were still stuck in spikes suddenly begin growing to colossal sizes like titans made of pure shadow, and though some of the minor manifestations have perished due to the rune blast now, somehow, that distant creature seems darker and more ominous and much bigger as you feel a sudden tear in your very being as those clonse seem to have been ruptured from you entirely*

*Hits the ground, scraping my knee across the ragged terrain*
Tcchhhh, agh! What is that?
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