<Snipped quote by Source>
hUh? Oh, I have not. At least, not intricately done in this manner.
This strikes me as some kind of ritual. Anyone else get the same vibes?
<Snipped quote by Source>
hUh? Oh, I have not. At least, not intricately done in this manner.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
Pstch! How immature!
<Snipped quote by Meta>
Yes ma'am!
<Snipped quote by Source>
Allies yes... Paranoid people... doubtful... People who are cantered on mony above all else... i don't know anymore, that is a level far above my pay grade...
*Looks at the steps*
Well this is fun! Somebody has time for luxury or abstract art or something...
<Snipped quote by Source>
He's a douchebag if you ask me. Just saying.
<Snipped quote by Source>
*Slides through the liquid and sighs gratefully* Thank you! Damn! Just what IS this place?
<Snipped quote by Source>
I DON'T like this *Murmurs to myself but audibly enough* Hey Sprite of greed and magic and pranking your friends? What do you see here? And yes, you are a sprite to me... because you are mean and selfish, i will address you as a spirit when i feel you earned my respect.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
She knows she needs me—
<Snipped quote by Meta>
Wait... you hate him? phhh.... curious characters you too... so what are they then if you already scanned them?
<Snipped quote by Source>
You got your motives i guess. And it is valid enough sure. But to just lay your whole living on this alone when at least there could be cheaper ways to live somewhere else, like in a stable civilized world, and only use the Tavern for quests, is a better otpion in my honest opinion.
*Looks at you in disbelief*
Dude! Are you just doing that? Have you ever seen any movie about NOT plopping your hand in a creepy ancient ruin stone hole like that?
<Snipped quote by Memory>
Phhh! Sure!
<Snipped quote by Source>
I could say the same thing for you. All you care about here seems to be money and not relations. But i'll keep extending my hand out in friendship, should you stab it instead, well that should say volumes about you too.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
Okay, now things make sense. Let’s make our perspectives clear—
<Snipped quote by Meta>
*Shoots you a lightning glare* You greedy sprite! I don't care about the money, i'm fully capable to live without the tavern currency! uuugh! Keep all your rewards for all i care.
I was talking about YOUR safety not mine.