It's nice to meet you all, I'm Micaella.
I've roleplayed since I was a little wee girl in fifth grade (who is starting college next month, yay) and it's funny, actually, because I'm not an avid reader nor do I write stories. I guess a lot of the credit has to go with friends I've met online through other roleplaying mediums (mostly like, fansites of video games or anime series) that helped not only improve my skills but even saved me from the dread of passing my AP English Literature classes and high school as a whole.
I don't know what level of a roleplayer I am other than that I'm pretty versatile and I like almost all the core genres to play through. I've been craving a lot of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic universes but who knows what I'll be in after this. To have me as a partner though, I'd say I'm very faithful, honest, and my mind's a world of plot bunnies ready to be written out. That, and I think I'm a pretty easy-going person but careful there, soldier, I got chutzpah in this system so don't make me go Chun-Li on you.
Thank you for reading and I wish everyone a good weekend!