Avatar of mickilennial


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4 mos ago
Current If you like Full Metal Panic give Fafner in the Azure a shot as well!
4 mos ago
If you aren't angry, you aren't conscious.
4 mos ago
I think I have my writing confidence back. Feels like centuries since I could string together sentences.
6 mos ago
🐶 Harvey (2009-2024)
2 yrs ago
Vindication comes, so too does peace of mind as I close one chapter and open a new one.


if you're petty with me

be prepared to deal with

the most crazy bitch

you've ever met

Micki | 35 (b. 1988) | Detroit | INTJ
Biromantic Demisexual | Bipolar/Manic-Depressive

Hi. I'm a role-player/writer who has spent over twenty-one years in this hobby.

I will pretty much write anything as long as my partner is cool with my inconsistent posting pace and momentum. I'm pretty sociable and I make dumb jokes all the time. My favorite things to write is capeshit, anime, space operas, horror, and slice of life/mundane drama. My writing level leans toward minimalism, but I try to give my partners/groups more than enough to work off of. I like to think I am pretty flexible.

I like cinema, music, and animation just as much as I like writing with people. My biggest hobby after writing is pop media analysis. Ask me questions or for suggestions and I'm sure to have something for you. 😎😎😎

Most Recent Posts

In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

“Yeah. A cheeseburger. Fries. The whole deal.” CJ spoke nonchalantly as the bar staff took her order, being sure to tell them everything. “Get me a whiskey, too. Maker’s Mark. I don’t like Jack Daniels.”

The bar staff pauses as soon as CJ says the word, the blonde’s forearms pressed against the bar counter as she leans in on the top of her toes. She follows the staffer’s eyes and sees what caused the reaction. She smirks. She knows what she is doing–of course she noticed that Jack had finally slumped into the bar after her initial comment in the parking lot. While the comment was intentionally directed it was also true. She didn’t really like Jack Daniels. Even Evan Williams was better.

Truthfully, CJ is surprised Jack hasn’t tucked her tail between her legs and run like she always had. But maybe people do change! Unfortunately for her, the blonde wasn’t one of those people who had changed. Besides, it was way too easy and way too fun to mess with her.

“Hey,” she softly utters, as if getting the staffer’s attention back on her. She thumbs over her shoulder, in the direction of Hanna, “anyway. See the cute girl at that table? Tall as fuck? She’s picking up our tab.”

The order is written down and CJ looks back over toward Jack. She slides down the bar.

“Oh hey, Jackie. Didn’t see you there.” The bartender sets down her glass of Maker’s Mark and CJ takes a drink of it. “How has Delton been. Since you decided to stay and all. Thought I’d ask.”

It seemed friendly enough. It probably would’ve been if not for the silent ‘was it worth it?’ tacked on.


stuck here again — L7

p. johnson's
interacting with: bar staff, @nodogs
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Well, someone was into her feelings.

CJ and Anni were pretty tight once, that was true, but that had all been during elementary school. The fact Anni was still holding onto the fact that she ditched her by the time high school rolled around amused the blonde. There was a small part of her that regretted how she treated her in high school, but given what her life had turned into since her dad’s suicide she basically saw Anni as one of many easy targets that attended Ritman. It was her motto back then; make everyone feel worse than you felt. Wasn’t much different than her current one, either.

She snickers before bursting into a laugh as she shook her head.

“That’s all you got for me?” she remarks, “I don’t care.”

She looks back to Hanna, before anyone else can respond to her little back-and-forth with Anni.

“Well, I guess if you’re paying my tab I’ll go order something to eat.” she remarks, almost pausing to say thank you but decides not to before she heads up to the bar with a menu in hand.


stuck here again — L7

p. johnson's
interacting with: [the table]
cdn.donmai.us/original/6a/e1/__lapis_… - lapis


DAY 1 - First Trial: Duty. After a basic evaluation, candidates are placed into color wards to train underneath experienced wardens for seven days of non-stop torture training. In this trial the key is to succeed in whatever mundane or esoteric challenge your commander asks you to do by the end of the day. This is the most random of all trials and is a judgement of one's ability for following orders or recognizing achievable tasks.

DAY 2 - Second Trial: Wisdom. The wards are pitted against each other in a trial of wits.

DAY 3 - Third Trial: Honor. xx

DAY 4 - Fourth Trial: Compassion. xx

DAY 5 - Fifth Trial: Discipline. xx

DAY 6 - Sixth Trial: Resolve. Initiates face their teacher to see how far they can be pushed and how strong their resolve truly is.

DAY 7 - Seventh Trial: Courage. A life or death challenge awaits initiates, as well as a path to becoming a warden.

In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Not that CJ got all that far from Delton.

Still, she can’t be not amused by the circumstances. Had she decided to go inside, she wouldn’t be facing Jack for the first time in years.

“Jackie.” she takes a long drag from the cigarette, looking up to the sky and airing it out before looking back at her former classmate, “Wasn’t expecting you to show up, either.”

It was almost like she was silenting saying ‘because you bail on everyone and everything in your life’. Jack could probably hear it in her head, like a rattling chain. That was CJ’s intention anyway. Pairing it with her old name for her probably didn’t make the rattle any quieter. CJ didn’t call her JD or Jack or Wilkerson. That had not changed. She finishes her cigarette, tossing it on the ground before stomping it out–all without breaking eye contact.

“Turns out, you can actually commit to something.”

She turns and walks into the bar without another word.

The loud music and the crowd does not bother her. Hanna Whittle screaming across the bar at two of her other former classmates does. She looks over to the table all of her former classmates are sitting at and after downing her drink she decides to head over and give this whole reunion idea a try.

“Bumped into Jackie outside. She’ll probably be in soon...” she remarks, volunteering the information, before adding to it after a short pause. “...if she doesn’t dip.”


stuck here again — L7

p. johnson's
interacting with: @nodogs; [the table]

Hello, Commander. Welcome to the Harpocrates Initiative.

As you know, we have a delicate matter that has caused us some concern in recent weeks that we need handled efficiently and without our names all over it. The Exo-Geni Corporation does not want the Systems Alliance sanctioning our business nor do we want to escalate the situation. In our business, we are about doing things that sometimes puts us in contention with galactic policies and ordinances. We have to. How else will we catch up to the rest of the galaxy?

One of our facilities was hit and our property has been stolen from us. You and the rest of your team must see that it is not compromised and optimistically, returned to our hands. This includes important data. Your predecessors tracked down some information. The people behind this attack are batarian saboteurs. We do not know if they are affiliated with the Hegemony or not. We have, however, isolated their location to Faringor–a planet in the Hades Gamma Cluster. You and your operators will have to continue the trail from there.

Your cover is only tangentially related to our corporation. To allow us a room of deniability in any actions you may cause in official capacity you contacted us. Any laws you break we have not ordered you to do so, they have been on your own directive. As far as the company knows, you are one of many mercenary groups looking to get a big payday. If you get caught with your pants down know that the Exo-Geni disavows anything you did in our name and that we have no official connections.

Delete this message to protect our and your security. Good luck.
❯❯❯ Office of Robert Deeds, ExoGeni Corporation Building - Eden Prime

“I hope they do better than the previous team.”

Robert Deeds’ voice filled his office as he looked outside of the window that overlooked the landscape of Eden Prime. In his left hand was a cup of coffee as his right buried itself in one of his pockets.

“Well, that’s why we put together a team of specialists. Sir.” a female voice utters in response, calm and respectful, “Don’t want to make the same mistakes.”

He nodded in agreement.

“Though,” she began, “Is there a reason you didn’t tell them that they are holding more than our data hostage?”

“I deemed it best to tell them only the essential information.”

Location: SSV Surrender - Team Quarters
Chapter 01.01: Boots on the Ground
“Helm to Barracks. We’re in the shadow of Faringor.” The voice of the helmsman came to life, echoing over the bunks of the cramped living quarters they had been assigned, “Report to the Operations HQ. I’m sure Laine wants to give you the 411.”

Avicia Sancrius, Antelmo Águila-Paiva, and Elerlia T'natis must have thought the Harpocrates gig could’ve fared better when it came to the sleep arrangements they had been given.

At least, all of the ‘thrill’ of waiting for them to arrive at their target destination was over. Since being picked up by the ship on Korlus it had been a long warp from the Eagle Nebula Cluster to the Hades Gamma Cluster. But it is what it was. Now it was finally time to get down to business and that meant heading over to the operations room to get the final bits of information about the job and get geared up. Laine Severn and Marivea Sannis were probably already there. Well, if they weren’t getting some sleep themselves in their personal quarters.

The two that ExoGeni thought had the ability to lead the rest of them to get results.

■ Go over mission plans as directed by your CO.
■ Introduce your character.
■ Once armed and ready, report to the helm.
■ Finally, prepare for landing.
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The blonde takes her lighter out of her pocket with her hand closest to the person who asked her for a light, flicking the flame on with a quick ‘click’ and holding it out for them to use. Her response however, is odd, but it is her sense of humor.

“...no.” CJ utters in a dry, monotone.

She had looked at the person before her. She didn’t recognize who they could be, but they did look close to her age. Chances are that they were part of the reunion event.

“What made you come back.” She asks, more of a statement than a question, though it comes from a belief they were one of her ex-classmates, “Place still sucks.”


stuck here again — L7

p. johnson's
interacting with: @Mao Mao
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

It had been a long time since CJ had been on Route 125. Her butt planted on the seat of a old Indian Scout she found herself almost back within the shadows of her hometown of Delton, Maine.

A place she would’ve never guessed she’d ever return to.

Even for a high school reunion.

Her High School experience, well, it wasn’t one she thought about often. Her pent up angst often led to her making fun of others. Her best friend from elementary school? She was dogmeat on the first day of High School. The queer kid who got sent to camp to ‘fix’ his homosexuality? Made it a big joke when he came back; even asked him if praying the gay away worked. The pretentious overachiever? Called her names and insulted her intelligence every chance she got. CJ may have been a short blonde girl, but for some she was a little devil. Didn’t really regret any of it, either.

A sigh leaves her lips as the big ‘Welcome to Delton’ sign greets her in the face. She drives past it.

“...Delton.” A mutter, buried underneath the motorcycle’s engine, “I fucking hate this place.”

Route 125 eventually turns into Main Street. Every single building she passes feels like a notched memory, one she hasn’t thought about in years. Some of them she doesn’t want to revisit. Most of them, actually. But if she hated this town so much, why did she fill out the form? Why didn’t she just delete the e-mail and move on in her life? It was a question she could not even answer for herself.

Maybe she just needed to see what happened to her. If she bet on the right horse. Rub it in. Feel happy for once.

Despite everything going her way lately that was one thing CJ had trouble with: being happy. She hadn’t been happy since before the 7th Grade.

Sometimes she wished that was not the case.

By the time her motorcycle arrives at her destination, there’s a decent amount of traffic. A few vehicles litter the parking lot and there’s a shuffle to get inside P. Johnson’s. Parking face-forward to the door next to an empty spot she stops for a moment, almost like she was taking in the moment. She cuts the engine, removes her helmet, and stuffs her hand in her jacket’s pockets until she retrieves a lighter from the left and a pair of cigarettes on the right.

She presses her back against the wall, clenching the cigarette in between her teeth before the nicotine all settles in. One foot is bent back, pressing against the exterior wall. The other, on the ground.

She’s not as short as she was in high school and a lot has changed. She must have looked out of it. With black coats of paint covering her fingernails, a t-shirt of some black metal band underneath her leathers, a christian cross around her neck–but only worn ironically, and faded blue-gray jeans, she doesn’t exactly look the part of a reunion guest. For some reunions were a place to look your best, for CJ… she looks like she doesn't have a care in the world.

She feels like she’ll go inside when she’s bored of being outside.

Besides, she wants this smoke break.


stuck here again — L7

route 125 p. johnson's
interacting with: idk god
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