When the time is right to do them.
Neither good or bad; it is a style preference.
Neither good or bad; it is a style preference.
Last Month -- 2023
“What’s new?”
Past Lorna clasped her hands together and let out a deep sigh.
“I’m not cut out to be a teacher.” she says, bluntly, as she looks flatly at the table, “I keep thinking of everything going on outside and I can’t stop being angry. It’s so hard. How can I inspire anybody when the world is almost ready to put them in concentration camps? Xavier keeps warning me about my temper. In front of Jean and Scott. Making a fool of me.”
First Visit -- February 2018
“It’s not fair!”
There’s tears in her eyes. Lorna’s five years younger; she’s still a teenager, though barely.
A chair swings over Alex’s head. The guards give a hearty laugh, though they keep their distance. They know if Lorna did anything crazy she wouldn’t be able to come back ever again. Plus, they like the mutants squabbling. It’s fun sport for them.
“You’re a hero! Yet you want to be here? What? Why? Because you feel guilty that you were tricked by him? Why don’t you feel guilty about abandoning me?!”
Heya, sorry I was just waiting on a completed sheet to be able to judge it. If I've missed it can you link and I'll have a look x
C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T _________________________________________________________C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T _________________________________________________________ C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y _________________________________________________________C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y Lorna Dane _________________________________________________________ Teacher (Xavier Institute) | 24 | Acolytes, X-Men, X-Factor _________________________________________________________ Westchester | New York | United States of America C H A R A C T E R N O T E S C H A R A C T E R N O T E S T I M E L I N E T I M E L I N E | C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T When Lorna Dane turned against her father, she thought it was the right move. She was a teenager and Charles Xavier just knew how to appeal to the sense of good inside her, assuring her that her father - whom she had just reconnected with - did not have her best interests at heart. Translation: He was really good at manipulating her. And for years, she listened to the telepath’s advice. Attended Mutant High School. Even served on the X-Men for awhile. That is, until the elder mutant realized how Lorna was struggling with her own thoughts. The longer her father sat under watch at The Raft the more she doubted herself. Eventually, Charles suggested some time away from the team to get her bearings and focus on leading the younger students and to lead by example. Translation: She no longer was needed to play in Erik and Charles’ sordid little chess match. She obviously didn’t take it well. For the past few months Lorna has taken the role of a teacher at the Xavier Institute as well as one of the rotating Danger Room instructors. Since her time as an active member of the X-Men has ended she has continued to act independently when needed, though generally she’s starting to think as the world is getting more dangerous for her kind that Xavier’s going to need to greenlight other teams. This led her to the idea of proposing a team of her own, not only to give her autonomy but so she doesn’t feel like she’s sitting on her thumbs all the time. Unbeknownst to her, she’s even more right than she realizes. P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) With this game focusing heavily on the mutant conflicts what I want to do here is tap into that. With a few friends asking me to make a mutant-oriented character to help bounce off of them, I’ve also taken a long look at the mutant lore presented as well as other active characters. I think Polaris is the right fit for me here. If I can coordinate with the Havok player there’s some personalized stuff to handle, but I can also engage with the active X-Men team in scenes where both of us are present, so there’s that. Overall, this is more of a reactive character than a solo character – but I do have plans for forming X-Factor, coming to blows with The Purifiers, the Brotherhood of Mutants, and other antagonists. I won’t just be waiting to see what is happening. If the RP is lively, I can collaborate and contribute. That’s my pitch. |