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Current 🐶 Harvey (2009-2024)
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Vindication comes, so too does peace of mind as I close one chapter and open a new one.
4 yrs ago
Sometimes I lie awake dreaming of being as consistent in this hobby as I was ten years ago.
6 yrs ago
Quality posting is far better than needless novels, yet one should never neglect detail when one feels the need.
6 yrs ago
I’m not a good writer. I’m just good at pretending to be.


if you're petty with me

be prepared to deal with

the most crazy bitch

you've ever met

Micki | 34 (b. 1988) | Detroit | INTJ
Biromantic Demisexual | Bipolar/Manic-Depressive

Hi. I'm a role-player/writer who has spent over twenty-one years in this hobby.

I will pretty much write anything as long as my partner is cool with my inconsistent posting pace and momentum. I'm pretty sociable and I make dumb jokes all the time. My favorite things to write is capeshit, anime, space operas, horror, and slice of life/mundane drama. My writing level leans toward minimalism, but I try to give my partners/groups more than enough to work off of. I like to think I am pretty flexible.

I like cinema, music, and animation just as much as I like writing with people. My biggest hobby after writing is pop media analysis. Ask me questions or for suggestions and I'm sure to have something for you. 😎😎😎

Most Recent Posts

In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

K A I T L I N " L I N N I E " L A N G S T R A A T A U G U S T 7 T H ( N I N E T E E N ) F E M A L E

"I'm not interested in making friends, not really in the mood for you either."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

Listed at somewhere between 5’3” and 5’5”, at the precipice of adulthood, Linnie stands fairly average for some of her age, ethnicity, and gender. Her hair is naturally blonde and she’s never had much interest in dyeing it at all. Given her slight use to defer to Texas slang, it can make her a bit of a stereotype but stereotypes are pretty common in California. It doesn’t really matter to her how people see her, it isn’t something that keeps her up at night and this can be seen in her casual, irreverence toward her appearance.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

Kaitlin "Linnie" Langstraat found herself uprooted from Texas to California when she was thirteen-years-old.

It was a normal story. Her mom wanted to get out of Texas. Her dad didn’t want her to breathe. One crucial accident later and the three of them (that is, her, her sister, and their mom) dropped Owens from their name and adopted their mom’s maiden name, trading Houston for Santa Barbara.

While it took some time to get adjusted to her new surroundings, eventually the three Langstraat girls took well to California, or more accurately, no longer having the family patriarch's influence lingering over the family like a dark shadow. Money was tighter, but everyone felt like they had the ability to breathe. It was a welcome sentiment. Linnie’s time at Santa Barbara High School was fine enough; it didn’t take long for Linnie to go from “new girl” to “popular cheerleader” by the time of her sophomore year. Everything became noise and things looked bright. By graduation she hadn’t really found many issues, though it wouldn’t be long after that her latent metahuman gene manifested when she was confronted at a mall by her father.

Suffice to say, her father was hospitalized and the mall is still dealing with repairing the damage she caused. AEGIS scooped her up from her predicament and promised no charges would be filled by the mall in accordance to them taking her in.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

Her mom and sister are still out there, and their father found out they were in Santa Barbara. She’s concerned, but perhaps with AEGIS’ connections they can keep her family safe while she figures herself and these new powers out. She never really had any opinion on metahumans before and now she finds herself one, so she’s pretty ambivalent about the whole situation. It’s best to be pragmatic and realistic, she figures.

As for how she gets on with people? That’s… difficult to quantify. She’s always been kind of blunt and snappy, often putting up an armor that prevents people (especially men) from getting to know her due to her trauma(s) with her father; the idea being that she can’t get hurt if she keeps people at distance. So she doesn’t particularly care about being friendly. It’s easy to write it off as “cheerleader = bitch” but it goes more than that as clearly indicated by her childhood and personal values. At the very least she doesn’t lie to people. Though her distrust of men does often lead her to see actions done by the opposite sex as a bit more aggressive than they are, sometimes resulting in her confronting them if she feels the need.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

Photokinetic Energy Generation: Linnie has the ability to manifest and manipulate energy in the form of light.

It is important to refer to AEGIS file number fifty-five-dash-zero (A55-0) for a full analysis on Kaitlin’s abilities and threat evaluation. As indicated from the incident that awakened her metagene and the damage on public property, it is safe to consider her a project of sorts.

Kaitlin can be generalized as a “blaster”, as she most often manifests and directs her photon-based energy manipulation through the palm of her hands. This is the best way she has found to control her energy projection abilities. Reports indicate these blasts are ionized and can cause electromagnetic effects on its targets, making it quite damaging to electronic systems and shield generation tech. The strength of this depends on her emotional volatility and how long she chooses to direct said energy. Other factors that could play into such volatility include sources of photon energy (see: light sources) around her person. She does not need to directly touch something to draw from it.

Neutralizing Kaitlin is not difficult as her powers are entangled with her stamina and emotional state. While she can utilize light energy to enhance her endurance like armor, she is not only inexperienced, she tires easily. Additionally, her moral and ethical stances may provide additional limitations on her applications of her abilities.
Aegis Operative, Rebecca Chang

▼ N O T E S:

To Be Determined through the Roleplay.

In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Well, that and the fact people were filling out the name header with a codename alias. It's just a simple switch to move things around, but at least that way it's more streamlined.

I'm just following trends.

Well, that happened.

She doesn’t hear Jack or anyone. She doesn’t know how she got separated. The impact of whatever weird shit happened must have sent her away from where they were. Still Ritman Field though.

Her body feels awful. That becomes apparent as by the time she gets to her knees all of the food and alcohol comes out like a faucet. She paints the ground in half-digested food, groaning as the pain jumps through her back. She was used to alcohol-induced vomiting, it was pretty much her lifestyle, but when it's all said and done she curses to herself. She’s never felt the stinging, pulsing feeling that is going through her body. Something’s off. Something’s different. She doesn’t know what the difference is, but she doesn’t have the time to make sense of anything. There’s sirens blaring and she’s near the site of an accident that nobody would believe. Because time capsules didn’t tend to explode.

“Fuck me. Fuck. Shit.” she manages in her discomfort as she wipes her mouth dry with her forearm.

She gets herself to her feet.

She isn’t going to jail for something she can’t explain. She refuses to.

The thoughts simmer as she moves quickly from the field. Maybe the others got back to the car. No way she was sprinting to her bike from here without being spotted. She moves into a sprint, as the mix of adrenaline and pain dominates her inebriation. The clattering in her head is familiar but the pulsing feeling in her bones is not.

When she gets to the parking lot her body jerks from inside again and before she knows it she’s on her knees for the second time and before she can utter a word to those who had also made it to the car she paints the parking lot with the rest of what was in her stomach. If it wasn’t for the adrenaline she would probably be out like a light. Thank god for that.


bottom — Tool

ritman high [football field]
interacting with: everyone
In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

K A I T L I N " L I N N I E " L A N G S T R A A T A U G U S T 7 T H ( N I N E T E E N ) F E M A L E

"I'm not interested in making friends, not really in the mood for you either."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

Listed at somewhere between 5’3” and 5’5”, at the precipice of adulthood, Linnie stands fairly average for some of her age, ethnicity, and gender. Her hair is naturally blonde and she’s never had much interest in dyeing it at all. Given her slight use to defer to Texas slang, it can make her a bit of a stereotype but stereotypes are pretty common in California. It doesn’t really matter to her how people see her, it isn’t something that keeps her up at night and this can be seen in her casual, irreverence toward her appearance.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

Kaitlin "Linnie" Langstraat found herself uprooted from Texas to California when she was thirteen-years-old.

It was a normal story. Her mom wanted to get out of Texas. Her dad didn’t want her to breathe. One crucial accident later and the three of them (that is, her, her sister, and their mom) dropped Owens from their name and adopted their mom’s maiden name, trading Houston for Santa Barbara.

While it took some time to get adjusted to her new surroundings, eventually the three Langstraat girls took well to California, or more accurately, no longer having the family patriarch's influence lingering over the family like a dark shadow. Money was tighter, but everyone felt like they had the ability to breathe. It was a welcome sentiment. Linnie’s time at Santa Barbara High School was fine enough; it didn’t take long for Linnie to go from “new girl” to “popular cheerleader” by the time of her sophomore year. Everything became noise and things looked bright. By graduation she hadn’t really found many issues, though it wouldn’t be long after that her latent metahuman gene manifested when she was confronted at a mall by her father.

Suffice to say, her father was hospitalized and the mall is still dealing with repairing the damage she caused. AEGIS scooped her up from her predicament and promised no charges would be filled by the mall in accordance to them taking her in.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

Her mom and sister are still out there, and their father found out they were in Santa Barbara. She’s concerned, but perhaps with AEGIS’ connections they can keep her family safe while she figures herself and these new powers out. She never really had any opinion on metahumans before and now she finds herself one, so she’s pretty ambivalent about the whole situation. It’s best to be pragmatic and realistic, she figures.

As for how she gets on with people? That’s… difficult to quantify. She’s always been kind of blunt and snappy, often putting up an armor that prevents people (especially men) from getting to know her due to her trauma(s) with her father; the idea being that she can’t get hurt if she keeps people at distance. So she doesn’t particularly care about being friendly. It’s easy to write it off as “cheerleader = bitch” but it goes more than that as clearly indicated by her childhood and personal values. At the very least she doesn’t lie to people. Though her distrust of men does often lead her to see actions done by the opposite sex as a bit more aggressive than they are, sometimes resulting in her confronting them if she feels the need.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

Photokinetic Energy Generation: Linnie has the ability to manifest and manipulate energy in the form of light.

It is important to refer to AEGIS file number fifty-five-dash-zero (A55-0) for a full analysis on Kaitlin’s abilities and threat evaluation. As indicated from the incident that awakened her metagene and the damage on public property, it is safe to consider her a project of sorts.

Kaitlin can be generalized as a “blaster”, as she most often manifests and directs her photon-based energy manipulation through the palm of her hands. This is the best way she has found to control her energy projection abilities. Reports indicate these blasts are ionized and can cause electromagnetic effects on its targets, making it quite damaging to electronic systems and shield generation tech. The strength of this depends on her emotional volatility and how long she chooses to direct said energy. Other factors that could play into such volatility include sources of photon energy (see: light sources) around her person. She does not need to directly touch something to draw from it.

Neutralizing Kaitlin is not difficult as her powers are entangled with her stamina and emotional state. While she can utilize light energy to enhance her endurance like armor, she is not only inexperienced, she tires easily. Additionally, her moral and ethical stances may provide additional limitations on her applications of her abilities.
Aegis Operative, Rebecca Chang

▼ N O T E S:

To Be Determined through the Roleplay.

“Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”

Eli closed his eyes in front of his opponent, channeling the latent energy from his soul as his aura became apparent to even those who were not magically inclined. It flashed in hues of gold and crimson and as the water-forged blade struck him they instantly evaporated into steam upon striking him. His smile dropped, a tone of disappointment lingering over his words. He had hoped that when he arrived he could get by on all of his skill and none of his gods-gained talent. None of the magic that he resented so much.

He moved backward, listening to his opponents movements and still refraining from being hit. He spoke as he did so, until he sent some easily defendable strikes back as well.

“I was born underneath a shooting star, you know.” He uttered matter-of-factly as he reopened his eyes, his feet digging into the ground. “Since you want to tarry with magic, should I show you mine? Or would you prefer we keep this a skill-based contest?”

His query felt ominous in some way.

There was a smell to it as his aura returned back to its natural, non-visible form.

“You could also choose to drop your weapon and give up now. Save me the time. Not that I care either way. As long as I get a good fight, it would be fun for me.”

Return to Iquenos

Hello, readers! Welcome back to Iquenos.

Formerly known as Iquenos: In Nomine Domini, there have been a good degree of changes in the world at large since the original concept from 2017 was conceived.
Been a hot minute but the digimon cravings are real, so digitize me captain!

That means me bumping this thread out of its graveyard

You know what characters I have. :)
You people are relentless...
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