Avatar of mickilennial


Recent Statuses

8 days ago
Current 🐶 Harvey (2009-2024)
1 yr ago
Vindication comes, so too does peace of mind as I close one chapter and open a new one.
4 yrs ago
Sometimes I lie awake dreaming of being as consistent in this hobby as I was ten years ago.
6 yrs ago
Quality posting is far better than needless novels, yet one should never neglect detail when one feels the need.
6 yrs ago
I’m not a good writer. I’m just good at pretending to be.


all of micki's banners broke

if you're petty with me

be prepared to deal with

the most crazy bitch

you've ever met

Micki | 34 (b. 1988) | Detroit | INTJ
Biromantic Demisexual | Bipolar/Manic-Depressive

Hi. I'm a role-player/writer who has spent over twenty-one years in this hobby.

I will pretty much write anything as long as my partner is cool with my inconsistent posting pace and momentum. I'm pretty sociable and I make dumb jokes all the time. My favorite things to write is capeshit, anime, space operas, horror, and slice of life/mundane drama. My writing level leans toward minimalism, but I try to give my partners/groups more than enough to work off of. I like to think I am pretty flexible.

I like cinema, music, and animation just as much as I like writing with people. My biggest hobby after writing is pop media analysis. Ask me questions or for suggestions and I'm sure to have something for you. 😎😎😎

Most Recent Posts

Unfortunately, due to time constraints and trying to get a work promotion and having a deadline for a writing gig, I don't think I'll be able to complete my character sheet. Maybe after thanksgiving if you're still accepting players after you've started, I might hop in, but I just got a lot more on my plate than I realized :(

I want to see some sheets so I know what kind of measuring stick I have, lol.
I'll have a thonk.

I've been thinking and I'm unfortunately got nothing in the tank for this so I'm going to pull out. Good luck to everyone tho.

I could have continued my Tiefling Druid playthrough but decided to start a Drow Monk one instead. I should set aside time to write but I haven't really. #justBG3things
Gonna try and catch up reading today so I can post now I got a day free.

fuck italics
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