@bowtiesrcool86@Alisdragon911@James DavyLiam feeling about it were clear to the Lucario, but since Nigal/Nobunaga had taken such an interest in the young Dragon master, mostly due to the fact, he had pegged him as a hero descendent which would give him a chance to meet Arceus, it was just them being cautious.
The Elder nodded, "However, Mike-San seems to have faith in you all, and he choose the people he trust carefully, with Jen being his apprentice, something we never believed he would find someone like that. Tells us, we can trust our tribes secrets with you, though some do disagree and wish to test you themselves" He said as four Lucario stood up, clearly the most powerful of the tribe beneath the Eldwr and Mei/Cammy, though one sat back down due to there only being three of them.
It was one male and two females, all absolutely pulsing with Aura power. "As is our tradition, the three who disagree will battle you to gauge your ablities and heart themselves. Defeat them in honorable battle, and they will step aside. You may use one pokemon in battle, the arena is just below us" The Elder told them before showing them the way.
The arena was definitely large, probably rivaled the gym stadiums themselves. One of the female would challenge Jen and Aura, after all, Lucario vs Lucario could go, in ether way. The strongest of the three, the other female would challenge Liam and the sole Male would challenge Shinranui.
(So this battles are player controlled since there NPC, each would have a Lucario movement at Lv 50 non competitive. There stats would be maxed out, I'll leave the battles to you guys so we don't end up making the battles last longer then they need to)