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Location: "Innocuous" Warehouse
Interactions: Spark Gal @sassy1085, Render @Akayaofthemoon

Where the hell did this wannabe hero get off talking like that? He even tried playing into their exaggerated theatrics, and all he got was being called a dumbass? His attempts at being patient were breaking steadily. Surely HERO wouldn't mind if SSV was...Lightly disabled? It was evident on his face that his irritation at the situation was growing, with a scowl beginning to curl onto it. Luckily, it was dark enough to be relatively unnoticeable.

"Y'know, I wouldn't bring it up unless it was more of a 'you' concern than a 'me' concern. If things go up in flames, I'll manage, but you? I wonder..." He shouted out to the smart-ass vigilante, the malice clearly coming through in his voice. It was slowly becoming less of an act and more real ill intent towards this shadow-stalking sycophant.

That line of thought was thankfully cut into by Sparkles right next to him, chiming in on his choice to vocalize with their target. Before he speaks up, Leon consciously reminds himself to lighten his tone again; it wouldn't do him any good being this way around the only vaguely competent individual around him. Where were the others?! "Sorry to say it, but direct conflict isn't really my forte. But, trust me, I'm doing plenty just being here." His scowl had shifted into a smirk, and he gave a quick wink to his glittery companion mainly because looking at her for too long literally burned his eyes. And, luckily for her, he completely misses her own attempt at returning the wink.

However, in that glorious moment as Beth is going to light up the warehouse, strike down the vigilante, and let them go on with their damn lives....


Leon's field of vision is suddenly covered in stark white. A partially muffled "Fuck!" is audible as he stumbles in blindness, luckily catching himself on one of the nearby lab tables and, in an odd coincidence of movements, slides on his mysterious assailant....Which is to say, a white lab coat. Classic comic-book level stuff. As his eyes adjusted back to the relative darkness of their surroundings, he looked down on himself with a deep sigh. He could definitely rock anything, but this was pushing it...

However, what he found caught his attention more was how this happened. He hadn't seen anyone throw it at him, and as he gave a cursory glance around, it was clear they had lost track of Shadow Scythe Vengeance. That, and his 'competent individual' floundering around in a similar coat. "Sheesh, just...Just hold still for a moment!" Grabbing ahold of her as best he could, Leon worked Beth out of her own white prison, tossing her coat to the side. "Alright, get yourself together Sparkles, we lost that smartass again...Looks like we might have more than one problem crawling about here." Even if his irritated expression wasn't clear in the shadows around them, it was evident in his tone of voice. However, before he continued, he shifted a bit and felt a weight in one of the pockets.

Curious, he put a small bit of distance between himself and his disco-ball of a partner, digging into it...And finding a wallet, which when leafed briefly through produced a few hundred dollar bills. 'Huh. Silver linings, I suppose. If I remember, Vance brought up a new fancy restaurant uptown...' He thought to himself, a bit of his composure returning as he pocketed the hard cash and tossed the wallet to the wayside. Perhaps things weren't all terrible. And to be honest, while it was a bit garish, the coat could serve as a bit of protection in a pinch. It's all about the bright side, y'know?

Before Leon could launch into a new plan with Beth, a familiar but notably absent face emerged, and asked a simple question.

"Are you two alright?"

He couldn't help it. His face twitched in annoyance. What about any of this was alright?! The stupid vigilante kept slipping away, there was obviously some kind of conspirator that could even catch him unaware, and now said stupid vigilante was nowhere to be seen! Before he fully snapped on her though, he took a deep breath, clenching a fist in one of the coat's pockets. See, it was already paying off!

"Physically? Yes! We're all too fine! But the overall situation? It could..." He takes in a sharp inhalation of breath before eventually continuing. ....Be better. And where have you been, exactly? Sparkles and I have actually been trying to handle this, and we haven't seen a glimpse of you until now..." He stood in front of Render, menacing over here with a glint of anger in his eyes. There was heavy tension in the air....Until, as casually as possible, he brought up his XL cup of cherry Coke, took a long sip, and with a sigh of contentment, backed off as if nothing had happened.

"Doesn't really matter, I s'pose. You're here now, so you can help. I know Sparkles here is packing firepower, but..." With a raised eyebrow, Leon looks appraisingly at Nilin. "What is it you do, exactly? I'm hoping for tracking, because as is, that smartass glorified crook is outta sight and outta mind." As if to sell his point, he gave a cursory scan of the area with his light. He didn't catch much, although he swore he saw one of the vigilante's legs kick into the air, as if struggling with something on the floor, but that didn't make any sense to Leon; he must be seeing things. So, with a shrug and another quick drink, he awaited the good news from their new ally who decided to show up and fuckin' do something. With any luck, at least...
Oooh, this looks interesting! As a sucker for Psychonauts, this kind of premise pushes all my buttons. With any luck, I could see about an OC within the next few days. I'll be looking forward to this! :D

Location: "Innocuous" Warehouse
Interactions: Spark Gal @sassy1085, Shadow Scythe Vengeance @Zoey Boey

Oh Gods alive! Leon had to avert his eyes as Sparkles here lit up like a Christmas tree. He supposed in the end it was helpful, given the pitch darkness and encroaching smoke, but seriously. Next time he ended up alongside this girl, he'd certainly need to nab a pair of sunglasses. Before she made her move however, much to Leon's shock, the vigilante did the unthinkable.

With a light shining bright upon them, they took this chance...To do a fuckin' monologue. In fact, it reminded Leon of the kind of thing someone would practice in front of a mirror, but saying it out loud....Cheesy couldn't begin to describe it. His face physically cringed in pain, distracting him from what he should've been doing; telling his disco ball of a fellow hero to fire already.

Before he got the chance to grip about it, though, it happened; a rain of sparks and fire hit the ceiling near the shadowy individual, just as a cloud of smoke enveloped them. Looks like they slipped out of that attempt. "Alright sparkles, not a bad first attempt. Now let's see whe- Watch it!"

Intermittent between him flicking his flashlight about and checking for signs of the vigilante in the slowly fading flashes of fireworks near the rafters, his eye caught onto a strange projectile in mid-air. Thinking quickly, but certainly not smartly, Leon darted forward, barely managing to catch the pellet before it impacted Beth. After he caught it, instinctively he flinched away from his hand, expecting it to blow up. 'What kind of idiot just catches something like this with his bare hands?!' He thought to himself, mentally preparing for the worst....And quickly figuring out that nothing was happening. Cautiously, he opened his hand, to discover the small bomb undetonated. Seemed like a dud. Sheesh, sometimes he needs to remember just who he is...

Brushing off the incident with a casual laugh, he took his side by Beth again, confidence returning to his posture and features. "Alright, like I was saying....Let's go for round two, eh?" Casually pocketing the would-be Gas Bomb, a quick flicker of his phone's light in the dark found the figure of Shadow Scythe Vengeance once more. "If you can, try and make a cluster of explosives so she doesn't have anywhere to run....But, uh, don't go too far, alright?" That errant thought crossed him by once he saw a few faint sparks leaving the air above and touching down nearby, with brief hints of fires trying to start. If they weren't careful, they'd probably blow themselves sky-high. Or more accurately, everyone but him. Heh. Being lucky definitely has its perks...

In fact, before his only seemingly active teammate in this mess of a combat continued, Leon decided that perhaps a dialogue could be had. Or at the very least, he might end up distracting the target for a moment...Taking a deep breath, and clearing his throat, Leon shouted to the rafters; "Shadow Scythe Vengeance!" He couldn't make a straight face saying that mess of a title...But he caught himself quickly. "Personally, I'd recommend you just give up the ghost and surrender quietly. The alternative, well....You've seen my associate's power here, and given the kind of place we're in, this could turn out rather poorly, don'tcha think?"

Location: "Innocuous" Warehouse
Interactions: Render @Akayaofthemoon, Piranha Boy @Hitman, Spark Gal @sassy1085

Truth be told, Leon was pretty irritated. He shows up bearing a gift, and all they can muster is a 'Thank you'? He could also tell they couldn't recognize him. Sheesh. Well, it was fine; though he was upset, there was no way he could muster ill intent towards this girl. At least not for something that petty. Between the gentle meekness behind her voice and how adorably nerdy she came off as, she was being firmly written down in his mind. He'd definitely have to catch her name after this madness is said and done....And possibly a number.

Then the new girl rolled in.

She, uh....Certainly had a style about her. Leon practically had to avert his gaze for the first few seconds, it was so violently....What was a nice way to put it....Outgoing? Sure, he could appreciate some effort in dressing for the occasion, but the glitter....He felt like he needed a vacuum. Still, now wasn't the time to question fashion choices though perhaps later.

Much to Leon's chagrin, however, as he was about to respond to the heroine's suggestion for them to get battle-ready, their attention was stolen away. Damn... That left him with sparkles here. Oh well, what was it dad always said? Work with what you got...? He turned his attention over to her, giving a small albeit somewhat forced chuckle to her proclamation of them being 'party people'. In his case it wasn't far off, but Leon could imagine just how inaccurate it was towards her fellow heroine. Regardless....

"Well then, I believe it's showtime. Hope you're ready, sparkles." He says with a sly smile, cheeky charm spilling out from him. As if on cue to his words, darkness struck the warehouse. Unbelievably, even in the inky black that descended upon them, he could still see the damn glitter....Taking his eyes off that, he hastily pulled out his phone, turning on its flashlight function; like that, a beam of stark light cut through the shadows....And, lo and behold, landed right on the perched vigilante above. He couldn't hide the smirk that hit his face as he snapped for his gleaming companion's attention.

"Target's there. Don't suppose you've got some ranged firepower?" There was always the chance he was wrong, but....Something told him his hunch was on the money here. With her stealthy approach effectively stunted, as long as this girl was packing something with a bit of kick on it, this was as good as cinched. That paycheck'll make for a nice buffet visit afterwards....

Location: "Innocuous" Warehouse
Interactions: Render @Akayaofthemoon, Piranha Boy @Hitman

What a buzzkill. That was the first thing that came to Leon's mind when this was the mission handed to him. His first proper mission, no less! They were there to just snare some wannabe heroine, and get her to either quit the vigilante act, or move to HERO. Seriously, he couldn't have been handed a more cut and dry mission! He didn't go through that hellscape of an interview for this...

But, alas, it wasn't up to him. As he casually drove in his high-end, open-hood car, letting the breeze of the city take him as he stared off into the starless night. With any luck, this night would somehow become interesting....And fortunately for him, luck was always right by his side. Before any good job though, one needs the proper supplies.

A quick stop by a 7-11 produced a freshly-made hot dog, and an odd turn of good luck; a 2-for-1 deal on soft drinks. Strange...He wasn't so thirsty as to want to double-up on his Coca Cola, and he didn't have anyone with him at the moment. As a wild guess, he decided his power was trying to set him up with someone he'd meet soon. Getting off on the right foot, and all that. And his instincts were telling him...

"Two cokes, one cherry."

Whoever they were, they had good taste.

Moving on, Leon coasted his way through the streets, eating and drinking while driving with only his knee. Most would call it reckless beyond all belief, but for him, this was just another Tuesday...Besides the whole, y'know, catching a vigilante and all that. But still, in due time he made it close to the target and parked nearby. He was lucky, but there was no point being overly conspicuous, right? And so, leaving his million dollar car behind with the keys still there, absolutely confident no one would steal it, he strode forth.

He had been told that more casual wear was ideal for this mission; anything too flashy or heroic could cause any number of issues, and while Leon had absolute confidence in his ability, he'd humor them. This time. He simply wore a black top, some brownish slacks, and stark white sneakers, all in peak condition though. The only stand-out part of his attire well, besides his immaculate self was his dice earring. It's...Personal to him. Beyond this however, all he walked into the hidden entrance with was a sparkle in his beautiful purple eyes and a confident grin.

The smell immediately hit him. Ugh! He couldn't hold back from pinching his nose...For but a moment. Fortunately, he seemed to adapt to the drug-addled air quickly. Resuming his confident posturing, Leon began his descent in force. Still...They were rather thorough about this operation, weren't they? He wouldn't be surprised if actual criminals had caught a whiff of this place, both literally and metaphorically.

As he made his way into the lab proper, he didn't bother with a mask; for inexplicable reasons, he felt just fine. The reek of it all was still there, certainly, but he found it far more bearable than the stuffiness of a mask. And so, he casually walked into the heart of the operation, offering winks and nods of acknowledgement to some of the glorified hirelings. However, he felt himself drawn to two individuals. Seemed like that was the hotspot.

"Salutations! Hopefully I'm not too fashionably late!" A soothing, echoed laugh came from Leon as he approached the duo, almost immediately guessing who the surprise drink was for. "Oh, and I made a little pit-stop on the way. So I ended up picking up a little something...Would you care for it, miss?" He offers the still crisply cold beverage towards Render, a charming smile on his face. Yes, tonight was going to be interesting, it seems...

It was only after he extended the offer to her that he realized the vibe of the area; seems like they were combat-ready. While he never stopped his offer towards the fine young lady, his face turned away to that of an air vent he could see far above. However, it didn't take him long to turn back towards the duo he was confronting, as lax as ever. "Is the dame of the night already making her move? And I've just gotten here..." He feigned sorrow for but a moment, before taking a casual sip of his own beverage. Time to see how everything played out...

With sort of spellcraft at his side, the Modern Warlock takes center stage!

Who needs all those fancy tricks when you've got luck on your side?

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