Location: Paradox Engine, Simulated Universe #1 (Open Fields, Current Simulation: Unknown)
Mentions: Bonesaw @Lewascan2, Cyrus @Randomness, and Shadow Moth @TruthHurts22
The knightly figure rose to his full stature now, as more and more strange individual began to emerge; 10 feet of steel-clad regality towered above the more modestly sized strangers, glancing around at the new arrivals as a brief wind billowed through his cape. No doubt that Bonesaw would be interested in a new development she could only have noticed now; while the suit did indeed appear quite airtight, prior to his arrival, something must have happened. The helm of his suit, while still mostly in acceptable condition, looked a bit seared, and more notably, the visor of it seemed irrevocably cracked open.
Driscoll only took notice of it when his feed of vision outside of the Forever King began to suffer, static clinging to the sides and his gaze obscured by the nasty crack across the length of his sight. He could only scoff. Tennyson would pay for that indignation...If indeed the teen hero still lived. He had a vile sense in his stomach that that was the case; that boy was not so easy to dispose of...
On-board systems were down as well. No predictive AI or the like...Aggravating. Trying to take his attention off of this, he glanced from person to person, though his gaze notably hovered over the beast next to the gaunt individual's side. Another alien? It was unlike any Driscoll had ever seen, but that didn't mean much in a galaxy full of savages...
Still, even beyond that, it was a strange bunch. Seemingly some form of child, whom he could only guess couldn't be any older than 14, though oddly enough he managed to catch her some form of surgical supplies. A doctor, at her age? Peculiar...And perhaps concerning, but this situation was already concerning enough. The man with the fiendish-looking hound had a surprisingly calm composure in spite of the situation at hand, which Driscoll accounted to the same reason he did not panic; a man of leadership, used to grasping even the most chaotic situations by the reins and pulling them in.
Trying to lead a madman like Doctor Animo teaches you something of that.
Lastly, though, was another man who also had the confidence to speak up; respectable, even if his choice of ware was...Questionable. He was certainly extravagant, if nothing else. Though, Driscoll had not missed out on the man's brief outburst at his situation. He couldn't claim to understand much of anything that was said, but he was sharp enough to put two and two together. It seemed this man, at the very least, had some....Shared problems with those who did not know their place. That was enough for Driscoll to address him first, dusting off some light debris from the armor and clearing some of the soot smudging off his visor, revealing a baleful, dull red gaze, hampered only slightly by the violent crack across the length of it.
"So it would seem. I cannot claim to know the answers to either of your questions, and I safely assume we are all...Somewhat disconcerted by this turn of events." As he made that claim, while it was impossible to see under his helmet, he made a passing glance towards the young lady to the side. She seemed to be taking things in stride...Uncomfortably so. Regardless, his attention returned to Gabriel.
"Since, for the time being, I believe we are all indisposed and without clear direction, introductions are in order." Showing a surprising amount of flexibility for the heft of his suit, Driscoll performs a bow. "I am the Forever King, ruler of the Forever Knights. Although, I suspect such words might ring hollow to you all...So you may also refer to me as Driscoll. Sir Driscoll."