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Location: Paradox Engine, Simulated Universe #1 (Open Fields, Current Simulation: Unknown)

Mentions: Bonesaw @Lewascan2, Cyrus @Randomness, and Shadow Moth @TruthHurts22

The knightly figure rose to his full stature now, as more and more strange individual began to emerge; 10 feet of steel-clad regality towered above the more modestly sized strangers, glancing around at the new arrivals as a brief wind billowed through his cape. No doubt that Bonesaw would be interested in a new development she could only have noticed now; while the suit did indeed appear quite airtight, prior to his arrival, something must have happened. The helm of his suit, while still mostly in acceptable condition, looked a bit seared, and more notably, the visor of it seemed irrevocably cracked open.

Driscoll only took notice of it when his feed of vision outside of the Forever King began to suffer, static clinging to the sides and his gaze obscured by the nasty crack across the length of his sight. He could only scoff. Tennyson would pay for that indignation...If indeed the teen hero still lived. He had a vile sense in his stomach that that was the case; that boy was not so easy to dispose of...

On-board systems were down as well. No predictive AI or the like...Aggravating. Trying to take his attention off of this, he glanced from person to person, though his gaze notably hovered over the beast next to the gaunt individual's side. Another alien? It was unlike any Driscoll had ever seen, but that didn't mean much in a galaxy full of savages...

Still, even beyond that, it was a strange bunch. Seemingly some form of child, whom he could only guess couldn't be any older than 14, though oddly enough he managed to catch her some form of surgical supplies. A doctor, at her age? Peculiar...And perhaps concerning, but this situation was already concerning enough. The man with the fiendish-looking hound had a surprisingly calm composure in spite of the situation at hand, which Driscoll accounted to the same reason he did not panic; a man of leadership, used to grasping even the most chaotic situations by the reins and pulling them in.

Trying to lead a madman like Doctor Animo teaches you something of that.

Lastly, though, was another man who also had the confidence to speak up; respectable, even if his choice of ware was...Questionable. He was certainly extravagant, if nothing else. Though, Driscoll had not missed out on the man's brief outburst at his situation. He couldn't claim to understand much of anything that was said, but he was sharp enough to put two and two together. It seemed this man, at the very least, had some....Shared problems with those who did not know their place. That was enough for Driscoll to address him first, dusting off some light debris from the armor and clearing some of the soot smudging off his visor, revealing a baleful, dull red gaze, hampered only slightly by the violent crack across the length of it.

"So it would seem. I cannot claim to know the answers to either of your questions, and I safely assume we are all...Somewhat disconcerted by this turn of events." As he made that claim, while it was impossible to see under his helmet, he made a passing glance towards the young lady to the side. She seemed to be taking things in stride...Uncomfortably so. Regardless, his attention returned to Gabriel.

"Since, for the time being, I believe we are all indisposed and without clear direction, introductions are in order." Showing a surprising amount of flexibility for the heft of his suit, Driscoll performs a bow. "I am the Forever King, ruler of the Forever Knights. Although, I suspect such words might ring hollow to you all...So you may also refer to me as Driscoll. Sir Driscoll."
@Crimson Flame

Ooh, we got some DC rep here now! Ivy is accepted, under a slight stipulation; she won't be able to perfectly control conscious plant life. Still has a lot of sway on them, but it'd be resistable after a time. Just to make sure every time Ben turns into Swampfire or something he isn't immediately brainwashed xD

Point is, accepted! Make her way over to Characters!

Hi! Yeah, we're still accepting; and I intend to keep that going for a while longer, in case anyone else crops up like you have. :)

To answer your duo question as I answered it previous with Truth, I've agreed that uniting them as one 'character' is probably going to be for the best, and I'd say especially so for your suggestion, given that otherwise poor Tai here would be in some hot water lmao.

I'd say for the sheet, make the focus Tai, but in the Powers section, bring attention to Agumon and its capabilities and whatnot, since he effectively functions as the boy's 'powers'. Also a good place to just generally talk about Agumon beyond its abilities.

Location(s): Control Center, Paradox Engine.

Mentions: Merlin @ActRaiserTheReturned, Bruno Bucciarati @Lewascan2, Terra @Dead Cruiser, and Danny @Crimson Flame

Hearing Danny say his part, being a world-renowned hero of his own that none of the rest have heard of, Ben couldn't help but sigh; which brought another brief wince of pain. "Yeah, that just about sells me on it..." Though before he could continue, after helping the strangely dressed individual to his feet (or close enough to his feet), the lady who called herself Terra gave a smattering of questions, one of which Ben couldn't help but facepalm at.

Maybe he couldn't exactly speak for Dan, but he could say for certain the old-timer, himself, and Bruno looked plenty human. "Duh, we're human! What else would we be? Uh, although maybe I shouldn't talk there, hehe...." Ben responded, his tone shifting from annoyance to embarrassment quickly. Yeah, maybe calling himself 'just a human' wasn't exactly on the dot. Still, once he was certain the injured man was standing of his own volition, Ben turned his full attention to the Viltrumite. "Yeah, I'm from Earth. Seems Danny is too, and I'm willing to bet our pal here is as well," He jutted a thumb towards Bruno to indicate him. "...Verdict's out on the old-timer though. But my guess is we aren't all exactly from the same Earth....And yeah, for the record, not only am I fine..." His confidence and stancing belied the pain he was in; yep, something was definitely wrong. Did something get knocked out of place fighting Driscoll? That'd be his luck...

"...But I'm totally a superhero. The intergalactic, butt-kicking kind." That grin of his had returned, giving off an air of arrogance...Though perhaps an earned amount. Before he could continue though, it seemed their friend found the strength to speak, as he gave his name and his thanks. All par for the course...

And then he yanked his hand away and licked his sweat. "Ewww! What the heck'd you go and do that for?! Bruno promptly gave him his answer. Honestly, the dude sounded nuts, and Ben knew his fair share of nutcases. But something about Bucciarati's eyes...They reminded him of grandpa Max's, determined and sharp. As much as he wanted to joke and snark about a dude who would lick up sweat, he couldn't help but take it seriously.

When he saw him gasp from his burst of energy, Ben thought the dude was about to collapse, and nearly rushed in to help...Until his eyes caught sight of something behind him, propping up his exhausted body. He...Had no idea what to make of it, and honestly, there were already way too many questions to answer. Later.

His gaze turned directly to Ben, and for a brief moment he froze up, like when he was ten and Max was about to reprimand him for doing something stupid and selfish, but it soon dropped when he realized the topic of the conversation. "Yeah, that...Well, first of all, I wouldn't call it compatible. I just sorta shoved it in hoping for the best." Ben turned his gaze to where he had probed in with the tail, and was surprised to see whatever damage he might've accrued with that move was nowhere to be seen. Sheesh, another piece of a puzzle...Shaking his head, the teen hero continued on. Taking a deep breath, he looked to the rest of the people present here. If they thought things were weird before, well....It was gonna get weirder.

"So, I sorta have experience with time travel, dimensional travel...That kinda stuff." He couldn't imagine the kind of reactions this would elicit from the others, but he pressed onwards. "And since I know how I ended up here, it gives me the feeling that, well...This could have something to do with one or the other? Or both? When he brought up the idea of it being both, he gave a long groan. "I really hope it isn't both....But the point is, I think we're all from different dimensions. I have zero clue why we all got brought here, but..." Glancing around, Ben saw the screens begin to flicker to life, and the light of some sort of control board encircling the core brightening. ...I know who to dial up to get some answers. But hey, gramps?" Ben glanced over to Merlin, not looking angry or malicious...More peeved than anything. "Don't do any dumb magic stuff on me again, alright?"

With that, the hero got to work. Pressing two fingers to a strange device on his wrist, a holographic circle popped up, and it seemed to cycle through a shocking number of strange icons. As he passed through the catalogue of alien lifeforms, they all could hear Ben muttering to himself now and again.

"No....Not that one....Sheesh, The Worst? Yeah, no....There!" Seemingly satisfied with his choice, he raised his fingers up, and what seemed to be the core of this peculiar contraption jutted up into the air, crackling briefly with green energy. Without hesitation, Ben made a practiced smack to the Omnitrix; one he had done hundreds of times, and as the emerald flash began to fade, one could start to hear the clinking of chitinous legs...

A new, but just as bizarre, creature stood where Ben once had; crab-like in nature, though its cranium seemed far too oversized, as the tightly set mouth curved into a small grin. "Ah, yes! The superior intellect afforded to me as the highest caliber of the Cerebrocrustacean species shall make short work of this peculiar predicament we all have found ourselves interwoven into!" The voice had a notably British tone to it, and spoke quickly and eloquently as it skittered over to the controls, tapping a few keys on the console. Unbeknownst to the rest, mentally, holographic screens began to project into Brainstorm's mind, drawing a small "Intriguing..." From the highly intelligent crustacean.

Data flowed into his gigantic brain, but in spite of all his smarts, it was clear to the onlookers that whatever was going on, even this self-declared genius was feeling overwhelmed to an extent. "Erm...I see, yes...Well...Aha!" Having some sort of breakthrough, Brainstorm turned his attention back to the group, but not before two slots opened in the lower compartments of the control board, jutting out two strange thin black rectangles, one of which the Cerebrocrustacean snatched up for his upcoming example...Though he struggled for a moment. Pincers make it tricky for precision grip, you know.

"Strangers, companions, and acquaintances! I call your attention to this, first and foremost." Bringing the rectangle into view, he grasped both ends of the contraption with his pincers, and as he pulled away, a holographic map came into focus, showing a massive, multi-level station of sorts. At first, there also seemed to be some gobbledy-gook written on it; a strange alien language none of them could hope to understand, or comprehend in reasonable time. Taking notice of that, Brainstorm looked a tad abashed.

"...Ahem! One moment, please." Turning away for a brief second, it could be disturbing to witness the top of Brainstorm's head open, revealing his gargantuan grey matter, which promptly began to precisely weave electricity into the device, slowly dismantling and reassembling it. By the time he returned and raised the map once more; this time with simple electrokinesis instead of his awkward claws, one word stood out amongst all of them, in the corner, in large print....

"I would like to welcome all of you to the so-called 'Paradox Engine'."

In that case, with those placed in mind...I believe I can officially accept Ganon.


I'd love to review these two (I mean, hell, is that hero Megatron?), but you're missing a certain something that I need to credify that you read my rules.

Name: Ganon

Nicknames/Titles: Ganondorf, King Of Evil

Age: ??? Millenia

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Villain

Personality: A schemer, but also a ruthless dictator and monstrous cur to his absolute core. He works well both as a brazen dictator and a manipulator.

Biography: Eons ago, the god of evil, Demise was defeated by Link the Legendary Hero. Demise left a curse on Hyrule, that his hatred would form into a wicked blight on the land of Hyrule, and would try to conquer the world every time he was reborn.


Other: (Where to put anything these broader sections might've missed)
Wielder of the Triforce of Power.

As for my favorite super power, my answer is the same. Magic.

Alright, rundown time. First off, hider, my guy. Second...Maybe pick a more recognizable picture of ganon? Most people don't know him as a wrinkly old sorcerer anymore; heck, even pig ganon would be more recognizable lol. And now, the powers. That I can't obviously understand/need questioning/need nerfs.

  • Can Only Be Harmed With White/Holy Magic - Well, obviously, a big no since pretty much no one is normally capable of those things lol.
  • Teleportation - I believe Ganon is only capable of short-distance warping, correct? If so, no issues. Otherwise...Definitely weakened.
  • Necromancy - You mean...Like, all the undead enemies in Zelda? Or like, honest-to-God Necromancy? If I can get that clarified, it'd be nice.
  • Invisibility - ...Ganon can turn invisible? Far as I can find online, this isn't apart of his power set...Unless you're referring to that Shadow of Darkness thing, in which case...I mean, ya made its own section lol.
  • Banishment to the Dark World - Yeah....No. We've got more than enough worlds here already, thanks. xD
  • Magic Resistance - Similarly to others with this ability, it'll be softened, but still around; you'll handle magic better than most.
  • Healing/Regeneration - As long as it isn't too strong; the good guys still need to be able to put him down, or they'll be fighting him for hours.
  • Clairvoyance - Well, depending on the potency of said clairvoyance...Maybe. He better not be peeking into the future or anything though.
  • Portal Creation - Again, not something I can find...And regardless of the validity, depending what these portals can do, they might be too much. Hard to say, would like clearer definition.
  • Curse/Spatial Manipulation & Dimensional Travel - Probably best for all of these to be ignored. The first two because they're way too vague and possibly ridiculous (especially Spatial Manipulation), and Dimensional Travel because, well...If he could, there would be nothing stopping him from ditching this place lol.
  • Attack Reflection (Magic) - Again, like his Magic Resistance, would be nerfed; would find it harder to deflect magical assaults.

...Alright, I think that's everything. My only other concern is, well...Ganondorf isn't exactly known to be the best team player (shocker as a bad guy, I know), but I'm afraid he could end up solo and leave you with little RP opportunity. I could be wrong, but that's just my thoughts on the matter. If you can address these concerns, then I'll see about accepting him.

Y'know, never gave much thought to Miraculous Ladybug itself, but Shadow Moth here looks pretty dope! And honestly, nothing looks particularly in need of nerfing; plus, who doesn't love a villain who can make other baddies (or potentially power-up existing ones).

In other words, accepted! Get him into Characters and see about posting him up once ya can!

Location(s): Control Center, Paradox Engine.

Mentions: Merlin @ActRaiserTheReturned, Bruno Bucciarati @Lewascan2, Terra @Dead Cruiser, and Danny @Crimson Flame

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa! So much happened that even as XLR8, Ben's head would've been spinning to keep up. Feedback barely had time to glance his singular eye to Danny before an old man popped in behind him, and without warning, he was held up a few feet above the ground, grunting in effort. "H-hey! This how you greet an intergalactic superhero, old timer?!" His struggles were made worse with the fact that he'd just spent all that energy, not to mention the adrenaline wearing off from his fight with Driscoll. The sting of those crashes were catching up to him...

Before the wizened old man could respond, another newcomer popped into the scene. And her introduction left something to be desired...Seriously, single out the weirdest looking guy in the room and say he's a kidnapper? Not. Cool. That much was clear on Feedback's deadpan expression staring at the person who called themselves Terra. And they were an agent of the...Viltrum Empire? Didn't ring any bells. In fact, Ben's gears started to turn in his head...

This lady could recognize he was an alien, but it seems the others were clueless; heck, the white-haired guy called him a ghost! Heh, if only he knew about Ghostfreak...Still, it was even stranger that while she could point out he was extraterrestrial, she couldn't recognize him as Ben Tennyson. He began putting the pieces together, and came to his conclusion with a groan.

"Alright, alright. I think I've got a good idea of what's going on. Lemme just..." While the telekinetic bonds were strong, Ben had a lot of practice as Feedback; sneakily jamming his tail back into the core, he siphoned back a bit of the energy, and with a surge of strength through electrically-powered muscle, he forced his hand to the symbol on his chest, and in a flash of light that broke the spell, there stood...

A completely normal human.

Ben didn't hide the grin on his face, knowing he'd get some great reactions from these people; he was used to it, but it didn't make it any less fun to see. "Name's Ben Tennyson. Protector of Earth, Savior of the Universe three....Maybe four times? But I doubt any of you get what I'm saying, so..."

Ben's attention was snatched away. In spite of the situation, and accusations coming in from all sides, he couldn't help but notice the man nearly collapsed to the floor, clearly in pain. He, uh, dressed...Differently. But still, Ben knew a person in need when he saw them, and he didn't hesitate to drop all pretenses and stride towards the struggling Bucciarati.

"Hey, you alright? You're not looking great...Here, let me help you up." His cheesy grin from before was replaced by a face of genuine concern as he reached down, offering a hand to the confused and suffering Stand User. If these people weren't happy about this, then they could take it up with him later; when there's someone in trouble, he always knew what he had to do. If Bruno was paying attention, he could also tell just how selfless the young man was. Judging from his slight limp and the pained gritting of teeth as he leaned down to offer his hand, he wasn't in the best of shape either.

I, um....Definitely didn't forget about this post like a bad GM. I think Ayesha's fine! Although the defining of her powers is a touch vague, though I'd expect that given she's from some kind of RPG or the sort it seems. Accepted! Just don't expect that dress of hers to stop as much as she'd hope, or for that staff to do as much work as she needs xD

He seems a little powerful, so i built him in with an easy way to kill him. If this doesn't work out, i've got some other ideas.

Yeah, gotta agree with Lewas here; reimaginings are one thing, but you began dragging in a whole different universe with Gotham and Mr. Freeze, and, yeah, the weakness of Infinity Stones is pretty pointless. Unless a Simulated Universe is running a simulation involving them in some manner, they'll almost never come up, and would certainly be functionless inside the Paradox Engine itself.

So as things are....I'll need to say no here.
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