"Just my luck, getting to babysit some super-brats...It'll be interesting, at least."
Name: Atsushi Fukuda
Alias: N/A....?
Nicknames: Director, Fukuda-San (by some of his staff he's more personal with)
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Personality: Atsushi has the kind of personality that rubs higher-ups the wrong way; where they would prefer secrecy and subtlety, he prefers being upfront and
brutally honest, in a business where, truth be told, deceptions are the norm. Not to say he won't, because he's also a smart enough man to recognize
some necessity in the system...But he doesn't budge when he can afford not to, and won't hesitate to handle things his way when given the chance. He fully believes all the bureaucratic bullshit is nothing more than that. Bullshit. Sadly, it's the kinda bullshit you can't just wipe off clean and good as new. Something had to change....But for now, this status quo would need to stick.
Beyond the business aspects of things, Fukuda prefers to be as amicable as possible with those he interacts with. Not always because he actually likes or appreciates these individuals; in fact, more often than not, that certainly isn't the case. However, he finds it easier to play nice and not start shit when he can help it. This even extends to violent situations, where he'd rather turn to his words over full-blown combat...And for some reason, you can get the sense from him that it
isn't because he can't hold his own. It's a courtesy.
Overall, Fukuda-San might not be the kindest authority figure, but he knows how to extend an olive branch, and he wants to. You'd be surprised how rare that can be amongst those in power...And ultimately, while he might snark or groan, he has high hopes for The Wards Initiative. After all, he's the one that pitched it. Though he can't claim he fully anticipated being the one to head it...
Appearance: Atsushi tries to keep his
look professional, even if his attitude usually isn't. He wears a sleek black suit, on which he typically keeps a PRT badge pinned on the side, and underneath that is a crisp white dress shirt, long-sleeved and perfectly ironed. His dark red tie, a bit out of shape from years of use, is a token from his days back in Japan, and he wears it anywhere he goes. His pants are a matching shade of black to his suit, and he normally wears field-ready brown boots. Perhaps in the hopes he can get out of the office work from time to time...
During colder days, he opts for a fairly puffy black coat and a pair of snow boots; wintertime gets pretty awful down in Redline, truth be told.
Physically speaking, Fukuda appears to be a fairly unassuming Japanese man, standing at roughly 5'9 and weighing barely 140 lbs., he doesn't look the most intimidating or tough. Kind of a string bean, almost, but those who can catch details can tell that in spite of first appearances, he's well-trained and tougher than he looks. Beyond that, he has a mess of brown hair that he clearly doesn't put too much thought or effort into, and steely grey eyes that can come off as equal parts intimidating and unassuming. His skin tone's gotten a bit pale, but that's to be expected being stuck behind a desk for nearly two years.
Biography: Atsushi Fukuda's life story...Isn't what you're getting here. What you need to know is that he's a man whose been through plenty of shit and come out on top
or at least alive in order to be here. While his attitude might give you the wrong impression, he's a man whose earned a lot of respect for his work, even if most of it is widely unknown by the public, prior to him becoming the Director of Redline's PRT. And after becoming the Director, he's got a lot of big plans in mind, both for the PRT at large, Redline, and even Capes in general, if he can get his way without crashing and burning.
Thus, The Wards Initiative.
The quantity, not even mentioning quality, of Hero Capes has slowly been going down, while villains keep digging their way from the woodworks. Something had to change....And Fukuda offered an answer. It's common for most Capes to have their Trigger Events when they're younger, and without proper guidance or watch, they're bound to strike off on their own and eventually end up on the wrong side of the law. This Initiative could change that; take young Capes and help mold them into the upstanding figures they could become! Or at the very least, get some vigilantes and...Vaguely reasonable youthful super-crooks under wraps. 'Course, when he made the pitch, Fukuda didn't count on being the guy having to
manage all these munchkins...But sometimes, ya deal with the hand you're dealt. This is one of those times.
Now, let's see if he can get these brats into fighting shape...
Powers/Skills: [REDACTED]
- Atsushi has experience in spades, both as a field combatant and an off-field director.
- In spite of his build, he's well-trained in a few forms of martial arts and quite physically capable.
- Fukuda seems to possess a natural mind for stratagem and foreseeing potential outcomes. No doubt some of the qualities that landed him this position.
- His marksmanship is top-notch, even if he rarely has reason to put that into practice.
- Fukuda-San is very skilled with reading individuals; perhaps the main reason they chose him to head this Initiative.
Other: Atsushi has a hobby of buying guns, and appreciates being able to take them apart and admire the craftsmanship before putting it back together, sometimes with his own little touches. Not a Tinker by far though, just something he does for fun.