A bit of a delay, and I apologize. Mintz knows I was working on this character for a bit, and, while I had intended to go more brutish earlier, art helped with coming up with this.
Of course changes and things are fine. Blah blah blah. Lets get this man in here.
Also, cause I forgot, I have a strong preference for more the robotic Sci-Fi elements. Like Gundam, Transformers, etc. Though I can sit down and enjoy about anything."Why make it fancy when its just easier to pull the trigger?"Character
Name: Aftershot
Nicknames/Titles: Small Shadow, Bot, Comet
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Ship Role: Marksman/Stealth Operations
Race: Cybertronian (otherwise known as Bots)Cybertronian History(There is some stuff changed here so… Let’s let an on and off again fan come up with this)
Cybertronians are this race of mechanical beings originating from Cybertron, with the ability to transform into a variety of different forms, though typically they stick to vehicles. They also primarily stick to one form per bot, as any more could lead to mental or physical torment. Their bodies can be modified to store their built in weapons, navigation, and flying systems, with almost all of them having the ability to fly while in robot mode, though only for short distances.
Cybertronians do not need typical things like food, oxygen, etc that many of the other races would need to survive. Instead, they consume energy to power themselves, with their preferred source of energy being aptly named Energon, which is a very fine and volatile gem-like resource filled with disruptive energy, sometimes even being too dangerous if consumed raw. Yet it provides the most amount of energy for a Cybertronian’s large body.
Speaking of, their physique typically has the bots being on the taller end, with the average height being that of a two story building and many of their alternative forms being vehicles for smaller races to ride around in. However, due to recent Energon shortages, and reliance on other power sources, many have taken to adopting smaller forms for ease of travel and more fuel efficiency. These forms typically are the size of an average humanoid, though they are fiercely dense. Weapons are also typically implemented within the Cybertronian built for war, with their arm often swapping between a normal hand, blaster, and some sort of melee weapon. Many non-combat bots have used this feature to allow them to quickly have access to the tool they need.
Cybertronians are advanced enough to come up with space travel and a lot of energy based weapons. They also have a rich sense of culture, exploring different avenues of music, art, etc. Many of them are pacifists, preferring to be scholars or architects, though there are enough stubborn blockheads and “wreckers,” a term often meant to refer to the more battle ready individuals, that they have developed multiple arenas for fighting.
However, they had a very harsh cast system set in place, where a Cybertronian is stuck in a job that they were designed for, and could never progress outside of that position. This has led to a massive civil war that span multiple decades, and even a couple of planets, before eventually coming to an end a year back, with compromises to try and eliminate the cast system for a more democratic vote, and allowing bots to do what they want, while being upgraded to perform certain tasks, with the option of changing it later.Personality
Aftershot is a very serious, solemn, and reserved type of character. Actions speak louder than words to him, and he tries to get others to go along with this endeavor. He does fine many of the juvenile antics overly distracting and entirely unnecessary to get the job across, and may often prefer to work alone despite all that the team has done. Its just easier and more efficient that way.
Aftershot did go through the downsizing process, and does not regret it a bit. He did everything for his native race, his friends, his family. Shrinking down to give them more energy was a choice he was willing to make, even if some older bots make fun of him for it. This mindset also led as to why he joined the Decepticon movement in the first place, to overthrow the caste system and get bots a proper place.
Despite the rougher exterior, Aftershot is just a very sad bot, reminiscing about the war his people has gone through, and being one of the major leading members of this tyrannical leadership, having caused many different events due to his various modes and abilities. Aftershot was not a nice person, and his actions had consequences. Right now, he is just trying to look for redemption.
Aftershot does despise his weapon mode, as he claims it takes all his freedom and energy to deliver some powerful assaults. Using it too much can leave him feeling quite drained or sick as well.
Aftershot does often pick up various hobbies, ranging from card games to music, with it bouncing back and forth. He doesn’t want to talk about what happens, and prefers to keep his mind busy.BiographyAftershot was born on Cybertron, and almost immediately set into being a working class carrier bot, whose purpose was to deliver packages to different corresponding bots on the planet, or in other words: A delivery bot. Through this, Aftershot constantly saw the tribulations of his fellow Cybertronians, with many being left behind and unable to get out of their poverty and energy deficient ways. He was even looked down upon due to his more menial task that they could program other drones to do.
To vent his frustrations, Aftershot often went to the arena, watching as many strong and powerful bots clashed against each other. While he could never participate himself, being well under the weight requirement, he witnessed the sheer glory of the fight. Aftershot was a big fan of the ring leader, seeing his ploy and battle prowess.
After a while though, the reigning champ stopped coming. Doing his usual rounds, Aftershot noticed the champion again, this time on a monitor depicting his philosophy and how the world should change. ZNo bot would be left behind, and he was willing to go to the head council to pronounce this with a good friend of his that works in the data banks. Stocked for this as he wanted to see a better place for his people, Aftershot quickly joined this Decepticon side, and went to every rally he could.
Then the day came. The council had finally listened and allowed the champion and his friend to talk to them about changing the state of Cybertron. It was a long debate, but eventually the champion walked out. A solemn look was across his face as he mentioned to the crowd of Decepticons that the people on the council have ruled against the masses, and it was time to stand up for the little people. Everything that could be said to get the Decepticons to revolt, he said it, and they did.
So started the Cybertronian Civil War. Aftershot quickly enrolled to help the Decepticons on the belief that the council didn’t hear them. While Aftershot was never much of a fighter, he quickly rose through the ranks due to his unique speed and a surprisingly intuitive use of blasters. He even managed to hide and store away data to a very important military ship the Autobots used. However, this was never enough, and, feeling like he had to step up his game, Aftershot volunteered for some tricky augments.
The first few were simple enough. Obtain a throwable weapon that could be used in melee combat? Yes.Some more weapon augments for situational sniping? Yes. Stealth option? Yes. While all painful in their own right, they definitely seemed to help, even though Aftershot would’ve preferred a canon similar to the champ’s or EMP blasters similar to his second in command. The next two were the hardest and most painful.
While Aftershot was willing to shrink down to conserve energy, he didn’t expect it to involve quite as many shocks and dangerous experiments. Can always blame the lead scientist for his more deranged experiments for the logical mind. However, he didn’t expect his third mode to be added in. Instead of being a small ship, now Aftershot could transform into a miniature turret for the smaller races to use, or retract that in to attach to the bigger bots and be used either as a secondary gun, expanding his energy in exchange for saving their own ammo and energy, or for augmenting their assaults.
Despite despising this form, Aftershot tried to make good use of it when he can, even joining the front lines every now and again, and working alongside the champ himself in infiltrating a large transport vehicle that had a vast amount of Energon and information. Being used to kill the crew though…
Aftershot slowly started having doubts about the “revolution” as the champ kept calling it, but kept up his job at infiltrating different places, using his smaller size to sneak around larger bots. He even had to pull a few unique assassinations on key Autobot helpers across the two other planets that slowly became intertwined in this war. While it became easier for him, and he started adopting the efficient way as to not cause more pain to the victim, the dread was still felt.
It was close to the end of this war that Aftershot finally realized the truth. After infiltrating the Autobot headquarters, he monitored a meeting between the head bot, an upgraded version of the champ’s old friend, and some of his ground troops. Apparently the war had left major devastation in its wake, almost completely wiping out Cybertron’s lower class and running its energy dry, while devastating the population of a nearby planet, and the areas under the champ’s rule were in a much more tyrannical leadership role than expected. Many of the supposed leaders and heroes of the Decepticons were brutalizing a lot of the enslaved bits, with the lead scientist even changing some of the Autobot’s strongest soldiers into mindless beasts to turn back on them.
Ashamed for what has happened, and what he had helped, Aftershot fled. He grabbed some energon packs and kept flying out into space, using his stealth upgrades to bypass many of the blockages made up by both factions.
It must’ve been a few months later that a weakened Aftershot caught wind of the war being over while sitting at a small diner. The news broadcast even show the Autobot leader detailing the crimes, with a sorrowful look on the champ’s face. Despite meaning well, the champ got power hungry and wanted to enslave those beneath him, turning the caste system around. Though, upon feeling what it was like to be subjected beyond his control, the champ turned himself in. Many of the bots are still at large, with Aftershot’s name appearing with it. He couldn’t turn back now.He managed to find the captain a few weeks later. Despite not entirely being what both of them expected, Aftershot’s ability with weapons and stealth came in handy enough times to be willingly let aboard the crew. Now, Aftershot often spends time in his room, alternating between different hobbies or fascinations to keep his mind busy, or practicing in the shooting range.Powers/Skills
- Flight: Both in his robot and vehicle mode, Aftershot can fly, though at much slower speeds in his robot mode.
- Transformation:
- Ship: Aftershot is able to transform into a small ship, allowing others to ride him. Of course it comes with its own unique blasters for aerial or space combat. He is also able to use his stealth mode to turn invisible in this mode.
- Robot: His typical form. In this mode he walks around and talkies like a typical humanoid or alienoid being. He is able to retract his wings in a bit to give him a more sleeker form.
- Weapon: Forgoing everything else in his arsenal, Aftershot is able to transform into a large canon that can attach to other machinery, given there is a port, or a turret for others to use. While he can still talk, Aftershot cannot move of his own volition, except moving the turret up and down.
- Stealth Option: Aftershot, through augmentation, has the ability to cloak himself and make him appear invisible to both sonar and the visual eye. However, doing this for an extended period of time does take a lot of energy. It is unable to work in weapon mode.
(These are built in, but since they can be seen on the surface when Aftershot uses them, they are listed here)
- Blaster Hand: Aftershot is able to transform one or both of his hands into blasters, allowing him to shoot energy blasts separately stored as ammo from them. They can also be extended and given increased power for longer ranged shots.
- Ninja Star Augments: A bit of an odd design choice, Aftershot chose to go for small round indention in his arms that can project spinning discs that have the ability to extend claws. He tends to use these to climb, cut, or even throw for less loud ranged options. He is able to remotely control them as well, having them return when needed. Both holsters carry 5 each, for a total of 10.
- Black Visor: A small visor that can pop down to cover Aftershot’s eyes. It provides a heads up display, a visual feed through his ninja stars, and a communication tool to interact with others.
- While I used a bunch of names from the actual Transformers Universe, those are free to change.
- I did want to leave the name vague for champ, right hand man, and scientist in case Mintz wants to go crazy here, but generally they are meant to be Megatron, Starscream, and Shockwave respectively. Best friend for the champ of course being Orion Pax, later known as Optimus Prime.
- More of a cosmetic thing, when Aftershot wants to go into combat mode, two metal plates pop out from the side and cover his mouth, while his black visor pops down, fully covering him.
- Aftershot’s form now has him standing at roughly 5’11, with his weight being about 300 pounds, though still maintaining a fit physique. Its just all metal baby.
Giving him a look-over, nothing seems wrong with Aftershot here! Although he might step on some small rat-like toes with his stealthy demeanor, but beyond that, I don't see much of a problem. If you wanna talk about editing him around in some fashion to avoid it, that's cool, but otherwise...
Welcome aboard! Feel free to get him up into Characters.