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A bit of a delay, and I apologize. Mintz knows I was working on this character for a bit, and, while I had intended to go more brutish earlier, art helped with coming up with this.

Of course changes and things are fine. Blah blah blah. Lets get this man in here.

Also, cause I forgot, I have a strong preference for more the robotic Sci-Fi elements. Like Gundam, Transformers, etc. Though I can sit down and enjoy about anything.

Giving him a look-over, nothing seems wrong with Aftershot here! Although he might step on some small rat-like toes with his stealthy demeanor, but beyond that, I don't see much of a problem. If you wanna talk about editing him around in some fashion to avoid it, that's cool, but otherwise...

Welcome aboard! Feel free to get him up into Characters.

Regardless of limitations, I've already said my piece; I do not want a power like that here. If you can come up with something different or heavily work the concept you have, then I'm willing to listen, but otherwise, it is as I said. We're done with this power.
<Snipped quote by Akayaofthemoon>

I think you need to fully explain your definition of Godmodding, since all it says in rule three is to make it so nobody is super perfect and dodges all attacks and thinks things all the way through. My character will not be that. My character is not a god. It's a time power. So what? So many characters within the world of Worm have time powers. I don't get the difference between theirs and mine. I obviously don't have enough weaknesses yet, but I can add more.

I'm going to be putting my foot down here; in general, while time powers aren't foreign to Worm as a setting, they are typically aggravating to work around in a lot of ways. Not to mention how you've compared it to Eri, who has undeniably one of the craziest abilities I've ever seen, and at the very least, she has the limitation of being a literal child, alongside it needing time to stock power, and her having effectively no control over it.

So, yeah, I'll be saying no to an ability like that. I feel it would be unfun for other players to work around, and irritating for me to try and work through with my antagonistic forces. Apologies here, but I really just want this chain of complaints to come to an end.
Sheesh, this took me a really long time. Sorry for the delay, Mintz. And please let me know if there's anything I need to work on or change.

For my favorite sci-fi, my first and greatest love is Star Wars, though that's more fantasy in space than real sci-fi. I'm a big fan of the Alien franchise, and I've been getting into Star Trek a little through The Next Generation, though it's definitely not what I'm used to. I also really enjoy some of the old 4X space strategy games like Sword of the Stars and Sins of a Solar Empire.

Wex looks phenomenal! And it'll pay to have a quality pilot, that's for sure even if he'll undoubtedly get the occasional stink-eye from the Captain

Welcome aboard! Go ahead and throw this slippery little shit in Characters!
Here's my application. Please let me know if I'm light on anything

Okay, first of all...I love him. xD

I think this looks great, and I can appreciate the fact that he has some preset antagonistic forces for me to play with >:3. Still, one small nitpick is that he lacks a piece in his biography mentioning how he came into contact with The Star-Breakers; doesn't have to be anything crazy or complex though it could be hehe, but the note is nice regardless.

Beyond that small bit, Slink oughta be good to roll out!

Okay, my one ask is this; maybe have her being active for two years over three? I can buy into a 14-year-old doing this kinda crap a lot more xD

Other than that minor nitpick though, I'm a big fan of Bastion here. Get 'er up!
Have room for one more? I might be interested in making a helmsman or pilot type to round out the crew if so.

There's probably room! Excluding the Captain, we so far have three accepted characters, and given the shocking amount of interest, I'm aiming for around an 8-sized roster. You're welcome to take a shot if ya want! First come first serve right now.
@Mintz As I said, can't decide, so I'm submitting both. Feel free to pick one? I'll try to work on some drawings tomorrow.

(Note: I can PM Red's full backstory to the GM, just to prove I'm not using amnesia as a 'get out of writing free' card.

As for favorite sci-fi series, that's a tough one. Despite my love for the genre, I know I've barely scratched the surface on some of the more popular and beloved works. Futurama and The Twilight Zone are shows I tend to come back to pretty frequently though, even when I know I ought to be checking out stuff like Babylon 5 and Firefly.

Welp, without further ado, I'm happy to say that Skylar is the one joining The Star-Breakers! Welcome aboard, kid!

Also, to answer your question @Dark Light, yes. I find your sheet to be a bit below the par here, with a lot of stuff effectively left redacted, and a dreadfully short and uninformative Backstory, as well as a Personality that kinda feels all over the place to me. As is though, the main concerns would be a lack of tangible history to understand and work off of, and the amount of information that is simply left out for some reason or another.

Faeble is accepted.

"...Also, Tristan's getting his pay docked. Sticky notes, seriously?"
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