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Current I forgot what sleep feels like, and at this point, I’m too tired to care.
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Houston, I need more Sailor Moon vs Queen Beryl jokes, rn.
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Harisutosu Fukkatsu! ✨🥂
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Just a friendly reminder that Hugo Ball wearing lobster fisty cuffs while reciting Dada poetry was a thing.


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𝒊 · 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 · 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒗𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒕

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This sounds fun. I have sub'd.

C h i l d r e n o f t h e A p o c a l y p s e
A Dungeon Crawler & Open World Exploration_____________________

T H E M E S :

Exploitation of Children Man & the Natural World Extreme Competition Gender, Religion & Power

J O I N S T A T U S : A P P L Y
G M @chrysocoma C O - G M @Exit


The year is 2111. Food is scarce. Cannibalism is rampant. Currency is lucid. You are either a mislead military personnel, a child of slavery, a young nomad who may or may not know something, or a childlike metahuman with beastly instincts. It has been several generations since the nuclear fall out destroyed the world, and you know almost nothing of the world before the nuclear storm devoured it. If you are in the military, you may know the first three basics. First, there was a global pandemic. Second, there was an error in the globally approved vaccination. Third, there was a war that left a global wasteland of extreme anarchy. If you are a child of slavery, you know nothing except your best friend may be your next meal, and escaping from your masters' is almost alwats futile. However, some friends and you have just found a way to break out of your prison cells. If you are a nomad, you may be all alone or still have family. Your methods of survival are strict with seeking peace with the land, but that often means frailty and scarcer sources of food. If you are a metahuman, you sometimes cannot even remember your first name, but you know the layout of the forest like the back of your hand even if the flora and fauna can sometimes be your worst enemy. Choose a character and explore the lands. Try venturing solo out of fear of making bonds. Join up with others for a better chance of survival. Find out what happened and what is yet to happen. But, whatever you do, be careful. Survival is the only option.

IC · OOC · Char. Tab · Discord

"... I have my own lines. They haven't been crossed.
There's a magic to a story of children growing strong together in the face
of insurmountable odds. I'm hoping to find that here, or paint that picture/find
it in this bleak world."


Scavengers · Metahumans · Nomads · Military

Nests · Buildings · Cities · Countrysides
Forests · Houses · Roads

F L O R A & F A U N A
Edible · Dangerous · Hallucinatory · Haunting
Healing · Very Dangerous · Mounts
Scarce · Toxic



Real Life Face Claim
F A C T I O N :
N A M E :
N I C K N A M E : Optional unless in the Military
A G E :
S K I L L S : Choose Five (5) Skills
L E V E L :
E X P . P O I N T S :
H U N G E R :
T H I R S T :
H E A L T H :
H U M A N I T Y :
S T R E N G T H ○○○○○○○○○○
D E X T E R I T Y ○○○○○○○○○○
C O N S T I T U T I O N ○○○○○○○○○○
I N T E L L I G E N C E ○○○○○○○○○○
W I S D O M ○○○○○○○○○○
C H A R I S M A ○○○○○○○○○○

P L E A S E , R E A D A L L R U L E S & R E G U L A T I O N S
B E F O R E S U B M I T T I N G A C H A R A C T E R S H E E T .
T H A N K Y O U .

R U L E S & R E G U L A T I O N S

1. Be kind, courteous, and forgiving. GM and CO-GM have final say.

2. Your character(s) may or may not survive. The death of your character(s) may or may not be expected.

3. Do not join the game if you have problems with emotional bleeding or spillovers between players and characters.

4. Life is not fair. The game is not fair.

5. Please, reread Rule 1 for all inquiries.

“𝓞h, thank God, I thought I was going to have to plead with you to take a break.”

𝓛ord Finnegan admitted before the forever squeamish Lord Christopher and Lord Walter would arrive. Lady Alyssana was masculine (the crash courses at the Institute still played well in his mind); once she began something, she could not simply stop herself. She simply, again, had such a driven nature that she had to finish something once it was started. However, the woman had her decency. She was from the noble class and could stop herself, if she so desired.

There were women who laughed at her ambitious side. He thought them fools, like the audiences misunderstanding the humors of Shakespearean plays, and not the fools who played the fools themselves.

She was sometimes seen as someone no man would want when compared to the lavishly dressed maiden counterparts. He believed it to be particularly brilliant that she could turn scraps into beautiful pieces of art. Other men wanted more from their women. The mechanical nature of her bronze wings may have given a clue to this, but even with such steam that he would love to rust with all the intricacies of the secret stardusts, the nervous irritabilities she often portrayed in other women was indescribable sometimes.

It was not her, he was taught to believe, by all the teachings that he had learned while attending the Institute. It was them. He could read all of the pearls and diamonds of the other dames like name tags, but if the truth were to be told, they all read the same name. It was part of the reason why Le Parfum Operando was successful. It was just like the jewelers who made personalized watches. They had some rich way of glittering on the flirting wrists, but her personality sparkled in a way that was not needed for such luxurious fashions.

It was the other women whose fashions grew in vain, and Lady Alysanna's whose fashion kept cheerful and steady. It was natural at most and exemplified the parts of her most women cared to hide with disguises and other masquerades, “Walter, don't squirm so much. You make hav...” He stopped himself, unable to finish his sentence. It was not every day that Walter was able to see Lord Christopher, and seeing Lord Christopher meant that Lady Alyssana was about. He felt like a spoiled rich kid, again, grasping at straws on how to connect with the people around him, “You might spill your tea.”

Walter's whimsical mess was disastrous all the more as he sat panting in the back of his mind at some joke he could barely remember. His hand messed with one of his wrist watches, “Of course, I'm just so excited.” His excitement was a flaw, and it would probably be the death of him as it drained his energy as he aged. However, the sin was merely a missed mark he could not afford to correct. A chloroform perfume of sorts might be myth to help. “Thank you for joining us, Chris and Alyssana, especially, a-after this afternoon. It is such a pleasure.”
I like @Briza.
𝓐 quiet perfume from the orchard,

𝓪pple blossom and acacia. . .

Of course, the answer was right there. The words were neatly and nicely pressed and typed across the pages of the almanac. Finnegan smirked, preoccupied with his own selfish endeavors and was unable to properly see the one that was in so badly need of assessment.

Meanwhile, Lady Alysanna straightened herself, assessing her clothes intuitively. Their simplicity fell without any derangement as did her hair. She was simple, and her simplicity made finding the exact things that he needed in life much easier. He was always concerned, as was part of his business, mind you, about the frivolous parts of life. He watched lazily as she began to pace the room back-and-forth, but he still kept his posture. Eventually, though, he slid into his chair again.

The maroon cushion was velvet beneath him, and the arms were styled with a lion head carved in wood. The style was a 1600's wing chair, and was not very popular in appearance, but the uniqueness caught Finnegan's eye once while at an antique shop. It was the 1720's that had intrigued the audience when the wing chair became popular. Nonetheless, this particular chair commanded its own respect amongst the other chairs that remained in the study.

His thumb fiddled with his ring finger as he allowed Lady Alyssana to take the lead. Her impassableness was why he had chosen her to help him with the case. Why, he had thought of simply (not the simply that was used earlier in this commentary) to bide his time easily with Walter, but Walter, as everyone knows could not even stomach a trip to Madame Sophronia's Papillon Tea Room. Everything was too sporadic for Walter. The man could barely find his way to his breakfast in the morning. He felt for his younger brother, but it was clearly an obvious implication of hi travesties when dealing with reality.

“I say, let us get some Tea and head to the Library,” he could make two winks with the same eye ad gesture. Lady Alysanna also ignored his question of wanting any refreshment. She was someone who could easily get caught in her studies, as she was now, and even if she had only arrived half an hour earlier from the shenanigans that had prescribed themselves already, he felt she needed a true break, “It is about tea time, after all.” After a small time he added, “Perhaps, Christopher and Walter would care to join us.”

. . . 𝓓ead men float.
𝓛ast night. 𝓘t was glorious, ecstatic. . .
The green button with a plus sign has been pressed.
I'm game either way.
Boeing Hello Kitty F-15s initiating hostile takeovers for joint business partners Sanrio and Disney does sound a fair bit awkward like an Harley Quinn-esque nightmare.

I do really like Mentholatum, though and want to research utilitarianism, positivism, and commercialism in relation to the corporation in game. All the absurdism seems a bit clearer with the buiness-y stuff when using in-real life encounters.
I'll take The Mentholatum Company, Inc./Rhoto Pharneceutical Co., Ltd. until further notice.
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