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Four days ago feels like forever ago.
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Houston, I need more Sailor Moon vs Queen Beryl jokes, rn.
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Harisutosu Fukkatsu! ✨🥂
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Just a friendly reminder that Hugo Ball wearing lobster fisty cuffs while reciting Dada poetry was a thing.
8 mos ago
I thought the coal was for lighting incense.
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Alright, not Ryan, so here's Roune One:


T I M E : Sunset
L O C A T I O N : Hinode Wild Birds Sanctuary Nature Park
I N T E R A C T I O N S: None
M E N T I O N S: None

Screaming as she fell for the ground, Ryan’s legs crumpled. Her body collapsed, and her cheek scraped against the hard dirt. She knew she was breathing rapidly, but she could not feel it through all the pain.

Slowly, Ryan pushed her body upwards, only to collapse, scraping her face against the ground again. She tasted blood. A small moan escaped her lips as raspy breaths beaded in-and-out of her. “T…” she looked to her left. The traces of where Terriermon had been were prevalent. “Terrier…mon,” she mouthed. Tears swelled in her eyes. She closed them as they ran down her dirty heeks.

“I’m still here, Ryan.”

Ryan’s eyes shot open. Terriermon? Her breaths increased as she tried to move. Had he survived?

“Don’t move, Ryan. You’re badly injured. I’d never let anyone kill you.” A small light of pixels glowed by Ryan’s chest. It had a unique warmness that made the pains of breathing feel less stressful

“Terrier… mon?” She spoke with a barely audible voice. “Is th-at… you?”

“I swore to protect you, Ryan. I’m sorry. I put us in danger. It’s all my fault, and now, we only have one choice if both of us want to make it out of this alive. We have to make a contract.” The glowing pixels moved with the voice of Terriermon.

“It is… you,” Ryan made a weak smile, as more tears trickled down her cheeks. “You… you’re alive.”

“For now, in this form. But we’re both going to die if we don’t make a contract.” Terriermon warned her. “It’s your choice Ryan. I would never tell you to do something like this if it was a bad idea. But, it’s up to you. I’ll do whatever you want, Ryan.”

“A con… tract?” Ryan’s smile continued to delicately remain traced on her lips. “Just as long as you’re okay… Terrier… mon.” She could barely focus anymore from the pain. Her body ached all over, and her head was throbbing.

“Thank you, Ryan,” the glow spread its form and merged into Ryan’s body. The pixels disappeared as they entered her.

“Contract initiated.”

L O C A T I O N : G U E S T H O U S E / D A N R O S E E N T R A N C E H A L L
I N T E R A C T I O N S : P R I N C E F E L I X
M E N T I O N S : L A D Y S M I T H W O O D , L O R D S M I T H W O O D , R I O N A

“Yes, of course, Prince Felix,” Mathilda made a small bow. She felt her dark hair brush against her cheeks. She cupped her hands, one in front of the other and politely placed them right below her waist. The note he had given her was held securely there.

When she lookedupwards, she felt embarrassed and shy. He held a strong gaze over her. He looked better than in the description she was given to memorize all the guests, and his mannerisms were more influential than the brief summary of him she had read. She felt quite intimidated by him and could feel her cheeks flushing as he instructed her. However, Mathilda managed to keep her composure.

Once more, she bowed before the prince. “Lady Smithwood will have her message in a prompt manner.” She gave him a small smile of proper etiquette, and accepted his gratitude.

When she turned from him, she pushed herself to not turn and try another glance. All the royals seemed so strikingly beautiful. It was no wonder they were royalty.

The skirt of her dress swished against her legs as she quickly made her way towards wherever Lady Smithwood could be. She scurried forward, mentioning her task to a passing staff member. He commented that Lady was not seen in her guest room, which seemed to match the description of most of the nobles.

She wished to treat this as an urgent message, as practice for any future occasion. Seconds seemed to always slip away so quickly when she ran errands. She had very little time to waste, then. Was Lady Smithwood enjoying a pancake breakfast?

Mathilda bit softly on her lower lip, eyeing several staff members who may know better than her. She quietly entered the Danrose Castle for better speculations and to her surprise, she saw a plethora of nobles gathered together. It seemed as if the event was over, and they were all taking their leave. Why hadn’t she been told about this?

Mathilda looked through the nobles, seeing if Lady Smithwood was amongst them. Instead, near the foyer, she saw Riona speaking with Lord Smithwood. Riona!

Riona was fluent in the happenings of the Castle. She had worked alongside Mathilda’s parents for a decade and might as well have known them better than she did. They had taken Riona as their own, and Mathilda saw her as an older sister. Both women had differing views of their staff duties, but Mathilda usually turned a blind eye on Riona’s accusations. She knew it would upset her parents to think in such a way.

Carefully, Mathilda approached Riona and Lord Smithwood, not wanting to intrude on their conversation. She was careful that her shoes did not make any noise as they touched the ground. The note was held neatly in her hands, still cupped in front and by her waist.

What was Riona saying?

She could hardly believe what she was hearing. Riona was using unspeakable language to not just a guest but a noble. Her hands raised a little as her eyes looked away. Mathilda knew Riona had been in trouble several times since she started her work as a maid, and now she knew why. Lord Smithwood might surely report her behavior or worse —frown upon the Danrose kingdom!

The younger maid took several steps backwards. She had never heard a maid talk with such ferocity. Of course, it had to be from Riona. Mathilda let out a small breath, having noticed she was holding hers all along. Riona still might help her, but she would rather the other maid not know what she had just witnessed.

Quickly, she turned through the foyer and decided to wait a little bit away before attempting to approach Riona. It felt awkward adjusting herself like this, making inadequate steps. However, she still smiled at several of the nobles passing by, keeping her cheerful demeanor. There was something unsettling about the expressions on all of their faces. Were they not enjoying themselves?

Her lips pressed together as she contemplated everything. Something must have happened. She wanted to scurry away and tend to other duties, as she did have other things to busy herself. But, she stayed put and watched Riona and Lord Smithwood. He looked so bold and intimidating. Hopefully, he would be lenient on Riona. Mathilda knew she only meant well.
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