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Current Look, I can only take so much Lebanese music.
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Houston, I need more Sailor Moon vs Queen Beryl jokes, rn.
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Harisutosu Fukkatsu! ✨🥂
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Just a friendly reminder that Hugo Ball wearing lobster fisty cuffs while reciting Dada poetry was a thing.


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In Book Quotes 4 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
The man wearing blessed, God-given mourning like a wedding garment gets to know the spiritual laughter of the soul.

— John Climacus, The Ladder of Divine Ascent

I am a really boring person.
I value boredom.
In Book Quotes 5 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
There is a humble creativity in performing ordinary tasks like making the bed or folding clothes—jobs that must be done day after monotonous day and that fail to amount to anything momentous in the end. Yet such tasks are intensely creational—they bring a new layer of order and beauty into the world we inhabit.

I’ve always found it touching that after Christ had risen from the grave, He apparently stopped to fold the grave cloth that covered His head (John 20:7).

— Nicole M. Roccas, Time and Despondency

In Avalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Seaside Park, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe, @Conscripts
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

Rowan nodded to Barrock. He was thankful the orc was consistent with his understanding. He felt he should not be surprised that the ogre had not simply left them yet, but it appeared, he still was.

Rowan had lived a long time, longer than most creatures in Avalia. While something’s did change, he saw other patterns that remained constant. The orcs’ characters were part of the stable flow. However, as Aurora often reminded him, even when they were young, to never underestimate the goodness of any creature.

Of course, he wanted to honor what Aurora had told him, but he was a soldier. There were things — ruthless, horrid things — he had seen. When murder meant victory, as is true for any creature, wise or unwise, it is with great difficulty to have such a pure and clean perspective about the world. For this reason, he felt even more hindered by his protective nature for his dear sister. She would never truly know what Barrock and he had seen. In some ways, it was a blessing, but in others, it was a curse.

His frown settled deeply on his mouth. He kept his hand on his sister’s back. Gingerly, his fingers appreciated themselves against her arch. “Hmm. I see,” a sigh emitted from him. He was trying to hide his despondency, and it came with a heavy breath of self-restrained wrath.

Elven eyes slanted towards Vasco. The human body made a small stir. “We have already lost one. Losing another would be inevitably even more of a setback.” He closed his eyes. His hand stopped rubbing Aurora’s back and touched his temple. “Tempting fate is never a wise decision.”

“Love…” Aurora said almost inaudibly. “… is watching someone die.” These words had changed meaning to her, now. In some ways, they had grown richer, but in other ways, they had become more impossible to grasp. The dark mystery that taunted her endlessly, had grown into a greater abyss.

Rowan was about to reply to his sister, when Vasco interjected. “We were wondering when you would awaken.” His silver eyes pierced at Vasco’s smugness. The Light Elf despised Vasco’s wanton nature. He believed that Zara would have respected their state of affairs. Humans were difficult creatures, and he could not help but despise them. “So, tell us. Where were you last night?”

Aurora bit her bottom lip and took a glimpse at Vasco. They had found him a dreadful state. Maybe this was too strenuous of a task for him. As tough as he wanted to present himself, he was just as fragile as Zara. “We are so relieved you are well, Vasco.” She forced a smile through the tears. His light was different than Zara’s, but it was still just as bright. In the midst of the darkness, at least, there was one more star of hope. “We were worried about you.”

A small twitch flicked on Rowan’s eyebrow as his sister spoke. He could feel the same tension on his frown, lingering into a disdainful smile.
Hello Kitty and Friends Supercute Adventures


Also, my daughter and I are hoping My Sweet Piano will have an actual speaking part in one of the future episodes. 🤞🏻

Banned because sharing is caring.
Banned for judging me. >;( #rude
In Book Quotes 5 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
“No, unfortunately, in my case, all that energy was wasted on other things.”
“What other things?”

“On my friends. I had some very close friends, but as it turned out they weren't the sort you could play baseball or kick-the-can with. In fact, playing with them didn't involve moving at all.”

“Were your friends sick?”

“Just the opposite. They were big and strong as a rock. But since they lived in my head, I could only play with them there…”

It was a melodramatic sort of anger.

"A problem has a rhythm of its own, just like a piece of music," the Professor said. "Once you get the rhythm, you get the sense of the problem as a whole, and you can see where the traps might be waiting."

Among the many things that made the Professor an excellent teacher was the fact that he wasn't afraid to say "we don't know." For the Professor, there was no shame in admitting you didn't have the answer, it was a necessary step toward the truth. It was as important to teach us about the unknown or the unknowable as it was to teach us what had already been safely proven.

— Yōko Ogawa, The Housekeeper and the Professor

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