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6 days ago
Current I dyed my hair bubblegum pink. I feel like a pretty Sailor Guardian, now. (°◡°♡)
18 days ago
Entering my first round of Immersion Therapy. Wish me luck! 🍀
22 days ago
Today was genuinely a good day. Nothing special happened, but it reminded me what it was like to have a good day by simply being what it is. I forgot what this felt like. Here’s to the future.
1 mo ago
Last night, I had a dream where I was having a hard time piecing together all the Brio tracks for my toddler. Tough times, man. Better luck tonight, hopefully. 🚂
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1 mo ago
I was stressed the electricity would go out this week; but it didn’t. So, here’s to getting caught up on all the laundry preemptively. 🍷

Most Recent Posts

Thnx, guys.
I’ll ummm… yesterday’s posting goal might have to wait until tomorrow.
In Avalia 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Lodge, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

Aurora’s mouth tensed when she heard Barrock speak. The grinding of his teeth caused her to clench her own fists in humiliation. “O… of course,” Her head hung lowly. She could feel the tears swelling up, again, and she wanted to ask for the flask. The coldness that had been causing her so much pain kept clawing at her. She wanted it subdued.

“I… I am so sorry,” she shook her head gently. Milky eyes closed and embraced the darkness she alway knew but never seemed to recognize until now. “You’ve gone through so much; lost so much more than I can see.” She forced a smile, melancholy as it was. “You have been nothing but helpful and kind to us. You are a dear friend. I would hate to lose you. And, your pain is out to carry, as well.”

She wasn’t unsure why she was saying all this. She could not even carry her own burden. Her smile crumbled again, and her shoulders shrank. Words began spilling from her lips. She was not sure why. She wanted to talk about Barrock, not herself. Yet, she could not assuage her selfish desires. What was becoming of her?

“Zara was there. She filled me with so much hope and happiness. And then, when she left, there seems to be a darkness. It’s… the darkness, that is, I have always seen it and known it. However, I have never thought anything of it. Never has it made me feel so…” her teeth but down upon her tender frown. “Isolated, alone… I am so sorry!” The tears began wetting her cheeks again.

The poor Light Elf felt horrible. Here was an orc all on his own, with his very own story, and she was so weak, unable to hold any nobility in her sense of self. “I am so sorry… y-you’re so strong and courageous compares to all of us.” She manages to say through tears, hoping her truthful compliment would alleviate her horrible attitude.[

Aurora leaned into him, covering her face with her hands. Where she fell into him, she could not see. “I wish I could be like you…” Why was she acting like this? Everything seemed so new and different and familiar. She wished Rowan was with her.
@Sky Blue, I feel you! I have a 10 month old and a two year old. I haven’t had a proper night sleep in years, and I am also avid fan of co-sleeping. (Positive scientific sources agree with the results I am getting out of it versus my country’s negative social norms on the arrangement.) Needless to say, my executive functioning has seen better days, but my fulfillment out of life has improved greatly.

Also, I want more babies! But, they’re kind of expensive, and we’re running out of room — you know, having five and all plus two super cuddly kitties.
I probably won’t get a post out until tomorrow.
@Thayr, I’ll change that. 🫠 I was being hasty and lazy. I wanna say, “Oh dear me! How embarrassing!” But, maybe I am too cheeky for that.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Minerva McGonagall
(Order of Merlin, First Class, International Confed. of Wizards, Supr. Cmdr. of the Staffroom Cookie Jar)

Dear Ms. Seraphima Evelynne Rose,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been awarded the Professorship of Magical Theory at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your theories have been widely accepted by the wisest on the subject. No less, it would be a great honor for the students at Hogwarts to study under your


“I’ll have my lunch, here in the classroom...” Seraphima was still looking at the vacant room. Her head was slightly tilted to a side, rearranging everything by imagination before flicking her wrist, hand, and wand with a little magic.

It wasn’t that she wished to treat the poor House Elf dismissively. She just happened to be so lost in thought and wonder that any unfortunate soul who walked in on her was no doubt going to get the exact same treatment. In other words, she was treating the House Elf with an equal amount of respect as she would have of any other creature.

Her lips pursed together as she contemplated exactly how she would go about this. Her thoughts on Magical Theory were a bit radical, some would say, and she did not want to lose any respect because of it. Her third book was to be more accessible to the mature minded, and she needed to stress the right learning environment for her studies of the book’s teachings.

First impressions were very important, and she had three days left to configure everything. If her wish was to be organized, then she was not adhering to her objective. This was proving quite the obstacle. She was finding that putting together a book made much more sense than formulating interior design layouts.

Perhaps, she needed a second opinion.

“On second thought, I would make better to have lunch in the hall.” Her eyes shifted and her head turned towards the House Elf, gingerly lingering nearby, about to take her leave. Seraphima’s smile grew friendlier at the sight of the humble creature. “Thank you so very much for the invitation.”

Surely, not all the professors would be as boring as they had been when they were students. She remembered this about Hogwarts professors, and with that, their heads must have been screwed on straight to get an offer here. At least, one lucky duck would be able to assist her. Although, this was her class and asking for help may, well, come off as a bit weak.

It was too late, now.

Perhaps, she just needed a change of scenery. Yes, that’s it.
Brb, gunna get a post soon!
Not quite, it’s a motorcycle for Goldbug.
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